Mint Leaves: Various Health Benefits

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 25/05/2023

Mint leaves, commonly known as Pudina, is a herb that is consumed in different forms. Not only does it have a rich flavour, it also comes with a host of benefits. With the summers almost hitting parts of India, there will be numerous stalls around the streets selling pudina juice. So, before you order yourself one to quench your thirst, you may also list down the benefits of mint.

So, here is a blog that will talk about the benefits of mint leaves. Keep reading to know more.

Health Benefits of Pudina Leaves

There is hardly any Indian who has not tasted Pudina or mint leaves. Mint leaves are extremely popular in two forms — as a mint juice and or a mint chutney. While everyone will agree that a dash of pudina chutney add a blast of flavours to our foods, it is time you also educate yourself about pudina health benefits.

Here is a list of 8 health benefits of mint leaves —

1.Improves Digestion

Mint leaves can stimulate digestive enzymes, which is why these are widely known as great appetisers. If you regularly drink fresh mint juice, it can improve your digestion. Besides, mint oil is also used for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. As for its methanol content, it acts as an antispasmodic remedy.

2. Rich in Nutrients

Fresh mint leaves are rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants. They also contain vitamin A, B-complex, vitamin C, calcium, and phosphorus. Fresh mint leaves have antibacterial properties that can help you treat minor infections. Taking mint leaves for health is also beneficial for these leaves are rich sources of iron, manganese, and potassium, which improves haemoglobin levels and improves brain function. Since pudina or mint leaves have very low calories, you can easily include them in your weight loss diet. It will definitely add to the taste without adding any weight.

3. Mint Leaves Can Improve Oral Hygiene

Now, this is probably the most known use of mint leaves. Whenever we feel our breath stinks, the first thing we do is chew a mint flavoured chewing gum. Fresh pudina or mint leaves have germicidal properties that can instantly freshen your breath. So, the next time you eat raw onions in salad or a garlic soup, get a few mint leaves to chew on if you have access to them. Fresh leaves are far better than any mint-flavoured chewing gums because the latter contain plenty of sugar.

4. Mint Leaves Help Reduce Stress & Depression

Mint leaves are aromatic and, therefore, are an essential part of aromatherapy. Since it has a strong and refreshing fragrance, inhaling the aroma of mint leaves can alleviate your mood, reducing stress and depression. So, if you are feeling a little low at the end of a hard day, put a few fresh pudina or mint leaves in your tea, and drink it. It will help you feel fresh and better. In some cases, people prefer taking a mint bath for immediate relief from depression and stress.

5. Mint Leaves Can Give You Relief from Cold

Have you ever tried taking a nasal vaporiser to decongest your nasal passage? If the answer is yes, then you probably have also noticed that the dominant smell of the medicine is menthol or peppermint. It is widely believed that menthol is an effective nasal decongestant and it can improve breathing.

Although there are not many reports backing the decongesting properties of menthol, some research suggests that it can subjectively improve nasal breathing. So, if you have a blocked nose, try taking mint tea. It may help.

6. Pudina Leaves in Skincare

From ancient days, pudina leaves have been used in treating skin related problems like scars, acne, and minor skin infections. Mint leaves have some antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties which lower the inflammation and redness caused by acne outbursts.

Further, mint leaves contain vitamin A and salicylic acid that can regulate the sebum secretion on facial skin. As a result, your skin will appear less oily and will be less prone to developing acne. So, the next time you use a skin product, and you smell menthol or peppermint in it, you can rest assured that the product contains mint.

7. Mint Leaves in Hair Treatment

Mint leaves extract contains carotene and antioxidants — two key components that help promote hair growth. They also prevent hair falls. And because of the antimicrobial and antifungal properties of mint leaves, these are used in treating dandruff and head lice.

If you are facing dandruff problems, make a paste of pudina leaves, mix some lemon juice with it, and apply the paste to your scalp. Keep it for about 30 minutes and rinse it with cold water.

8. Mint Leaves May Decrease Breastfeeding Pain

One of the lesser-known health benefits of mint leaves is that it decreases breastfeeding sores. New mothers, during their breastfeeding period, experience sore and cracked nipples. As a result, the area becomes extremely sensitive and can make the breastfeeding process quite uncomfortable.

Most commonly, mothers apply mint essential oil to the area around the nipple after breastfeeding. It mitigates the chances of cracked and sore nipples to a great extent.

[Note: Using mint or pudina is not a professional medication suggestion. If you have a serious cold or infection, you should consult a doctor. What we strongly suggest for you is that you buy health insurance online. Because if you need hospitalisation for any reason, you can receive financial help to cover the expenses. You may also read our blog on the benefits of health insurance to get a better idea about health insurance policies.]


Mint or Pudina is a gift from nature to humanity. It smells good, enhances the taste of food, and also offers a bunch of health benefits. While in the form of chutney, it can replace ketchup as a healthier alternative. However, its health benefits are complementary, and should not be relied on in case of major health issues.

For example, if you are facing any of the above-mentioned health issues, it is better to see a doctor than solely relying on remedies using mint leaves. Here we would like to emphasise on having an active health insurance policy so that you do not face any financial challenges in case you need hospitalisation.

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