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Drum Brakes vs Disc Brakes

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 08/05/2023

A car has various components and the braking system of the car is one of the most important aspects of the car because it ensures safety while you are in the car. Over the years, braking systems have evolved to offer better stopping power and safety on the road. And manufacturers today use the best braking system to ensure that the car that you are driving is safe. Two of the main braking systems that are being used in cars are — disc brakes and drum brakes.

A lot of people do not understand the differences between drum and disc brakes, but it is essential to know. Although both brakes work on the same principle and come into use in modern cars, there are huge differences between drum brakes and disc brakes. Before we get into the details, there is another important aspect of safety on the roads. That is a four-wheeler insurance plan.

Many people are not able to understand the differences between drum and disc brakes, but it is essential to know. While both of these brakes work on the same principle and come into use in modern cars, there are huge differences between drum brakes and disc brakes. Before we get into the details, there is another important aspect of safety on the roads. That is a four-wheeler insurance plan. A 4-wheeler insurance plan ensures that you are financially secure in the event of an accident involving the insured car. Moreover, now you can buy a car policy online from anywhere and you will get the policy in a few minutes.

Let us now get into a detailed article outlining the information on - disk vs drum brake.

Drum Brake vs Disc Brake

There are some basic differences between drum brakes and disc brakes that you must know about. Here is a list of differences between drum and disc brakes.

What are Drum Brakes

Drum brakes are the early automotive systems of braking and they make use of the drum design on all four wheels, hence they have been named drum brakes. The components of the drum brake are all placed inside a drum that undergoes rotation with the car wheel. The major components of the brakes include pistons, brake shoes, wheel cylinders, and springs.

Advantages of Drum Brakes

Here are some of the major advantages of drum brakes that you must know about.

  • The costs of manufacturing the drum brakes are lower as compared to disc brakes. Thus, this leads to a reduction in the price of the vehicle as well. This enhances the affordability of the car. This is a major difference between drum brakes vs disc brakes.
  • Because of the simplistic design of the brakes, the engagement of the brakes requires less amount of force.
  • The servicing of the wheel cylinder that is present in a drum brake is easier than servicing the brake calliper that is present in the disc brake.
  • The integration of the parking brake can be done into the rear drum brake system of the car. So, the parking brake of the car does not require any additional space.

Disadvantages of Drum Brakes

Here are some of the major disadvantages of drum brakes that you must know about.

  • The components of the drum brakes have been enclosed in a closed chamber. This leads to poor dissipation of heat. When it comes to car disc brakes vs drum brakes, overheating is a major issue with drum brakes.
  • Because all the components are enclosed, they may get clogged up due to the dirt and they are also hard to clean. Thus, this reduces the performance and lifespan of the braking system. This is one of the major differences between drum and disc brakes.
  • Due to minimal dissipation of heat, overheating can lead to a lot of wear and tear. This reduces the lifespan of the brakes significantly.
  • There are too many components in the drum brakes. Hence, if any of the parts stop functioning there is a high chance of brake failure.

What are Disc Brakes?

When it comes to disc brake vs drum brake, the disc brake is considered superior because of the mechanism and the design. The brake also works on the principle of reducing the speed of the vehicle with the help of friction. The major components of the brakes include brake pads, a calliper, and a disc rotor.

Advantages of Disc Brakes

Here are some of the major advantages of disc brakes that you must know about.

  • The braking performance of the disc brakes is superior even if the brakes are small in size. In disc vs drum brakes, disc brakes are far superior when it comes to performance.
  • The brake pads, calliper, and disc rotor in the brakes are exposed to open air. Hence, there is no chance of overheating. The latest vehicles come with ventilated discs which help the heat dissipate faster. Thus, this is one of the top differences when it comes to the disc brake vs drum brake in the car.
  • The brake components in the disc brakes can easily clog up due to dirt. But, the process of cleaning the brakes is easy. Thus, there is very little chance of any rusting taking place.
  • One of the disadvantages of disc brakes was the locking up of the wheels in case of sudden hard braking. This has been resolved by the anti-braking system(ABS). Thus, when it comes to drum brakes vs disc brakes of cars, disc brakes have become safer.

Disadvantages of Disc Brakes

Here are some of the major disadvantages of disc brakes that you must know about.

  • When it comes to disk brakes vs drum brakes, the manufacturing costs of disc brakes are quite higher which leads to an increase in the overall price of the vehicle.
  • Any air present in the master cylinder or hydraulic fluid can lead to a disaster and a failure of the braking system. So, when the brakes are serviced, ensure bleeding of the brakes.
  • The brake fluid needs to be replaced from time to time. If you do not do so, the performance of the brakes will get affected.
  • If you apply brakes suddenly, the wheels of the car can get locked up. Although this issue has been resolved now with the ABS.


The drum and disc brakes are not perfect braking systems, and each one has its own set of benefits. The ideal combination is having a disc brake at the front wheel and a drum brake at the rear wheel. This is one of the top reasons that cars now come with the drum as well as disc brakes.

Almost 60% to 90% of the braking power comes from the front end, so disc brakes will work great there. And drum brakes will work great on the rear wheels. This also reduces the cost of the bike as all disc brakes in the four wheels will enhance the costs of the car. So, research well, compare different cars, and then choose the suitable car for yourself. Also, while you purchase your dream car, get 4-wheeler insurance to safeguard your vehicle on the roads.

At Tata AIG, there are different insurance plans that you can select from - comprehensive car insurance, standalone third-party 4-wheeler insurance, and standalone own-damage 4-wheeler insurance. You can choose any one of these car insurance plans although a comprehensive car insurance plan is ideal as it comprises all-around protection of the car.

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