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How to Convert Third-party To Comprehensive Car Insurance?

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 14/08/2023

Have you taken only third-party insurance for your cover thinking that comprehensive cover was not necessary and a waste of money? Then you should think again as the comprehensive car insurance covers the loss or damage to the car due to accidents or any other unfortunate events, along with third-party liabilities.

A car insurance policy has to be taken mandatorily as per the Motor Vehicles Act in India without which the owner/driver of the car would be fined and/or imprisoned. At least a third-party car insurance policy is mandatory for you to drive your car in public places.

Third Party Car Insurance

Third-party car insurance covers the bodily injury or property damage to third parties caused due to an accident involving the insured car. The third-party car insurance policy premium is decided by the Government and IRDAI in concurrence with all the stakeholders.

The third-party car insurance claim settlement is done through courts in case of bodily injury or death of third parties involved in an accident with the insured vehicle.

Third-party property damage claims are settled by the insurance company up to the limit mentioned in the policy document. The claim amount is awarded by the honourable courts after considering many factors such as the age of the deceased, income of the deceased, family condition etc.

A third-party car insurance policy is mandatory for every car owner to ply in public places without which the owner/driver may be fined up to ₹4000 or imprisoned for up to 3 months or both.

Comprehensive Car Insurance Policy

Comprehensive car insurance covers the loss or damage to the car in addition to the third-party bodily injury and property damages. The comprehensive car insurance policy includes both the first party as well as the third party insurance sections. The own damage claims under the comprehensive car insurance policy are settled by the insurance company while the third party claims are decided by the honourable courts.

Calculate car insurance premium for your car from Tata AIG and get the best car insurance quotes which cover the first party as well as the third party in a single policy. You also get a personal accident cover of ₹15 lakhs for the owner-driver with Tata AIG comprehensive car insurance.

The comprehensive car insurance premium would be slightly higher than the third-party car insurance policy premium which is to be noted by the customer.

Process to Convert Third Party to Comprehensive Car Insurance Policy

There might be certain instances where the car insurance policy customer might have taken only a third-party insurance policy or someone might have mis-sold only third-party insurance policy assuring that it covers all kinds of damages.

After coming to know the fact, the customer might want to change the third-party car insurance policy to a comprehensive car insurance policy. In such cases where the customers want to change their third party insurance to comprehensive insurance they can follow the below process:

1. Application to the Insurance Company- The first step in the process of conversion from a third-party car insurance policy to a comprehensive policy, you have to apply or request Tata AIG to provide a comprehensive insurance policy.

We will require the documents such as the registration certificate and other details of the customer to calculate the premium.

Once the premium is arrived at the same will be informed to you or you can use the online calculator to calculate the premium. The insurance company will proceed on to the next stage if the premium is acceptable to you.

2.Inspection of car- The second step is to carry out inspection of car by the insurance company. Insurance company will take some photographs of the car to assess the risk that the company would be accepting.

If there are any pre-existing losses, then the same would be intimated to the customer in writing that those losses would not be covered under that particular year policy. The car insurance policy would be issued only after a satisfactory inspection report.

3.Policy Cancellation & Issuance- After the inspection is done, the insurance company will issue the comprehensive car insurance policy with the details given by the customer. After the comprehensive car insurance policy is issued the customer can request the insurance company to cancel the third-party insurance policy as the comprehensive insurance policy also covers the third-party insurance. The car online insurance can also be done by the customer after the inspection is approved by the insurance company.

The customer should cancel the third-party insurance policy as it would become a duplicate policy and the premium for the unutilised period would be refunded to the customer.

If the customer wants to change his car insurance policy from Third party to Comprehensive the same can be done at the time of renewal by following the first two steps and the comprehensive car insurance policy will be issued by the insurance company.

Car Insurance Claim Process

Have you met with an accident involving your car and there are damages to the car which are to be repaired? Then the car insurance claim process is mentioned below which can be followed to register and get the claim:

1.Step 1: The first step in the car insurance claim process is to intimate the insurance company of the accident on the toll-free number 1800-266-7780 and register the claim. A brief note of the accident has to be mentioned and the claim intimation number would be generated which has to be quoted for all future communications.

Tata AIG would send a self inspection number to the customer on their registered mobile number which can be used to carry out the inspection by taking the photos and videos of the damaged parts. The car insurance policy has to be uploaded along with other relevant documents.

2.Step 2: Once the inspection is done the customer can fill the self-inspection form mentioning the details of the accident and the damages to the car. Once the details are updated the insurance company will check and decide on the claim amount payable. Now the customer has to decide on the mode of repair.

3.Step 3: Customer has the option to avail cashless claim settlement or reimbursement from the insurance company. In the case of a car insurance claim cashless settlement mode, the claim would be paid directly to the garage while in case of reimbursement the claim would be paid to the customer.


  • You can change the third-party car insurance policy to comprehensive car insurance policy after getting the inspection done and paying the required premium for the comprehensive car insurance policy.
  • Yes, the upgrade to comprehensive insurance is possible at the time of renewal on payment of additional premium and after successful inspection as recommended by the insurance company.
  • Comprehensive car insurance policy is always better than third-party car insurance as the former covers the loss or damage to the car due to any accidental causes and bodily injury and property damage of third parties while the latter covers only the bodily injury or property damage to third parties.
  • For renewal of car insurance policy online click here to get your policy immediately after payment of premium.
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