MahaRaksha - Personal Injury Policy
Even a minor fracture or burn can make day-to-day life a tough task, but with Maha Raksha, we make sure an injury doesn’t affect your finances and helps you get back out there and enjoy life as it’s meant to be.
At Tata AIG General Insurance Company Limited, preparedness is the best cure.

Self Service Options
Service request
Make changes to your policy & update
your contact details.
Service request:
Make changes to your policy & update
your contact details.
Print policy document and view
renewal notice
Print policy document and view
renewal notice
Reasons to have this policy
To not let an injury put a break on your daily life, we will
- Pay compensation if an injury to you results in the loss of life
- Compensate you for an injury that leads to fracture, dislocation, or burns.
- Pay daily benefits for each day you are an inpatient in a hospital due to an injury
- Pay principal sum if an injury leads to inability to perform activities of daily living.

4 Features to make the deal sweeter
If you still need reasons to buy this policy, here are a few more.
- You have the option of lifetime renewal for this policy.
- You have 15 days to go through the policy and if you have any concerns, you can have it cancelled and your premium refunded.
- You get a grace period of 30 days to renew your policy.
- There will be no loading charges when you renew your policy.
Things you must know
The policy doesn’t apply in certain circumstances, such as
- any Pre-existing Condition or any complication arising from it.
- Suicide, self-inflicted injury, sexually transmitted diseases, mental or nervous disorder, AIDS and HIV
- Injuries incurred while servicing in the armed forces of any country.
- Harm while being under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants or hallucinogens unless prescribed by a physician.
- If you were a participant in felony, riot, crime, misdemeanour, or civil commotion.
- operating or learning to operate any aircraft, or performing duties as a member of the crew on any aircraft or Scheduled Airline
- Any loss arising out of War, civil war, invasion, insurrection, revolution, act of foreign enemy, hostilities, rebellion, mutiny, use of military power or usurpation of government or military power.
- Loss arising directly or indirectly out of any act of terrorism or counter measures taken to control/prevent it.
- Any loss arising out of the intentional use of military force to intercept, prevent, or mitigate any known or suspected Act of Terrorism.
- Damage related to nuclear reaction, radiation, radioactive contamination or the dispersal or application of pathogenic or poisonous biological/chemical materials.
- The radioactive, toxic, explosive or other dangerous properties of any explosive nuclear equipment or any part of that equipment.
- congenital anomalies or any complications or conditions arising from it.
- Participation in adventure sports, underwater activities, rafting, canoeing involving white water rapids, yachting or boating outside coastal waters (2 miles) or participation in any professional sports.
- Confinement in a hospital which is not medically necessary.
Some Helpful Documents

Other Insurance