Top Natural Probiotic foods

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 08/10/2023

In a world where wellness trends come and go, one health practice has stood the test of time - prioritising our gut health. A flourishing gut microbiome is the cornerstone of overall well-being, impacting everything from digestion to immunity and mental health. And at the heart of a thriving gut lies an army of beneficial bacteria known as probiotics.

While supplements have their place, nature provides a bounty of probiotic-rich foods that nourish and delight the taste buds. From tangy fermented vegetables to creamy yoghurts and beyond, these foods are delicious additions to your plate and nutritional powerhouses.

In this blog, we will go through the top natural probiotic foods mother nature has generously bestowed upon us.

So, get ready to revitalise your gut health as we unravel the secrets of these incredible probiotic-rich foods in India and in general. Your digestive system will thank you once you include these in your diet!

Why Do We Need Probiotics in Our Diet?

Probiotics, often called "good bacteria," are crucial in maintaining a balanced and healthy gut microbiome. This complex community of microorganisms in our digestive tract is fundamental to our overall well-being.

Here is why we need probiotics in our diet:

Digestive Health

Probiotics aid in the breakdown and absorption of nutrients from our food. They help prevent common digestive issues such as constipation, diarrhoea, and irritable bowel syndrome by promoting a harmonious environment within the gut.

Boosting Immunity

Most of our immune system resides in the gut. Probiotics stimulate the production of antibodies and enhance the function of immune cells. They also act as a barrier against harmful pathogens, reducing the risk of infections.

Mental Health and Mood Regulation

Emerging research suggests a strong connection between the gut and the brain, often called the gut-brain axis. Probiotics may influence neurotransmitter production, potentially alleviating symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Inflammation Reduction

They help maintain a balanced inflammatory response in the body. This is crucial in preventing chronic inflammation, which has been linked to various health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

Enhanced Nutrient Absorption

Probiotics assist in absorbing essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals. This ensures that the body gets the maximum benefit from our food.

Balancing the Microbiome

Factors like stress, antibiotics, and a poor diet can disrupt the natural balance of our gut flora. Probiotics restore this equilibrium, supporting the growth of beneficial bacteria.

15 Best Natural Probiotic Foods

These examples of probiotic foods are natural wonders that offer a delicious culinary experience and harbour an abundance of beneficial bacteria that support digestive health and bolster immunity.


Yoghurt is perhaps the most renowned probiotic-rich food. It is created by fermenting milk with beneficial bacteria, including Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains. These microorganisms aid digestion and help maintain a balanced gut flora.


Kefir is a fermented milk product with diverse probiotic profiles, including lactic acid bacteria and yeast. It supports gut health, enhances nutrient absorption, and provides a rich source of vitamins and minerals.


This tangy fermented cabbage is a staple in many European cuisines. Packed with live Lactobacillus bacteria, sauerkraut aids digestion and contributes to a robust immune system.


Hailing from Korea, kimchi is a spicy fermented cabbage dish teeming with probiotics, fibre, and vitamins. Its diverse microbial population promotes gut health and reduces inflammation.


Miso is a traditional Japanese seasoning made from fermented soybeans or other grains, rich in beneficial probiotics, enzymes, and essential nutrients. It supports digestive health and bolsters the immune system.


Originating from Indonesia, tempeh is a nutrient-dense, probiotic-rich food made from fermented soybeans. It provides a substantial amount of protein and probiotics that enhance digestion and nutrient absorption.


This effervescent drink is created by fermenting sweet tea with a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY). It offers a unique blend of probiotics, enzymes, and organic acids, aiding in digestion and detoxification.

Raw Cheese

Raw, unpasteurised cheese is a treasure trove of probiotics. Made from raw milk and aged naturally, it harbours diverse strains of beneficial bacteria that support gut health and improve nutrient absorption.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar contains the "mother," a colony of beneficial bacteria and enzymes. It aids digestion, helps regulate blood sugar levels, and supports a healthy immune system.


A traditional fermented dairy product, buttermilk is rich in probiotics like Lactobacillus acidophilus. It aids digestion, promotes gut health, and provides a good source of calcium and vitamins.


This Japanese staple is made from fermented soybeans and is exceptionally rich in a powerful probiotic called Bacillus subtilis. Natto supports heart health and digestion and offers a rich source of plant-based protein.


Naturally fermented pickles, not the vinegar-based kind, are abundant in probiotics. They aid digestion, contribute to a balanced gut microbiome, and provide essential nutrients.

Sourdough Bread

Authentic sourdough is a fermented bread from wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria. It is easier to digest than conventional bread and offers a modest dose of probiotics along with improved nutrient absorption.


Naturally, fermented olives are a Mediterranean delicacy packed with probiotics. They support digestive health, contribute to a robust immune system, and offer a range of antioxidants.


A traditional Russian fermented beverage, kvass is made from rye bread and boasts an impressive probiotic profile. It aids digestion, supports liver health, and provides a rich source of B vitamins.

Tips to Add the Best Natural Probiotics in Your Daily Diet

Now that you are aware of the top foods rich in probiotics, you should be able to include these in your daily diet too. However, from the above list, there are a few options you will not find regularly. But do not worry!

Here are some practical tips to help you incorporate these beneficial probiotic Indian foods into your meals:

Start with Fermented Foods

Add fermented foods like yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi to your diet. These naturally fermented options are rich in probiotics and can easily be incorporated into various dishes.

Experiment with Homemade Ferments

Consider trying your hand at fermenting foods at home. This can be a fun and rewarding way to introduce probiotics into your diet. Experiment with recipes for homemade pickles, kombucha, or even sourdough bread.

Include a Daily Serving of Yogurt or Kefir

A simple and delicious way to boost your probiotic intake is by including a daily serving of yoghurt or kefir in your meals. Opt for varieties with live cultures and avoid those with excessive added sugars.

Snack on Probiotic-Rich Options

Swap out conventional snacks with probiotic-rich foods. Munch on fermented vegetables and olives, or enjoy a handful of raw cheese to support your gut health while satisfying your cravings.

Incorporate Miso into Your Cooking

Add miso paste to soups, stews, dressings, and marinades. You can easily get this in India. This versatile ingredient imparts a rich umami flavour and introduces a dose of probiotics to your dishes.

Use Apple Cider Vinegar as a Dressing or Tonic

Incorporate raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar into your daily routine. Use it as a tangy salad dressing or dilute it in water as a morning tonic to promote gut health.

Include Tempeh (Tempay) in Plant-Based Meals

If you follow a plant-based diet, consider adding tempeh to your meals. This fermented soy product is a superb source of probiotics and plant-based protein.

Opt for Whole, Raw, and Unpasteurized Varieties

When choosing probiotic-rich foods like cheese or pickles, opt for whole, raw, and unpasteurised options. These varieties contain a higher concentration of live cultures compared to their processed counterparts.

Rotate Your Probiotic Sources

Aim for diversity in your probiotic sources. Rotate between different fermented foods to expose your gut to a variety of beneficial bacteria strains.

Read Labels Carefully

When purchasing probiotic-rich products like yoghurt or kombucha, read labels to ensure they contain live, active cultures. Look for specific strains like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium for maximum benefit.

Are There Any Side Effects of Consuming Too Much Probiotics?

Consuming too many probiotics can lead to some potential side effects, although they are generally mild and temporary:

Gastrointestinal Discomfort

Excessive probiotic intake, especially in the form of supplements, can cause gas, bloating, diarrhoea, or an upset stomach. This is more likely to occur when starting a high-dose probiotic regimen.

Allergic Reactions

Some individuals may be allergic to certain probiotic strains or the components in probiotic supplements. This can lead to symptoms like itching, swelling, or hives.

Interference with Medications

Probiotics might interact with certain medications, affecting their effectiveness. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional if you are on medication and plan to take probiotic supplements concurrently.

To avoid these potential side effects, consuming probiotics in moderation is crucial, ideally through natural food sources like yoghurt, kefir, and fermented vegetables.

If you are considering probiotic supplements, consult a healthcare provider to determine the appropriate dosage and specific strains that best suit your needs.

[Note: Individual responses to probiotics vary, so paying attention to how your body reacts and adjusting your intake accordingly is essential.]

Who Should Not Consume Foods High in Probiotics?

Individuals with compromised immune systems, such as those undergoing chemotherapy, organ transplant recipients, and people with HIV/AIDS, should exercise caution or consult a healthcare provider before consuming probiotics.

Additionally, premature infants and those with certain serious health conditions should avoid probiotic supplementation unless specifically recommended by a medical professional.

People with a history of allergic reactions to probiotic-containing foods or supplements should also exercise caution and seek guidance from a healthcare provider before introducing probiotics into their diet.

Always consult a healthcare provider before starting any new dietary regimen, especially if you have underlying health concerns.


In nurturing our gut health through natural probiotic foods, we embark on a journey towards overall well-being. These dietary choices fortify our immunity, support digestion, and contribute to a robust, balanced gut microbiome.

However, it is equally crucial to safeguard our health comprehensively. A robust health plan or critical illness insurance provides a safety net, ensuring access to the best medical care in times of need.

Regarding a health insurance policy, Tata AIG is a reliable partner. Our plans are designed with a deep understanding of individual health needs, offering comprehensive coverage and a network of top-tier healthcare providers.

With Tata AIG, you can buy health insurance online in minutes! And, by doing so, you secure your physical well-being and gain peace of mind knowing that you are backed by a company committed to your health and safety.

In pursuing optimal health, remember that combining mindful dietary choices and comprehensive health coverage empowers us to lead fulfilling, worry-free lives. Prioritise your health, and with us, rest assured that you are in good hands.

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