Osteosarcoma Cancer Insurance

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Osteosarcoma Cancer Insurance

The bones are the support system of the body. While our body comprises 206 big and small bones, each bone plays a crucial role in the body's functioning. Our body is much like a complicated puzzle with bones as a framework; if even one is missing, carrying on becomes very hard. Thus, when an illness or accident attacks the bones, it can deeply impact the human body. An illness that can afflict the human body's bones but one over which you have no control is osteosarcoma cancer. In osteosarcoma cancer, the very bones or the framework of the human body get diseased. While diagnosing osteosarcoma and its treatment is much better, starting treatment at the right time is important.

With time the osteosarcoma prognosis has improved, and life expectancy while having the illness has greatly increased. However, like with all cancer, time is of the essence. The earlier you can catch onto the signs of osteosarcoma and begin treatment, the better your choices are. It is also important to follow the instructions of your physician on how to go about the osteosarcoma treatment. The best way to follow and afford any kind of treatment required for you is by getting a medical insurance plan. When you have health insurance, you can focus on the treatment you need to get and not have to worry about how you will make payments.

If considering which plan to insure yourself, you can buy health insurance online from Tata AIG. When you buy health insurance from us, things are easy for you. From buying your plan to renewing it, it's all straightforward and hassle-free when you have a medical insurance plan with us. Also, our plans are created so you can conveniently enjoy the benefits of health insurance. So, anytime you need health insurance, always choose Tata AIG.

Keeping this in mind, let us look at types of osteosarcoma, osteosarcoma causes and osteosarcoma symptoms, among other things, to understand the disease more deeply.

What is Osteosarcoma Cancer

A kind of cancer that begins in your bones is called osteosarcoma. The cancerous cells first resemble normal bone cells. After that, they produce tumours that produce immature, atypical, and sick bones. Diagnosing osteosarcoma usually happens at around 15, with teens being the group that experiences it the most often.

A form of cancer known as a "sarcoma" appears in connective tissue like bone, tissue, or tendon. The word "osteo" means bone. Like those in the hands and legs, long bones are most frequently affected by osteosarcoma. You will find cancer originating in the knees or the bone ends, as these are the area's growth that occurs the fastest. They could also develop in the area of the upper forearm bone next to the shoulder. The prognosis for osteosarcoma is best when the disease is caught early or if the signs of osteosarcoma are found in time. Since most who get this disease are children, their osteosarcoma prognosis is better than older people getting osteosarcoma.

Types of Osteosarcoma

Oncologists divide the various kinds of osteosarcoma into two groups. They should first establish if the osteosarcoma is primary (resulting from an anomaly in bone formation) or secondary (originating from another disease). While secondary osteosarcomas frequently affect adults with fully developed bones, primary osteosarcomas are more frequently detected in youngsters below the age of 15 whose bones are still developing. The recommended treatments for primary and secondary osteosarcomas typically differ since secondary osteosarcomas are regarded as higher-**grade cancers than primary osteosarcomas.

  • Intramedullary Osteosarcoma- About 80% of all diagnoses of osteosarcoma are of the most prevalent kind, namely intramedullary osteosarcoma. Such osteosarcomas form in a long bone's medullary cavity, like the femur. There are other intramedullary osteosarcoma subgroups, all based on the kind of cells that compose the tumour. Osteoblastic, fibroblastic, chondroblastic, epithelioid and small-cell cancers are frequent subtypes in this category.

  • Juxtacortical Osteosarcoma- Juxtacortical osteosarcoma is the next most prevalent form and makes up about 10% to 15% of all diagnoses. These osteosarcomas form on the periosteum or the outside of the bones (the thick layer of connecting tissue that goes over the bones).

  • Extraskeletal Osteosarcoma- When diagnosing osteosarcoma, less than 5% of all cases involve extraskeletal osteosarcoma. These tumours develop in soft structures and are not connected to the bone; they frequently appear where radiation therapy was administered in the past.

Doctors may also use the phrases "synchronous" and "metachronous" to describe the following types of osteosarcomas comprising several lesions in various bones. When osteosarcomas become synchronous, they are found within six months; when they are metachronous, they are found only after six months.

Osteosarcoma Cancer Stages

The tumour's size, position, and extent of the cancer's metastasis define the - **Stage of the disease. There are four phases of osteosarcoma cancer are

  • Stage 1: The cancerous cells are still confined, and the tumour is of low grade.

  • Stage 2: The tumour is high-grade; however, the cancerous cells have not yet moved out of the primary location.

  • Stage 3: The cancer has advanced to other parts of the same bone, and the tumour is of a high grade.

  • Stage 4: The cancer has progressed to different, even distant parts of the body.

Osteosarcoma Causes

The exact osteosarcoma causes remain unknown even though research is still going on by doctors to figure out the causes. The cause of this cancer is known to be a malfunction in some cells that produce new bone, according to doctors. When a normal bone cell experiences DNA alterations, osteosarcoma forms, and the directions that inform a cell what it must do are encoded in its DNA. If a new bone is not required, the alterations instruct the cell to begin producing it. The result is an accumulation of malformed bone cells or a tumour, which can penetrate and harm good bodily tissue. The cancer then metastasises all through the body, making the cancer spread and become more difficult to treat.

Some common osteosarcoma causes include;

  • Accelerated bone growth: The chances of getting sarcoma is higher in youngsters under 15 as their bone is growing fast owing to their developing bodies.

  • Radiation: This could have happened due to chemotherapy for a different kind of cancer. It could take many years for cancer to form out of radiation.

  • Heredity: Osteosarcoma is among the several uncommon malignancies that can develop in young individuals due to genetic causes. This could be connected to the retinoblastoma protein, linked to various tumours in younger people and eye cancer in children when the p53 gene is mutated.

  • Bone infarction: A bone infarction occurs when the bone tissue doesn't receive enough blood. This causes the cells to die, leading to the formation of cancer.

Barring these osteosarcoma causes, there are some risk factors that may give rise to cancer. If you know these risk factors, you may be able to safeguard yourself from developing the disease. Further, you may know if you need to get screened for cancer if you have multiple risk factors.

Some risk factors you must be mindful of include;

  • Age- Most teenagers with osteosarcoma are going through a growth spurt, particularly if the development of the bone is occurring quickly.

  • Gender- Males are more likely to get osteosarcoma.

  • Height- Taller kids run a bigger risk of getting osteosarcoma.

  • Treatments- Other cancer therapies, including radiation therapy or chemotherapy drugs known as alkylating agents.

  • Hereditary Illnesses- Health issues caused by your genes include Diamond-**Blackfan anaemia, Paget's illness, Li-**Fraumeni syndrome, Bloom syndrome, Rothmund-**Thomson syndrome, Werner syndrome, hereditary retinoblastoma, a form of eye cancer.

You need to remember that these risk factors may not necessarily turn out to be cancer. It means you must be careful if you see yourself developing any signs of osteosarcoma.

Osteosarcoma Symptoms

We have already discussed that early cancer detection is the best bet a person has at treatment. This can only reach fulfilment if the patient recognises their symptoms and gets help in time. For this to happen, you need to know the common osteosarcoma symptoms.

The osteosarcoma symptoms you need to be aware of include:

  • Unexpected swelling around a bone.

  • Limping.

  • Inability to move a certain limb flexibly.

  • Sudden pain while walking or moving around.

  • Soreness around joints that may persist for months.

  • Difficulty in physical exertion.

  • Increased pain at night.

  • Brittleness in the bone.

  • General malaise.

  • Fever.

  • A feeling of a mass underneath the skin.

  • Tenderness in the limps.

Younger children will find it difficult to recognise symptoms, so it often falls upon parents to understand what may be going wrong. If parents spot changes in children's behaviour and if they are shying away from the activity, getting help at once is recommended.

Diagnosing Osteosarcoma

A comprehensive history and medical exam will be conducted first by your healthcare practitioner. They will inquire about your problems and medical background, such as any previous radiation therapy or whether any family members have a history of particular inherited problems. Additionally, lumps that might come from bones will be searched for.

Some steps your doctor may take to conclude your disease include;

  • Blood Testing: These investigations can offer details about the overall blood counts and the health of your organs, including your kidneys and liver. A bone tumour cannot be found with a blood test.

  • X-ray: An X-ray may be taken to check for unusual bone growth.

  • Computed Tomography (CT): Using computers, CT creates cross-sectional scans of your body from a number of X-ray images. This examination is done to check for lung tumours.

  • MRI: A big magnet, radio waves, and a computer are used in MRI to produce sharp images of bodily components. If the X-ray is abnormal, this could be performed for more in-depth images.

  • Bone Scan: This examination looks for problems with your bones by injecting a tiny quantity of radioactive chemicals into your body.

  • ET Scan: With the help of a specific glucose tracer, the ET scan can identify the areas of your body in which the uptake of glucose is particularly high. Cancer cells typically show up in the report at high levels.

  • Biopsy: A sample of cells from the afflicted area is extracted during a biopsy to examine cancer cells. Your doctor may use a few different biopsy techniques depending on where the cancer is located.

Finding out whether the cancerous cells have metastasis or stayed confined is the next step once your healthcare practitioner diagnoses osteosarcoma. "Staging" is the term for this. The malignancy may spread via your lymphatic system, cells, or blood.

Osteosarcoma Treatment

The tumour's location, rate of growth, and extent are all factors that affect how it will be treated. Your age and general health will also be taken into account. It is best to begin therapy before cancer spreads to other body parts besides your bones. Tumours are typically discovered early because they result in pain, oedema, or a limp. These warning symptoms should be reported to your doctor so that treatment can begin right away.

The osteosarcoma treatment path your doctor may want to take can include;

  • Surgery: Surgery aims to eliminate the malignancy. A new tumour might form from as few as a few cells that are left over. Depending on your situation, your doctor might carry out one of the following operations:

  • Limb Saving Surgery: Your doctor removes the tumour and a portion of the surrounding tissue from an arm or leg. Medical equipment or prosthesis will partially or completely fill the space left inside the bone. A bone graft that takes bone from a different area of the anatomy or a donor may also be an option for you.

  • Amputation: Your doctor might have to surgically amputate or cut all or a portion of your limb or arm if the tumour is big and has invaded neurons or blood arteries.

  • Rotationplasty: Your bottom leg and foot could be partially reattached to the thigh bone if the physician needs to amputate your leg just above the knee. The ankle is a substitute for a knee joint, thanks to a prosthesis.

  • Complete Removal: The total surgical removal of osteosarcoma in the pelvic region, jaw, spinal cord, or cranium may be more difficult. Radiation therapy may also be required. Your doctor might need to remove the tumours if the cancer has spread to the lungs or other organs.

  • Radiation: Radiation is less effective on osteosarcoma than it could be for other malignancies. If your doctor cannot completely remove cancer via surgery, they may resort to an approach known as external beam radiation therapy.

  • Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy uses powerful drugs to either destroy cancer cells or inhibit their growth. Typically, an IV is used to administer them to your vein. Chemotherapy is how doctors typically manage osteosarcomas. The tumour may shrink due to the medications, which could simplify surgery. Additionally, they eliminate tiny groups of cancerous cells that doctors could not spot on scans.

  • Targeted Therapy: Researchers are examining the ideal chemotherapy drug combination for treating osteosarcoma and evaluating novel drug classes. Additionally, they are developing radiation treatments that are more potent and precise. You might want to discuss clinical trials with your doctor. Before being made available, doctors test novel medicines in this manner. Your doctor can direct you toward potential candidates and explain the process.

Prevention of Osteosarcoma

There are no ways in which a person can prevent the onset of osteosarcoma. The disease has no known causes; thus, finding ways to cure it becomes tough. However, a person can keep the disease in general at bay by adopting a healthy lifestyle. You should try to exercise and eat healthy foods as much as possible. Keep away from smoking and all tobacco products. Further, try to maintain a healthy weight as far as possible. Also, try protecting yourself from the sun and keeping yourself safe from traumatic injuries to the bones. However, remember there is no foolproof way to keep yourself safe from osteosarcoma. You could do everything well from your end and still get the disease. But still, it is always better to be careful and do what you can to keep yourself safe.

Why Use a Medical Insurance Plan

We never know what turn our health may take. A completely healthy person may take ill without any warning. The only thing to do is be prepared to face every situation. This preparation comes in the form of health insurance. Think of health insurance as health security.

Some reasons why having a medical insurance plan is a good idea are given below.

  • Emergency - As we've previously established, life is uncertain, and your health is no exception. Any person can need emergency medical attention at any time. You can be ready for anything in these situations when you carry health insurance. If you believe you can pay for the care you require, you may maintain your composure in the presence of challenges.

  • Cost of Care: Healthcare is expensive. Treatment can be expensive, particularly if you need to be hospitalised or get long-term assistance. However, if you're covered by health insurance, you won't need to be concerned about paying your medical bills. Your medical insurance plan will cover that part of your care.

  • Lifestyle: Today's way of life is quite different from that of the past. Most of the time, people are under stress, overworked, and have almost no energy. People who are unable to take care of themselves become susceptible to a variety of diseases. Even if you cannot devote the energy and work necessary to maintain your health, purchasing health insurance guarantees that the proper steps will be taken if you ever require medical attention.

  • Tax Benefit - Purchasing health insurance protects your health while lowering your tax obligations. You can be qualified for a tax credit of up to ₹25,000 or ₹50,000 for senior citizens if you've bought health insurance.

How to Buy Tata AIG’s Health Insurance

Buying insurance from Tata AIG is now easier than ever. You can easily buy your plan both online and offline. We will discuss how you can buy your insurance via both methods to help you decide. After seeing how both methods go, you can decide what works best.

Online- To buy insurance from us, you need to

  • Check out our website and choose the person you want to get insurance. You can purchase medical insurance for your spouse, kids, parents or yourself.

  • Click "Get Plan" once you have chosen the person for whom you are purchasing insurance.

  • You will receive a list of plans that would be the right match for you after providing the information requested.

  • Choose the insurance plan's assured sum at this point.

  • You may see what your cost of health insurance will be like after making your choice.

  • In order to select the best medical insurance plan for yourself, individuals will also be given a chance to compare different policies.

  • Select the choice that resonates with you the most after considering your choices.

  • After making a choice click on Buy Now.

  • You will then receive a call from one of our representatives to ask if you would like any help.

You will receive your policy in just a few moments once the verification is complete.

Offline- To buy insurance offline, you need to

  • Find Tata AIG’s office closest to you.

  • Go to the office and state why you are there.

  • A representative from our team will approach you to discuss what your alternatives are.

  • Once you understand your options, ask for the necessary papers.

  • Fill out the forms and attach the necessary documents.

  • Go to the counter and submit your papers.

  • Pay the fees.

You will receive your policy via mail in a few days post verification.

Documents Required to Buy Tata AIG’s Medical Insurance Plan

If you wish to buy Tata AIG’s mediclaim insurance, you need to submit the following documents —

  • Income proof

  • ID proof

  • Residence proof

  • Age Proof

  • Recent passport size photographs

  • Any documents relating to your medical history

Disclaimer / TnC

Your policy is subjected to terms and conditions & inclusions and exclusions mentioned in your policy wording. Please go through the documents carefully.

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When caught in the early stages, the survival chances are over 70% for osteosarcoma patients.

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An orthopaedic doctor is your best bet when it comes to osteosarcoma.

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In remission, you should initially visit your doctor every 4-6 months and then yearly.
