COVID Vaccine Side Effects: Covishield/Covaxin/Sputnik V Side Effects

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 31/05/2022

Globally, the coronavirus pandemic led to a widespread health crisis, lockdowns, social distancing and sanitisation protocols, economic downturns and general panic. However, the development of the Covid-19 vaccines provided much-needed hope.

In February 2020, scientists across the world started working on developing a vaccine for the virus. The Indian Government approved two vaccines in 2020 for emergency use - Covaxin and Covishield. A third vaccine - Sputnik V - was approved for use in April 2021.

These vaccines have proven to be a major weapon in the fight against the pandemic. And while all the major vaccines have been extensively tested and deemed safe for use, you may experience some common side effects of the Covid vaccine, such as mild fever, injection, etc.

Let us understand the coronavirus vaccine side effects and how to manage them.

Side-Effects of the Covid Vaccines in India

Here is the list of the Covishield side effects, Covaxin side effects, and Sputnik vaccine side effects.

  • Covishield Side Effects

  • Common vaccine side effects: Pain and swelling at the injection site, fatigue, nausea, fever, chills, headache, joint pain and muscle aches.

  • There have been some rare instances where Covishield recipients have developed blood clots. However, a clear and definite link between the side effect and vaccine has not been determined yet.

  • **Covaxin Side Effects **

  • Common vaccine side effects: Pain and swelling at the site of the injection, headache, fatigue, rashes, fever, nausea, vomiting, cough, cold and abdominal pain.

  • There have been some rare cases of swelling of the throat and face and difficulty in breathing.

  • There is only a slight difference between the Covaxin and Covishield side effects.

  • Sputnik Vaccine Side Effects

  • Common vaccine side effects: Soreness at the injection site, slight fever and fatigue.

  • There have been some instances of high blood pressure, muscle weakness, headaches, difficulties in breathing and convulsions.

What are the General Side Effects of the Covid Vaccine?

Similar to other vaccinations and flu shots, the administration of the Covid-19 vaccines also leads to some vaccine side effects.

However, remember that the coronavirus vaccine side effects do not mean that you are sick or unwell. It just means that your body is working on the immune system to make it stronger to fight off the coronavirus infection. The vaccine side effects will last for a day or two after the vaccination and will subside and go away gradually.
Here’s a list of the common side effects of the Covid vaccine that are generally common across all brands of the vaccine.

  • Pain at the site of the injection: There is pain, soreness and swelling at the injection site. Sometimes, the entire arm (generally the left arm) might pain after the injection.
  • Chills: Covid vaccine side effects also include cold shivers even in a hot or mild temperature. This is sometimes a precursor to fever.
  • Fever: A mild fever after vaccination is one of the most common side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine.
  • Joint pain: One or more of your joints may start paining after the vaccination.
  • Muscle pain: Muscle soreness and aches are common coronavirus vaccine side effects.
  • Nausea and vomiting: You might feel some queasiness and discomfort in your stomach and a general vomiting sensation.
  • Headache: Another common side effect of the Covid vaccine is a mild to moderate headache accompanied by dizziness.

For some people, the vaccine side effects are more severe after the first vaccine, while for others, it is after the second vaccine.

The coronavirus vaccine side effects are also felt after the booster dose. The Government of India opened precaution dose or booster dose for all vaccinated adults from 10th April 2022. Most people who have taken the booster dose are also feeling the same side effects as with the first two doses.

What to do When You Experience Coronavirus Vaccine Side-Effects?

When you receive your vaccination, the health care workers and support staff at the vaccination centre ask you to stay at the centre for at least 30 minutes. This allows them to monitor you for any major vaccine side effects, such as fainting, vomiting, severe rashes, allergies, etc.

If you feel better after 30-45 minutes, you are experiencing the common side effects that may develop over the next few hours. The common vaccine side effects that we discussed above are the body’s natural reaction to any vaccination. The immune system is building itself up against the Covid-19 infection, which leads to side effects.

However, if the pain and soreness at the injection site increase after a day or don’t subside after 2-3 days and if the other side effects also persist for more than a few days, get in touch with a doctor immediately.

Ways to Manage the Covid-19 Vaccine Side-Effects?

Here are a few ways in which you can manage the side effects of the Covid vaccine:

  • In case of joint pain, muscle aches, severe headaches or fever after vaccination, you can take the prescribed painkiller, such as paracetamol.
  • To combat any major nausea, dizziness, queasiness and headaches, drink plenty of fluids.
  • For pain and soreness at the injection site, use a clean cloth soaked in hot water and gently apply it to the affected area. Do not apply ice to the site directly.

Avoid taking any pain medications before the vaccination in the hopes of avoiding the side effects. Unfortunately, there are no clear records of how such medications interact with the vaccine.

Sometimes, the vaccine side effects might require you to rest and recuperate, just like a normal fever and body ache. However, the symptoms subside in a few days.

Side effects are a clear sign that the vaccine is helping build your immunity. However, the absence of any symptoms does not mean the vaccines are ineffective.

Everybody is different and will react differently to the vaccine. In case of any doubts, you can get them clarified by your doctor or the healthcare workers at the vaccine center.

Protection Against Covid-19 Treatment Expenses with Health Insurance

While it is important to get the vaccination to build immunity against the virus, it is equally important to buy a health insurance policy as protection against the Covid-19 related healthcare expenses. Vaccines build your immunity against the virus, but you can still get infected. The symptoms will be milder; however, you might have to get hospitalised, especially in case of pre-existing morbidities and old age.

A medical insurance plan covers the treatment and hospitalisation expenses incurred by the insured members of the policy. In recent times, health insurance providers have extended the benefits of health insurance to cover Covid-19 hospitalisation and treatment expenses.

If you are looking to buy a comprehensive health insurance policy for all-around protection, check out the Medicare range of medical insurance plans from Tata AIG. For more information, get in touch with us today.

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