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PUC Certificate for Car

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 16/08/2023

The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 has mandated all vehicles to have a PUC or Pollution Under Control Certificate. Hence, when you purchase a car in India, you are mandatorily required to have a driving licence, Registration Certificate of the car, insurance for 4 wheeler, and a valid Pollution Under Control or PUC Certificate. While driving on Indian roads, you can be asked to present these documents to a traffic officer at any time. Therefore, you cannot legally drive a car in India without a valid PUC Certificate.

What is a Pollution Under Control Certificate?

Air pollution is a growing problem in India. Every year, the government takes various measures to maintain breathable air quality across the country. In India, with the rising levels of income and falling prices of vehicles, the number of two-wheelers and four-wheelers on the roads is increasing with every passing year. Also, vehicle emissions are one of the biggest contributors to air pollution in the country.

To keep vehicular pollution in check, the Indian Government made it mandatory for all vehicles to get their emission levels checked. If the carbon emissions from a vehicle are more than the accepted norms, then it cannot be driven on Indian roads. Every vehicle that passes the emission test is issued a Pollution Under Control or PUC Certificate.

What if I don’t Have a PUC Certificate for My Vehicle?

It is legally mandatory to have a PUC Certificate. If you are found driving without one, then you might have to pay a fine of Rs.1000 for the first-time offence and Rs.2000 for subsequent offences. Even if you have a pollution certificate, but it is past its validity date, you will have to pay the fine.

Further, a PUC Certificate is an essential document for purchasing a car insurance policy. In fact, the insurer may reject your application if you try to renew your insurance for four wheeler without a valid pollution certificate for the car.

Who Issues a PUC Certificate?

A Pollution Under Control certificate is issued by authorised pollution testing centres. These centres test a vehicle’s emissions and issue a certificate only if they are within the norms prescribed by the government. The following information is displayed on a PUC Certificate:

  • Serial Number entered by the testing centre
  • Registration number of the vehicle
  • The date of issue and date of expiry of the certificate
  • The result of the emission test
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