What is Paralysis?
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- Last Updated On :
- 19/07/2022
Paralysis is a condition where the patients lose their ability to move their limbs. It can cause due to various factors and depending upon its actual source, a patient can become completely, locally, or partially paralytic. There are different types of paralysis and the paralysis causes are varied. During a paralysis attack, the muscles give up functioning. And such an attack can happen anytime or to any part of a human body.
A paralysis disease happens when the brain or spinal cord of an individual is damaged during an accident or due to some serious ailment. Some most common causes of paralysis are peripheral neuropathy, stroke, multiple sclerosis, and so on. The life of a paralysed individual is tough. And the paralysis treatment cost is quite expensive. For a paralytic patient, the paralysis medicine costs are, therefore, skyrocketing too. Hence, it’s prudent to have a health insurance policy in place.
Even though paralytic patients will be totally dependent upon their family members emotionally and physically, with a medical insurance plan, they can at least be financially secured and independent. With Tata AIG, you can compare health insurance plans online and then pick the right health insurance policy to secure yourself financially in case a medical emergency takes place.
Also, the online health insurance calculator will help you to make an informed choice about a health plan by making you aware of the premium costs along with the policy inclusions and exclusions.
Now, let’s learn a few more things about what is paralysis.
Paralysis: Symptoms, Types, and Causes
If you are wondering what is paralysis? We have the answer for you. Paralysis is also called Plegia. It is an ailment that leads to the loss of motor function in the muscles. Paralysis can be accompanied by sensory loss in the affected area in case there is any significant motor damage.
To be precise, paralysis is the loss of the functioning of muscles in the body. And as we have mentioned before, a paralytic attack can lead to either complete, partial, localised, or generalised paralysis in the body. Thus, loss of functioning of muscles is the top paralysis symptom.
Let’s discuss a bit more about the types of paralysis in detail –
Complete Paralysis - In this case, the patient cannot move or control a single part of their body. A complete paralysis can lead to the total loss of the ability to sense or feel anything in the body muscles.
Partial Paralysis - In this type, the patients partially control the paralysed part of the body or the paralysed body muscles. Partial paralysis is also referred to as Paresis.
Localised Paralysis - In this, only a particular part of the body gets paralysed like the face, hands, foot, and so on.
Generalised Paralysis - This happens due to a brain or spinal injury that can paralyse a general area of the body. Generalised paralysis depends upon the areas in the spinal cord or the brain that is damaged.
Now, there can be different causes of a paralysis attack. Our muscles move when it gets the trigger signal from the brain. And whenever the trigger relaying system is affected, the signals do not reach the destined body part or muscles. Hence, paralysis occurs. A paralysis attack can occur due to several reasons. It can be due to any accidental injury or congenital disability. However, the most common cause of paralysis is a stroke.
Here are a few more common causes of paralysis disease:
- A stroke or a mini-ischaemic attack can be the reason for the weakness on one particular side of the face or body.
- Severe spinal cord or brain injury can cause paralysis.
- Sleep paralysis can lead to the temporary inability to move while waking up from sleep or while falling asleep.
- Multiple sclerosis can also cause a periodic weakness in certain body parts like the legs, arms, or face.
- Bell’s palsy is another very common form of paralysis that weakens the muscles in one side of the face.
- A brain tumour can cause paralysis by gradually weakening one particular side of the body.
- Certain motor neuron diseases or spinal muscular atrophy can lead to the paralysis of the legs and arms.
In order to be able to start the paralysis treatment at the earliest, it’s important to determine the cause of the same. Hence, a proper diagnosis of a paralytic attack is prudent. Thankfully, determining the real cause of paralysis isn’t tough. Doctors can carry out a few tests and quickly find out the reason and the type of a paralytic attack in an individual. CT scans, MRIs, X-rays, Myelography, and Spinal Tap, are some of the most commonly prescribed tests for paralysis.
Even though paralysis can be detected easily and the treatment can start immediately, this disease has no cure. However, for the ones who have partial paralysis, there are certain medical treatments to make their life a bit easier.
Treatments for Paralysis
Here are a few common treatments for this disease –
- Physiotherapy and Exercise
With regular exercise and physiotherapy, paralysis can be kept in control to a certain extent. These two are the most common ways of treating this disease and can offer effective results for patients who suffer from partial or complete paralysis in the limbs. Additionally, sometimes exercise can help patients recover their sensations and motor functions in the affected areas.
- Medication
In certain cases of paralysis, brain or spinal cord surgeries can prove beneficial. Such surgeries can focus on reducing the size of the swelling in the affected areas. Still, after the surgeries, patients need to take various paralysis treatment and paralysis medicines on a regular basis in order to prevent any kind of post-surgery viral or other bacterial infections.
- Electronic Communication
Currently, there are certain voice-command-based communicative systems that are available in the market for treating patients with quadriplegia. Quadriplegic patients can use these systems in order to control TV, mobile phones, room temperature, and so on. They can also use special computers that can help them with making short sentences in order to enhance their communication.
As you now know that paralysis can happen at any time. Also, there isn’t any cure for this disease. However, one can easily avoid paralysis by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and by following a balanced diet. Also, an annual health check-up is essential for every grown-up to be sure about their health conditions. Moreover, a health insurance policy is advisable for everyone to be able to keep their pockets safe in such cases of sudden medical exigencies.
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