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Types of Driving License In India

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 30/05/2024

In India, a driving licence is authorised, and legal paperwork serves as permission to drive a specific kind of automobile on public highways. Driving licences are available for four-wheelers, two-wheelers, and larger automobiles such as trucks and buses. Driving on Indian roads without an Indian driving licence is a punishable offence.

If you are found driving without your licence, you could have to face large fines, and in certain cases, you could also lose your licence. Therefore, the need for an Indian driving licence is enforced in the country to increase the safety of the people on the roads. In addition, having a licence proves that you can drive and are on the roads only after proper training.

This indicates that you are familiar with traffic laws, rules, and regulations, particularly those about your vehicle and driving licence and that you are aware of specific violations that can result in your licence being withdrawn or cancelled. You need to be 18 years of age to obtain an Indian driving licence and operate a motor vehicle on Indian roads. Unauthorised driving is a severe violation, and if caught behind the wheel of a car while being underage, your guardians will be held responsible.

Just as we cannot be on the road without a driver’s licence, in the same way, we cannot be driving our car without valid car insurance. If you are found driving without your insurance of a four-wheeler, the penalties are the same as driving without a driver’s licence. Thus, you must ensure that you have your four-wheeler insurance with you at all times. Remember that your car insurance will come to your aid if things go wrong while on the road, so choose the right provider to get your car insurance.

Tata AIG offers different types of car insurance policies that you may be interested in. Our comprehensive car insurance policies are customisable, so you may create a plan that suits you best. Further, we offer you a large network of cashless garages around the country, so you never have to be stranded anywhere should you need help. Moreover, you can compare our car insurance policies and choose the right fit.
Now, let us turn our attention back to the different types of driving licences in India.

Types of Driving Licences in India

There are various types of licences that the Indian government recognises, and if you are driving with any one of these, you will not be in any kind of problem.

  • Learner’s Licence- The user is awarded a driver's permit or learner's licence before receiving a permanent licence from government officials. The Road Transport Authority recognises this permit. The licence's term is identical in all states, namely six months. It is the time allotted to a person to improve their driving abilities.
    The government expects the driver to study how to drive effectively throughout this time constraint. The trainee is supposed to be escorted by an experienced adult driver. Driving without the presence of an experienced driver could be a punishable offence. Also, you need to have this permit before you can try setting your hand in your personal vehicle. Therefore, this is one of the important types of driving licence in India.

  • Official Licence- Another type of licence is this licence is given to the driver once the 6-month interim licence permit period has ended. The RTO then grants the driver with a permanent licence. To receive this sort of licence, the applicant must be at least 18 years old and pass an RTO-conducted driving test to receive this sort of licence. This licence is for personal cars, motorcycles, and similar light vehicles.

  • Commercial Licence- This type of licence allows the driver to operate large vehicles. Passenger commodities delivery vehicles, such as trucks, maybe among these vehicles. To receive this licence, individuals must have passed their eighth-grade exam.

Professional drivers are responsible not only for their personal welfare but equally for the well-being of others while on the road. However, a commercial driver has a greater responsibility to drive safely, and this type of licence is only given to those who understand the responsibility.

  • International Driving Permit or IDP- You can hire and use a car in a different country with an international driving permit. However, you must also hold a permanent licence to obtain this licence. Therefore, you won't be able to apply for an overseas driving permit if you only have a learner's licence.

Furthermore, this form of licence is only effective for a year, following which you must submit a new application. So, fill out Form 4 at your RTO or get it online to acquire an IDP in India in 4-5 working days. Also, there is a supplementary driving exam to pass and a cost to pay before acquiring your IDP.

What is LMV in Driving Licence?

The LMV’s full form is Light Motor Vehicle. A light motor vehicle means a vehicle that is to be used for private purposes like a car or a jeep. If you wonder what is LMV in a driving licence, it means you are only permitted to drive your personal vehicle like a car or bike and cannot drive commercial vehicles like a truck or bus.

Eligibility for a Driving Licence

There are different eligibility criteria for people driving different types of vehicles. If you are not driving commercial vehicles, knowing LMV and MCWG is enough. As said above, the LMV full form is a light motor vehicle, and a light motor vehicle means a personal four-wheeler like a car or jeep. MCWG full form is a motorcycle with gear. MCWG vehicle type includes bikes both with and without gear. A driver must be literate, an adult, and of sound mind and body to drive such vehicles.


Hopefully, you have understood the four main types of licences and what they do, and about LMV and MCWG full form and MCWG vehicle types, among other things. Remember, driving without your licence is a punishable offence, and you should never be caught driving without one. Also, remember that when you are getting your licence, do not forget your car insurance policy for driving without that is also an offence.

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