What Is RTO: Everything You Need To Know

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 02/11/2023

An astounding number of vehicles ply on Indian roads on a daily basis. There are bikes, private cars, and commercial vehicles. Approximately 140 million people travel to work every day.

While some travel short distances, many people have commutes longer than 30 km. These people use public and private transport to reach their destinations.

But why are we talking about vehicles and people? This is because any vehicle that plies on Indian roads has to get permission from the central RTO or Regional Transport Office.

Let us find out everything about RTO in detail.

What is an RTO ?

The RTO full form is the Regional Transport Office. It is also known as the Regional Transport Authority of India (RTA). RTOs come under the regulation of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.

The RTO takes care of vehicle-related services like granting permission for on-road presence, vehicle registration, authorising driving licences, and maintaining drivers’ databases. All states and Union Territories have several RTO offices, and all of them abide by the guidelines of the Motor Vehicles Act of India, 1988.

RTO offices have multiple DTOs or District Transport Offices functioning under them.

Roles and Responsibilities of an RTO

RTO offices have several responsibilities bestowed upon them by the Motor Vehicle Act.

Vehicle Registration

The RTO (expansion Regional Transport Office) has set jurisdiction, and all vehicles purchased within its perimeter need to get registered under the respective RTO. An RTO office issues registration numbers, vehicle registration certificates, and licence plates.

**Permits and Transport Regulations **

If you want to get transport permits or NOC, you need to visit your Regional Transport Office. The RTO regulates the operation of commercial vehicles, like monitoring passenger safety norms, compliance with load limits, and operating routes.

**Driving Licences **

The RTOs also issue driving licences to qualified applicants. It also maintains records of licensed drivers. The Regional Transport Office conducts driving tests for all types of drivers (private and commercial) before issuing the licence.

**Fitness Certificates **

If a vehicle spends more than 15 years (10 years in some states) on the road, it needs to go through inspections at the RTO offices to ensure roadworthiness.

After complying with the norms and emission standards, the RTO gives them the fitness certificate to continue plying on roads. This is how RTOs enforce environmental regulations.

**Tax Collection **

When someone buys a car, that person must pay the road tax. It is the Regional Transport Office that collects all sorts of taxes and fees related to motor vehicles. The tax rates vary according to the type and size of the vehicle, and to check the tax for the type of vehicle you own, you can check out the RTO’s official website.

For example, if you are living in Kolkata and want to know the motor vehicle taxes, you can visit the Kolkata RTO official website.

Apart from these duties, RTO offices often collaborate with the traffic department to enforce traffic rules and regulations, helping in law enforcement and traffic management.

With time, RTOs have become far more accessible with RTO portals and apps. For example, mParivahan is a mobile app developed by the National Informatics Centre where vehicle owners can get all types of information related to motor vehicles.

List of RTOs in Different States

Here is a list of RTOs in different states, along with their RTO codes and RTO official website. Note that the state names have been mentioned in an alphabetical order.

State Code RTO Official website
Andhra Pradesh AP https://www.aptransport.org/
Assam AS https://transport.assam.gov.in/
Chhattisgarh CG https://cgtransport.gov.in/
Gujarat GJ http://rtogujarat.gov.in/
Himachal Pradesh HP https://himachal.nic.in/transport
Jharkhand JH http://jhtransport.gov.in/
Kerala KL https://mvd.kerala.gov.in/
Maharashtra MH https://transport.maharashtra.gov.in
Meghalaya ML http://megtransport.gov.in/
Haryana HR https://haryanatransport.gov.in/
Karnataka KA https://transport.karnataka.gov.in/
Madhya Pradesh MP https://transport.mp.gov.in/
Manipur MN https://manipur.mygov.in/group/department-transport/
Mizoram MZ https://transport.mizoram.gov.in/
Odisha OD http://odishatransport.gov.in/
Punjab PB https://olps.punjabtransport.org/
Sikkim SK https://www.sntd.in/
Tripura TR https://transport.tripura.gov.in/
Uttarakhand UK https://transport.uk.gov.in/
Telangana TS https://transport.telangana.gov.in/
Arunachal Pradesh AR http://arunachalipr.gov.in/?page_id=343
Bihar BR https://state.bihar.gov.in/transport/CitizenHome.html
Goa GA https://goatransport.gov.in
Rajasthan RJ https://transport.rajasthan.gov.in/content/transportportal/en.html#
Tamil Nadu TN https://tnsta.gov.in
Uttar Pradesh UP http://uptransport.upsdc.gov.in/en-us/
West Bengal WB https://transport.wb.gov.in/
Nagaland NL https://mvd.nagaland.gov.in/

These are the state RTOs with several DTOs or District Traffic Offices under them. We have discussed the differences between RTOs and DTOs in the following section.

Now that you have knowledge about state RTOs let us take a look at the RTOs in different Union Territories of India.

Similar to the state names, UT names have been listed in alphabetical order.

Union Territory Code RTO Official Website
Andaman and Nicobar Islands AN http://db.and.nic.in/mvd/
Lakshadweep LD https://lakshadweep.gov.in/department-of-road-transport/
Chandigarh CH http://chdtransport.gov.in/
National Capital Territory of Delhi DL https://transport.delhi.gov.in/home/transport-department
Dadra and Nagar Haveli DN http://dnh.nic.in/Departments/Transport.aspx
Puducherry PY https://transport.py.gov.in/
Daman and Diu DD https://daman.nic.in/rtodaman/default.asp
Leh-Ladakh LA https://leh.nic.in/e-gov/online-services/
Jammu and Kashmir JK https://jaktrans.nic.in/

What is the Difference Between RTO and DTO

RTO: As we have already discussed, RTOs are responsible for vehicle registration, issuing driving licences, maintaining driver’s databases, regulating traffic rules, collecting motor vehicle tax, issuing road permits, etc. RTOs function under the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. Every state and union territory has one RTO, and many DTOs could be under its jurisdiction.

DTO: The DTO full form is the District Traffic Office. DTOs have similar functions to RTOs, but they act in a limited jurisdiction. DTOs operate at a district level.

Services at RTO: Fees and Charges

To register your vehicle in the RTO, you need to pay the registration fees. These registration fees differ based on the type of vehicle.

Similarly, RTOs offer many other services like conducting driving licence tests, issuing new licences and renewing the existing ones, issuing road permits, fitness certificates, No Objection Certificates, and many others.

Here is a list of RTO fees and charges.

RTO Service RTO Fees
Issuance of Learner’s Licence (LL) ₹150
Driving Licence (DL) Test ₹300
Issuance/renewal of DL ₹200
Renewal of DL after grace period ₹300 (₹1000 for delay of each year)
Issuance of International Driving Licence ₹1000
Addition of vehicle class in DL ₹500
Two-wheeler (motorcycle) Registration ₹300
Light Motor Vehicle Registration Non-Transport – ₹600
Transport – ₹1000
Medium Passenger Vehicle Registration ₹1000
Heavy Passenger Vehicle Registration ₹1500
Imported four-wheeler Registration ₹5000
Imported two-wheeler Registration ₹2500

RTO Mobile App: All Information in Your Hand

An average Indian person who does not own a motor vehicle is unaware of RTOs and their roles. Even vehicle owners do not have complete knowledge of how RTOs work. Therefore, to spread awareness, the government has made RTO vehicle information more accessible.

People can download online apps like mParivahan to get all RTO vehicle information in the palm of their hand.

Do RTOs Play a Role in Car Insurance?

RTOs do not play any role in deciding or regulating bike or car insurance. While the Motor Vehicle Act mandates all vehicle owners to have a car insurance policy, it is not regulated by RTOs.

Even though motor insurance is not regulated by the RTO, you must have at least a third-party motor insurance plan to take out your vehicle legally on the roads anywhere in India.

With Tata AIG, you can conveniently buy bike or car insurance online. Moreover, with us, you can enjoy a hassle-free and transparent car insurance claim process.


Regional Transport Office (RTO) is a government office that regulates motor vehicle registration, issues driving licences, and collects motor vehicle tax. Essentially, RTO offices enforce traffic regulations. So, if you are planning to buy a car, a bike, or a commercial vehicle, you better find out the RTO in your area and be prepared for the process.


How many RTOs are there in India?

There are more than 1100 RTOs or Regional Traffic Offices in India.

Do I need to visit an RTO to renew my driving licence?

Yes, you need to visit the RTO for a driving licence renewal.

Do I need to transfer my vehicle registration if I want to drive in a different state?

Ideally, if you are planning to move to a different Indian state for a short period of time, you may not need to transfer your registration. However, for stays longer than a year, you will need to register your vehicle in the new state.

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