Tata AIG Criti-MediCare Insurance

Being diagnosed with a critical illness is not only physically painful but also takes a toll on your mental health as well as that of your family. Moreover, the treatments and procedures of critical illnesses are known to deliver a hard hit on your financial resources and savings. But when you make the smart choice of putting your health first, you can be sure of a secure and worry-free life!

Tata AIG brings to you the Tata AIG Criti-Medicare policy that offers comprehensive coverage against up to 100 critical illnesses. Under this policy, you can choose from three base benefits and one optional benefit sections, as follows:

  • Section A: Critical Illness
  • Section B: Cancer 360 Degree – Indemnity Cover
  • Section C: Hospital Cash
  • Section D: Wellsurance Benefit (Optional)

Minimum one Section from the base benefit sections has to be opted and all proposed members will have same plan.

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