E-Challan in Rajasthan

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 12/04/2024

Rajasthan, a famous state among tourists in India and overseas, is known as the ‘Land of Kings’. This northern state in India is the largest in geographical area and seventh largest in population as per the 2011 census. With the increase in population, the number of vehicles in the state has rapidly increased. As a result, managing traffic and road discipline in the state started becoming a challenge for the authorities. Thus more digitised procedures and monitoring systems were adopted for better management. In addition, an e-challan in Rajasthan was introduced to penalise traffic offenders more conveniently.

Paying traffic fines through e-challan payment in Rajasthan or checking the same is easy and hassle-free. The Rajasthan police issue e-challan, payment for which can be done by avoiding standing in long queues for acceptable payment. In the article below, we shall discuss Rajasthan traffic police challan online payment process, how to check the same status and much more.

What is a Challan?

To begin with, a challan is a document issued by traffic police to a motor vehicle driver for not following traffic rules. If an individual does not comply with specific traffic rules laid down by the Motor Vehicles Act of 1988, they are liable to pay corresponding fines.

For example, having a third-party bike insurance policy is a mandatory requirement. Hence, a challan may be issued if caught without valid vehicle insurance. Thus, having an insurance policy is a prerequisite before getting your bike or car on the road.

Rajasthan E-Challan Meaning

As the name suggests, an e-challan is an electronically generated challan document that can be issued by the Rajasthan traffic police to individuals not abiding by traffic laws and regulations. This Government of India initiative is now applied to almost all major states and uses the Electronic Challan System for issuance.

The main aim of implementing the e-challan by the Rajasthan police was to ensure transparency, reduce cash transactions, fasten the process and impose strict monitoring on motorists. Additionally, digitalisation has enabled one to pay Rajasthan e-challan online or offline, depending on the city.

Information Present in the Rajasthan E-Challan?

  • Reason for issuance: Primarily, the e-challan mentions the reason for issuance; it provides the details of the traffic law that has been violated. The offender may be penalised for not having a valid driving licence, jumping a red light signal, not caring about valid insurance documents etc.

  • Vehicle details: The e-challan mentions the details of the vehicle that has violated the law. It contains the vehicle registration number and other descriptive information like its model, colour etc.

  • E-challan unique identification number: Every e-challan issued has a unique identification number, which acts as a reference number.

  • Location and time details: The e-challan also has the details of the location and time of the violation of the law.

  • Penalty amount: Since the violator is penalised for the offence, the challan mentions the penalty or the fine amount.

  • Payment instructions: Finally, the e-challan mentions detailed instructions for the offender. Moreover, it also mentions the validity of the challan and the subsequent fines in case of non-payment.

  • Contact information: For any queries or doubts, you can contact the authorities at the mentioned contact

How Does Rajasthan Online Challan or E-Challan Work?

The E-Challan system was developed to monitor and manage traffic and ensure vehicle owners take the rules and regulations seriously. CCTV cameras are installed at prominent roads, junctions and highways in almost all major cities. These cameras capture individuals violating traffic rules like speeding, riding without a helmet, jumping red lights etc. Alternatively, where no CCTV cameras are installed, the traffic police cops perform their duties.

If a traffic cop or enforcement officer catches you, he may issue an e-challan. The officer uses an app or photographs the individual violating the rules. With the help of CCTV cameras, the authorities can monitor violations and capture the vehicles’ details to impose fines. Based on the violation, the fine is applicable. The footage captured also helps in tracking repeated violations.

In case of any violation in the presence of traffic cops, the individual may be issued a Rajasthan police e-challan on the spot. The traffic police now have swiping machines to issue e-challan to individuals for violating traffic rules. This e-challan by Rajasthan police makes a simultaneous real-time entry in the traffic police server. The swiping machine encourages transparency, and the cop can collect the fine on the spot. Once the fine is paid, the individual receives a formal receipt stating the fine has been paid.

How to check Rajasthan E-challan Status Online?

You no longer need to visit a traffic police station to check your e-challan status. Just like everything else, knowing the challan status is also digitised, making lives easier. You can check Rajasthan e-challan status online by using the official Parivahan website. The status can be known easily in just a few steps:

  • Step 1: Visit the official Parivahan website.

  • Step 2: Go to the ‘Check Online Services’ tab and select ‘Check Challan Status’.

  • Step 3: Enter the challan number, vehicle number or DL number.

  • Step 4: Enter the captcha to proceed.

  • Step 5:** Select ‘Get Details’ to view any pending challans.

How to Make E-Challan Payment in Rajasthan?

If the Rajasthan police issue an e-challan to you, you must pay the fine at the earliest to avoid issues. You can pay the traffic fine through e-challan in two ways, one through the online mode and the other through the offline mode. Let us know more about the Rajasthan traffic police challan payment process.

Rajasthan Online Challan Payment Process

The online payment method to pay your vehicle e-challan in Rajasthan is one of the most straightforward. If you receive an e-challan, pay the fine online by following the below to ways:

1. Visit the Parivahan Website

  • Step 1: To begin, visit the Parivahan website.

  • Step 2: Go to the Pay Online option.

  • Step 3: Fill in the required details like challan number, vehicle number or driving licence number. Also, enter the captcha to proceed.

  • Step 4: Now click on ‘Get Details’.

  • Step 5: Your screen will display the list of challans on your vehicle or licence number.

  • Step 6: Select the challan that you wish to make payment for. You will get all the details of that particular challan.

  • Step 7: You can now make an online payment for your fine.

2. Visit the Official Website of the Rajasthan Government

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of Rajasthan Police e-challan payment.

  • Step 2: Accept the warning or disclaimer, after which you shall be redirected to another page.

  • Step 3: Enter your challan number, driver’s licence, or vehicle number and click Search.

  • Step 4: If you still need the above details, you can enter your first name, last name and date of birth to search for Rajasthan online challan details.

  • Step 5: Details of the challans will appear on the screen.

  • Step 6: Confirm the challan amount and click ‘Make Payment’.

  • Step 7: Enter your bank details to pay via the Net Banking facility.

  • Step 8: After successful payment, you will get a confirmation receipt.

3. Through a Mobile Wallet

  • Step 1: Visit the homepage of your mobile wallet app.

  • Step 2: Select the ‘Pay Bills’ or similar option.

  • Step 3: Click on the ‘Challans’ option.

  • Step 4: Select Rajasthan traffic police and enter the details of your vehicle.

  • Step 5: Enter the challan amount and complete the payment.

Offline Payment Process

Although online payment of challan is easy and hassle-free, you can also opt for a traditional in-person mode of payment of traffic fines.

  • Method 1: First, you can pay in cash to the traffic cop with an e-challan machine. If you receive an e-challan in the presence of the cop, you can pay in cash and get the receipt on the spot. Alternatively, you can approach the traffic cop with an authorised e-challan machine, furnish details like driver’s licence, address and identity proof, etc., and pay.

  • Method 2: Alternatively, you can visit the local police station, submit the documents (DL, identity and address proof, etc.) along with the challan number, and pay the penalties. You will get a payment receipt in return.

How to Verify Your Receipt and Know Payment Transaction Status

To Know Payment Transaction Status

1. Go to Vahan Citizen Services and click ‘Know Your Payment Transaction Status’.

2. Enter the details as per the selection. For example, if you have a transaction ID select it to enter the ID and click on search.

3. Details of the transaction with the status will be displayed.

To Verify Your Receipt

1. Visit the Vahan Citizen Services portal and select the option ‘Verify Receipt’.

2. Enter your vehicle registration number and the receipt number of your Rajasthan E-Challan payment. Then click ‘Verify’.

What to Do if you are Issued a Wrong E-challan Rajasthan?

If you have been issued a wrong challan, you can inform the authorities and revoke it by following the below ways:

  • File a complaint online: To complain against the wrong issuance of e-challan, visit the official Parivahan website and select the ‘Complaint’ option from the tab. Fill in all the details, describe your issue and upload the image to present the evidence of your innocence. Click on ‘Submit’, and your complaint will be registered.

  • Email and contact details: For any technical issue related to e-challan, you may email helpdesk-echallan@gov.in or call 0120-4925505 between 6:00 am and 10:00 pm.

  • Alternatively, you can notify the Rajasthan traffic authorities that the e-challan issued to you is wrong.

The authorities will assess your case and get back to you with appropriate feedback. If the e-challan is wrong, you need not pay the penalty fee.

Steps To Cancel An E-Challan in Rajasthan

  1. Contact the Rajasthan traffic police helpline and inform them of the wrong challan issuance.

  2. Alternatively, you can email the same describing your situation. They will get back to you with a valid response after verifying your claims.

  3. No charges are levied to cancel the e-challan fee.

Validity of E-Challan Payment in Rajasthan

Knowing the validity of your e-challan in Rajasthan is very important. When you receive an e-challan for any traffic violation, ensure you make the payment within 60 days from the date of issuance of the challan. Failure to do so may lead to additional penalties or charges. Thus, firstly ensure you follow all the traffic regulations in Rajasthan to avoid getting any e-challan. Even if you get one, ensure you pay the fine as soon as possible.

Rajasthan Traffic Rules and Regulations

With the increase in the number of vehicles on roads in Rajasthan, the then-existing The Motor Vehicle Act of 1988 saw a need to amend. The amendment was approved and came into force across the country. The Motor Vehicle Act of 2019 updated the traffic rules and violation list and added around 50 more situations under which penalties may be charged. This amendment ensured better road safety and adherence to the rules.

Rajasthan police have laid down stricter rules and regulations to maintain road discipline. Amongst many updated rules, the Rajasthan police e-challan is one of them. Below are some of the important traffic rules and regulations in Rajasthan:

  • Wearing seat belt: A seat belt is mandatory for four-wheelers or drivers. Also, for passengers sitting in the front, the Rajasthan police have ensured that people know and follow this rule. Wearing a seatbelt can prove vital in an accident as it protects the passengers. Therefore, the Rajasthan traffic police enforce this rule and seriously penalise the offenders.

  • Wearing a helmet: For two-wheeler and pillion riders, wearing a helmet is mandatory in Rajasthan. It helps keep the rider and pillion safe on busy roads or otherwise. Apart from being a critical rule to follow, individuals must understand its importance for their safety purpose. The Rajasthan police issue hefty penalties for individuals not following this rule.

  • Carrying vehicle documents: Anyone, regardless of the type of vehicle one owns, carrying certain vehicle documents is necessary. These documents include a driving licence, registration certificate, bike insurance policy and Pollution Under Control (PUC) certificate. The driver must present these documents if asked by the authority. Failure to produce these documents will result in heavy penalties. Thus, you must ensure you carry these updated documents without fail.

  • No overspeeding: Overspeeding is a highly prevalent offence in many parts of the country, including Rajasthan. To control and monitor this issue, Rajasthan police have installed cameras at several locations to identify and penalise overspeeding vehicles. In addition, if you are caught speeding, you will be issued an e-challan by Rajasthan traffic police.

  • Do not Drink and Drive: For two-wheeler and four-wheeler riders/drivers, driving under the influence of intoxicating substances or alcohol is a serious traffic violation. The Rajasthan e-challan check posts are created to monitor such activities, and if caught, the offenders will be heavily penalised and may even be produced in a court of law.

  • Do not use mobile phones while driving: Using mobile phones while driving or riding may cause distraction and lead to accidents. Ignoring this rule may not only attract a penalty but also cause serious injury to the rider, pillion rider, individual or property on the road.

  • Following lane discipline: This rule is more important to four-wheeler drivers. Nevertheless, everyone should ensure they are giving proper signals or indicators while turning and maintain road discipline. Riding or driving in a zig-zag manner may cause accidents or inconvenience other rider drivers. Rajasthan police may issue an e-challan for not following this rule.

Updated Traffic Fines in Rajasthan

In the section above, we learnt some basic traffic rules one must follow in Rajasthan. To maintain discipline and minimise traffic violations, Rajasthan traffic police have increased penalties. In addition, the Rajasthan Government recently updated the traffic fines chargeable for different traffic offences under the amended Motor Vehicles Act.

Below is the table for an updated list of traffic fines and E-challans in Rajasthan:

Traffic Violation  or Offence Fine (Amount in ₹)
Driving without a valid driving licence (DL) 5000
Driving without a registration certificate (RC) 2000
Driving without valid insurance for a 2-wheeler or 4-wheeler First-time offence: 2,000
Repeated offence: 4,00
Driving without wearing a seatbelt 1000
Using mobile phone while driving 1000
Riding without a helmet 1000
Triple-seat riding 1000
Over speeding 1000
Driving under the influence of intoxicating substances/alcohol 10000
Obstructing emergency vehicles 10000
Jumping red light signal 1000
Driving in restricted areas 20000
Driving without a permit 10000
Driving under the influence of intoxicating substances or alcohol 10000
Reckless driving 500 (Two-wheeler/Three-wheeler)
Overloading goods 20,000 and 2,000 per tonne
Racing on the road  (for two-wheelers) First-time offence: 5,000
Repeated offence: 10,000

Why Buy Valid Vehicle Insurance in Rajasthan?

The car or a bike insurance policy safeguards the rider-owner’s financial and legal obligations. In case of an unfortunate accident, natural disasters like cyclones, floods, earthquakes etc., or man-made disasters like theft, riots, etc. If you can claim compensation for covered damages, your financial obligations from such unexpected occurrences become easier. With this insurance type’s high importance, most insurance providers like Tata AIG offer convenient bike insurance online services. Additionally, it is always recommended to compare two-wheeler insurance and select the one as per your need and budget. Let us look at some benefits of having valid insurance for your vehicle in Rajasthan.

  • Mandatory requirement: In India, as per the Motor Vehicles Act 1988, it is illegal to ride a bike without having a valid third-party bike insurance policy. The same rule applies to a four-wheeler or any other vehicle to be eligible to run on the road.

  • Safeguards you from legal penalties: Adhering to traffic rules and regulations, including having a valid insurance policy, safeguards you from legal fines and actions.

  • Comprehensive protection: Apart from having third-party liability insurance, having a comprehensive insurance policy offers more benefits. Coverage for owner-riders, coverage against natural and man-made damages, or own damages are additional features a comprehensive policy may cover.

  • No claim bonus: No claim bonus is the discount an insurance provider offers for every no claim in the preceding year. Typically, insurance companies offer up to 50% of NCB benefits on the premium amount.

  • Cashless claim facility: Many insurance companies offer cashless claim facilities in case of covered damages caused to a bike. You can take your bike to a garage listed with your insurance provider and get the repairs made without paying for it. The insurance company directly settles the bills with the garage.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I check my traffic fine in Rajasthan?

If you are issued Rajasthan online challan for traffic violations, you can check the status online and offline. To check the status online, you can visit the Parivahan website or the Rajasthan Police website. Alternatively, you can visit the local police station to know the details. Paying the e-challan as early as possible is always recommended to avoid any legal action or further penalties.

How much is over speed challan in Rajasthan?

Rajasthan traffic police have set updated fines for offenders for violating traffic rules. One of the major traffic violations in Rajasthan is overspeeding. If caught by the authority for overspeeding, one must pay a fine of ₹1,000.

What is the fine for motor vehicles in Rajasthan?

Rajasthan police impose various e-challans for violating different rules on the offenders. For example, if one is found without a valid driving licence, a fine of ₹5,000 will be imposed. Similarly, riding a bike without valid insurance for a 2-wheeler may attract a penalty of ₹2,000.

What information does a typical Rajasthan e-challan contain?

If caught violating traffic rules, you will be issued an e-challan in Rajasthan. This e-challan contains essential information like the type of traffic rule violation, the date, time and place of the occurrence, your vehicle details and a photograph taken at the time of the violation. All this information is mainly captured through a CCTV camera. The e-challan also includes details on how to pay the fine, whether online or offline. Moreover, the e-challans may also include information on additional penalties due to multiple violations.

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