Vitamin B3 Fruits and Vegetables

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 17/04/2024

Vitamin B3, Niacin, or nicotinic acid, is one of the most essential nutrients required by the human body. This vital vitamin is responsible for various bodily functions, including the growth and development of cells and the production of energy from the food we eat.

Not consuming it enough can lead to vitamin B3 deficiency, which can lead to several serious health conditions such as dementia, amnesia, etc.

Thankfully, this deficiency can be prevented by consuming vitamin B3 rich foods on a daily basis.

In this blog, we are going to list the top vitamin B3 sources you can include in your daily diet.

What is Vitamin B3?

Vitamin B3 is an essential micronutrient that aids metabolism and keeps our cells healthy and the nervous system well-functioning. Since our body does not produce it, vitamin B3 should be consumed daily through a balanced diet.

Moreover, it is a water-soluble vitamin which gets released from the body in the form of urine.

Hence, it must be replaced every day.

Signs of Vitamin B3 Deficiency

Vitamin B3 occurs when your body is not supplied with enough doses of niacin. Following are the signs that you have vitamin B3 deficiency:

Rough or textured skin

Pigmented skin rashes

Bright red tongue


Memory loss



Gastrointestinal problems (constipation, diarrhoea, vomiting)

Circulatory problems

Hallucinations (in severe cases)

What is the Daily Recommended Level of Vitamin B3?

Before discussing the sources of Vitamin B3, it is important to understand its daily recommended doses to avoid any kind of overconsumption.

The daily requirement of Vitamin B3 in men is 16mg, whereas women need around 14 mg for healthy functioning.

Top Vitamin B3 Foods: Rich Sources of Vitamin B3

If you are a non-vegetarian, there are plenty of food options that can help you meet your recommended levels of vitamin B3.

The following are the best natural sources of vitamin B3:

Liver: Animal liver is by far the best source of vitamin B3. About 85 grams of cooked liver alone can provide you with around 14 mg of vitamin B3, which is the daily recommended amount for women. Further, this food item is also rich in other vital nutrients such as protein, iron, and vitamins with B3, B6, B9, A, etc.

Chicken Breast: Chicken breast is known for being the cleanest source of protein. It is also very rich in niacin. As compared to other parts of a chicken, the breast contains the highest concentration of niacin. Note that 85 grams of boiled chicken can provide you with around 11 mg of vitamin B3, which is only a couple of milligrams less than your daily recommended intake.

Anchovies: The small, salty, and delicious fish contain high amounts of vitamin B3. Don’t be surprised if we tell you that eating a single tiny anchovy can fulfil 5% of your daily niacin intake. It means that including a pack (about 10 anchovies) in your daily diet can help you meet almost half of your daily B3 intake.

Nutritional Yeast: Nutritional yeast is quite popular among vegans. It is widely used as a replacement for dairy cheese as it imparts a similar umami taste to the dishes. It is a food item that contains very high amounts of niacin, with a single spoon providing around 39 mg. Since the niacin concentration is very high, the use of nutritional yeast should be kept accordingly.

Salmon: About 85 grams of freshly cooked salmon can meet around 60% of your daily niacin intake. It is one of the healthiest fish that you must include in your diet. Besides being one of the excellent vitamin B3 sources, salmon is also packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which are great for your heart, hair, and skin.

Brown Rice: Brown rice is a great vegetarian food source of vitamin B3. Since it is a complex carb with a low glycemic index, it doesn’t spike your blood sugar levels like white rice. By consuming a cup of cooked brown rice, you can get around 5 to 6 mg of niacin. The best part is you can pair brown rice with other vitamin B3 foods like chicken, fish, or broccoli to complete your daily niacin requirements.

Whole Wheat: Whole wheat has been consumed in India for ages. It is commonly used in the form of whole wheat flour used to make chapatis and breads. It is an excellent source of niacin and other important nutrients such as fibre, iron, and so on.

Note that niacin is present on the outer layer of wheat grains, which is known as bran. So, avoid using refined flour, which is made by completely eliminating the nutritious bran. The best possible way to include whole wheat in your diet is by using broken wheat (daliya) and whole wheat chapatis.

Best Vitamin B3 Vegetables

Don’t eat non-veg? Allergic to gluten? Don’t worry; there are plenty of vitamin B3 vegetables you can consume to prevent vitamin B3 deficiency. Some of them are as follows:

Portabella Mushrooms: These giant and flavourful mushrooms are known for their umami and meaty taste. But aside from being delicious, they also serve many health benefits. For starters, they are a rich source of vitamin B3. A single cup of nicely cooked mushrooms can provide you with 2.5 mg of vitamin B3. Not just that, mushrooms are also rich in Vitamin D.

Green Peas: Whether you are a vegetarian or vegan, green peas are a great vitamin B3 source for you. They are high in vitamin B3, fibre, and antioxidants that keep your body healthy. About a cup and a half of cooked green peas can fulfil 20% of your daily vitamin B3 requirement.

Broccoli: Broccoli is undoubtedly one of the best vitamin B3 foods vegetarians can rely on. It is one of the healthiest vegetables that is filled with not only niacin but also potassium, manganese, vitamin A and vitamin K. Further, a cup of boiled broccoli can provide you with 6% of your total niacin intake.

Potatoes: Don’t be surprised if we tell you that potatoes are one of the richest vitamin B3 vegetables. Sure, they have a reputation for being an unhealthy food due to their high carbohydrate content. But if consumed in moderation, a single baked potato can serve you with 4.2 mg of niacin.

Best Vitamin B3 Fruits

Not just your regular foods and vegetables, but you can also meet your daily vitamin B3 intake by consuming the following fruits:

Mangoes: Mango, the fruit king, is packed with niacin. In fact, it is one of the best vitamin B3 fruits that alone contributes to 7% of your daily vitamin B3 intake. Besides, it is also filled with vitamins A and C and powerful antioxidants. The best part is there are plenty of ways to include mangoes in your diet, from smoothies, salads, juice, and whatnot.

Avocados: Avocados have a reputation for being one of the healthiest foods, which they rightfully are. It is known for its healthy fats, fibre, and essential vitamins and minerals. You will be amazed to know that a medium-sized avocado can fulfil 3.5% of your daily vitamin B3 intake, along with serving other health benefits. So, go ahead and add the yummy avocados to your daily breakfast.

Bananas: Yes, you have read it right. Bananas are another vitamin B3-rich fruit that helps you cover 5% of your daily niacin intake. Apart from this, bananas are also rich in other micronutrients such as potassium and magnesium. They aid your digestion and relieve constipation as well.

Final Words

Vitamin B3 is essential for various functions of the body, from keeping our skin young and flawless to promoting healthy cell growth. Hence, it should be consumed regularly through the natural sources we have discussed above.

As you can see, vitamin B3 deficiency can impose serious health risks such as dementia, amentia, dermatitis, pellagra, and more.

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Are there any side effects of vitamin B3?

In most cases, when Vitamin B3 is consumed through natural food sources, it doesn’t cause any side effects as the amount is very limited.

However, its overconsumption as an external supplement can lead to symptoms like nausea, vomiting, flushed skin, rashes, dizziness, eye issues, lower blood pressure, low glucose levels, etc.

Can I take a vitamin B3 supplement to prevent its deficiency?

Vitamin B3 works best when consumed through natural sources. There are plenty of foods you can eat to maintain a daily recommended intake of this vitamin.

So, it is not advisable to rely on external supplements as they can lead to several side effects.

If you are suffering from severe vitamin B3 deficiency, your healthcare professional may prescribe you some supplements which can be used.

However, avoid consuming any external supplement without consulting a trusted healthcare professional, as it can be dangerous.

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