Secure Health Insurance

Secure Health Insurance

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  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 06/02/2023

Lymphocytes, more commonly known as white blood cells, are part of the intricate network of immune cells that make up the immune system. Together, these cells protect the body from outside agents that could endanger its health, such as bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells. Lymphocytes assist the body in battling illness and infection. Between 1,000 and 4,800 lymphocytes per microliter (L) of blood is considered the lymphocytes normal range for an adult.

There are three types of lymphocytes — B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, and natural killer cells. All of these cells help protect your body from infection. B lymphocytes (B cells) produce antibodies, and T lymphocytes (T cells) recognise foreign substances, process them for removal and help kill tumour cells and help control immune responses.

The immunity level of the human body does not stay high all the time. Sometimes, it lowers its shield, and we get infected with diseases. To prepare for such scenarios, the best possible care could come from health insurance.

In addition to protecting your finances, there are many benefits of health insurance. But while purchasing one, make sure you go with trusted names like Tata AIG.

With Tata AIG, you can instantly buy health insurance online to safeguard your savings while getting treated for any ailment in the future. Be sure to select a plan with a higher insured amount because many people are unable to afford the expense of treating these illnesses in private hospitals, making having high coverage advantageous. You can feel secure knowing that your money won't be depleted in an emergency thanks to this type of medical insurance plan.

Lymphocytes and Their Functions

White blood cells of the lymphocyte type are immune cells. The body's defences against illness and disease are carried out by the cells. Each white blood cell serves a specific purpose, and when combined, they form the immune system. Your bone marrow is where lymphocytes are created, and they are located in your blood and lymph tissues.

The amount of lymphocyte cells required to maintain bodily health is not fixed. This is due to the fact that a person's normal lymphocyte count might vary depending on their ethnicity, gender, geography, and lifestyle choices.

Here are a few functions –

  • Your body's defences against illness, infections, and health risks are provided by lymphocytes. Your bone marrow is where lymphocytes are created, and they spread throughout your entire body.
  • T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes are the two main subtypes of lymphocytes. The T lymphocytes immediately combat the germs that infect your body, while the B lymphocytes manufacture antibodies to fight them.
  • Your lymphocytes are able to recall the immune system's antigen that was created to combat a virus, bacteria, or microbe. Then, these lymphocyte cells respond instantly with the aid of memory cells when they come into contact with the same antigen for the second time.

Lymphocyte Types

There are three types of lymphocyte cells in the body –

  • Helper T Cells

T helper cells, also referred to as CD4+ cells, resemble cytotoxic cells but are capable of a variety of jobs. These cells are essential for cell immunity because the bulk of adaptive immune responses rely on them.

Antigens must be present for T helper cells to become activated, and they can differentiate into many cell subtypes. Helper T cells multiply and produce cytokines when they are activated, luring macrophages and cytotoxic T cells to the infection site.

  • Cytotoxic T Cells

Most of the time, dangerous or target cells are eliminated by cytotoxic T cells, commonly referred to as CD8+ cells. Once they are identified, their primary purpose is to promote apoptosis, which kills bacteria, tumour fragments, and virally-infected cells, including cancer cells.
A process known as apoptosis results in the destruction of the cell's internal organelles, which causes cell death.

  • Regulatory T Cells

The last kind of effector cells are regulatory T cells. Regulatory T cells are in charge of preventing an autoimmune response once the threat has been removed.
Helper T cells and cytotoxic T cells are no longer functional when they bind to a pathogen and collaborate to remove it from the body.

How to Test Lymphocytes Count in Your Blood?

There are two ways to check lymphocytes counts in your blood:

  • Flow cytometry - It is a test that is used to locate, classify, and count certain cells; in particular, this test offers a precise cell count. We'll take blood samples from you and send them to the lab. Your blood will be suspended in a liquid by the lab technician before being transferred to a flow cytometer for additional processing. These many cells can be examined using the cytometer.

  • CBC (Complete Blood Count) - This test provides a total count of all the different blood constituents in your body. Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, haemoglobin, and hematocrit are a few of the different parts. Your blood sample will be taken by the medical staff and sent to a lab for additional analysis.

Lymphocytes Normal Value – Counts

You need to discuss with your doctor the range of counts in your blood test results after receiving the results. The results may differ because the laboratory counts the cells using various techniques. Adults have a different range for their typical lymphocytes’ normal range percentage, which is between 1000 and 4800 lymphocytes per microliter of blood. It ranges from 3000 to 9500 per microliter of blood in youngsters.

Treatment for Lymphocytes Abnormalities

Both low lymphocytes count and high lymphocytes count can be serious health concerns. A decrease in your white blood cells lymphocytes below the range of normal lymphocytes causes a low lymphocyte count (also known as lymphocytopenia). You are classified as having low lymphocytes if your lymphocyte count is lower than 1000 per microliter of blood. You are categorised as having low lymphocytes if you have less than 3000 lymphocytes per microliter, which is possible in children.

Certain blood illnesses, autoimmune diseases, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy therapies can all contribute to decreased lymphocyte counts. The reason must be identified before the low lymphocytes treatment may be administered. Your doctor will discuss the reason and complications with you after analysing your blood test results, and you will speak about the course of action that is best for you. Fever, runny nose, and cough, are a few of the low lymphocytes symptoms.

When your white blood cells (lymphocytes) grow over the normal range, this condition is known as lymphocytosis (high lymphocyte count). If an adult's blood has a lymphocyte count of 3000 cells per microliter, then it is considered that the lymphocyte count is high. It can reach 9000 lymphocytes per microliter in youngsters.

Hepatitis, HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis, and other disorders are among the causes of high lymphocyte counts. Fever, fatigue, and swelling of lymph nodes are some of the high lymphocytes symptoms. In order to go for the lymphocytes high treatment, the diagnosis is relevant. Then, the patient should see a doctor to start the treatment procedure. Follow-up blood tests are also necessary, and a series of specialised blood tests may be helpful in the long run if lymphocytosis persists.

To Sum it Up

Low lymphocyte count means weakened immunity, indicating that you are more likely to contract infections that cause minor or serious illnesses that need to be treated right away. However, with the rising prices of medical care, getting a health insurance plan is advisable to shield you from high medical expenses in an emergency.

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