Best Reclining Yoga Poses
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- Last Updated On :
- 24/04/2024
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- 2 min read
Yoga is a form of mind and body fitness that combines muscular activity with an internally directed mindfulness to evoke self-awareness with a focus on breath and energy. The healing system of yoga relies on four basic principles:
The human body is a holistic entity, so an illness in one dimension affects the others
The practice of yoga must be tailored to each individual’s unique needs
As a self-empowering principle, yoga believes that the student is his/her own healer and engages them in the healing process
The quality and state of an individual’s mind play a crucial role in healing
The aforementioned principles reveal how yoga is a holistic approach to mental and physical wellness. Of the many asanas directed towards this healing, supine poses in yoga are curated to induce relaxation and release.
Let’s dive deeper into these lying asanas and their benefits
Supine Poses in Yoga and Their Benefits
Supine postures in yoga are those that are performed while lying down. They are an excellent way to conclude a yoga session. Most of the yoga poses lying on the back begin with the term “Supta” - meaning supine in Sanskrit.
Lying down yoga poses are frequently incorporated into restorative yoga. Some lying yoga asanas can become a part of your morning routine to help you wake up and feel energised, whereas some others are great to induce a good night’s sleep. Lying asanas and their benefits are widely regarded for their ability to relax the nervous system and calm the breath, which helps those who practise it gain better awareness of their bodies.
Some lying yoga poses that are commonly known include Savasana or the corpse pose, bridge pose, supine twist, supine bound angle, etc.
Now that we understand the reclining position meaning, let’s look at some precursors to practising reclining asanas.
Tips for Practising Supine Asanas
Before you start with your practice, it is important to note that yoga should be performed under the guidance of a trained professional if you want to ensure you are performing the asana in the right manner. Otherwise, you may risk injuring yourself.
Here are some tips for practising lying-down yoga poses:
Avoid excessively stressing or pressurising your spine, or you may risk injuring yourself. This is of particular importance when practising inverted yoga asanas.
You can start with using props for support, for instance, by placing a blanket under your spine for extra cushioning or a yoga block under the sacrum when practising the bridge pose
If you experience strange and sharp pains when in certain asanas, either make use of props when performing these or eliminate the asana entirely
Take slow and deep breaths when holding the asanas, particularly in case of restorative and calming ones
Now that we have covered the basics of reclining poses let’s take a look at some lying yoga poses with their names.
10 Reclining Yoga Poses
Supine poses are an excellent way of relieving stress and relaxing tension in the shoulder, neck, and back. Additionally, as the weight of your body is positioned with a low centre of gravity in reclining postures, it can help in deepening supine twists, promoting flexibility in your legs, and strengthening your back. Without further ado, let’s take a look at some effective yoga poses lying on your back:**
Ananda Balasana - The Happy Baby Pose
Ananda Balasana is an excellent stretch for your groynes, hamstrings, and inner thighs. In addition to greatly improving your flexibility and mobility, this asana also relaxes your spine and hips. The happy baby pose is also known to relieve stress and anxiety, regulating the heart rate, and re-aligning your spine.
Here are the Steps to do the Ananda Balasana:
Step 1: Lie flat on your back on your yoga mat
Step 2: With your head against the mat, draw your knees towards your chest at a 90-degree angle. The soles of your feet must be pointing skyward
Step 3: Now, grab hold of your feet and spread your knees by shifting them toward your armpits
Step 4: Flex your heel into your hand and rock gently from side to side - like a happy baby. Stay in this position for a few breaths while focusing on your breathing.
Contraindications and Precautions:**
If you are suffering or recovering from knee and neck injuries, refrain from performing Ananda Balasana
Pregnant women must exercise caution while practising Ananda Balasana and avoid the pose after the first trimester as it can affect blood circulation to the foetus
Bhujangasana - The Cobra Pose
The Bhujangasana is a spinal extension pose and is packed with several benefits, including stretching and strengthening muscles, reducing symptoms of depression, and improving self-esteem.
Of the various lying yoga asanas, this one is particularly beneficial for the back as it helps one counteract all the forward motion and rounded shapes that are assumed throughout the day, partly owing to the frequent use of computers and mobile phones.
Here are the Steps to do the Bhujangasana:
Step 1: Lie on your stomach and spread your feet and legs to the width of your hips
Step 2: Fold your elbows and place your hands on the floor right next to your ribs
Step 3: With a deep inhalation, begin peeling your chest away from the floor and lifting yourself for the spinal extension. Hold the pose for at least five seconds before repeating.
Contraindications and Precautions:**
If you have any injuries in your arms, shoulder, or back, avoid practising the cobra pose
Pregnant women and those who have undergone abdominal surgery must also refrain from practising this asana
Dhanurasana - The Bow Pose
The Dhanurasana offers several benefits to one’s health by strengthening back and abdominal muscles, stimulating reproductive organs, opening up the chest, neck, and shoulders, alleviating stress, and also providing relief from menstrual discomfort and constipation.
Here are the Steps to do Dhanurasana:
Step 1: Lie on your stomach with your legs and feet in line with your hips and your arms by your side
Step 2: Flow your knees and stretch your arms back until you can hold your ankles
Step 3: With a deep breath, lift your chest off the ground while simultaneously pulling your legs up and toward your back
Step 4: By keeping your gaze straight ahead, focus on your breathing with your body taut as a bow
Step 5: Hold the pose for as long as you can without overstressing your body
Contraindications and Precautions:**
Pregnant women should not perform Dhanurasana
Individuals suffering from high or low blood pressure must also refrain from practising the bow pose
If you suffer from lower back pain, have recently undergone abdominal surgery, or are recovering from a neck injury, you must not practise Dhanurasana
Halasana - The Plough Pose
Halasana is an inverted reclining pose that strengthens, stretches, and relaxes your body. Some of its key benefits include improved blood circulation, lowering blood sugar levels, and relieving the tightness in your neck, shoulders, and back.
Here are the Steps to do Halasana:
Step 1: Lie on your back with your arms by your side and your palms facing the floor
Step 2: Take a deep breath and lift your legs to 90 degrees
Step 3: As you exhale, roll your pelvis off the mat, move your legs backwards to your head, and slowly with a controlled movement, lower your legs toward the floor
Step 4: Support your lower back with your hands. Using your hands, try and elevate your spine.
Step 5: release your hands from the back and place them in their initial position. Try to bring your elbows and shoulder blades as close together as you can. Hold this pose for two minutes.
Step 6: To come out of the pose, exhale and bring your legs to 90 degrees. Pause, and in a controlled movement, gently lower your legs to the mat.
Contraindications and Precautions:**
Avoid this asana if you suffer from glaucoma and dental bone grafts
If you have any chronic pains or suffer from aches in the shoulder, neck, or back, don’t perform Halasana
Matsyasana - The Fish Pose
Matsyasana is a great pose for achieving mind and body balance and is considered an energising pose. It opens the neck, chest, and intercostal muscles between the ribs and stimulates the Vishudda (throat) and Sahasrara (crown) chakras.
Here are the Steps to do Matsyasana:
Step 1: Lie on your back and bend your elbows while keeping your forearms on the mat and your upper arms perpendicular to the ground
Step 2: Elevate your chest, roll your shoulders, and tuck your shoulder blades in your back
Step 3: For stability, tuck your hands under your upper buttocks
Step 4: Try to lower your head so it touches the floor by stretching your throat. Meanwhile, ensure your legs and toes are active and engaged.
Step 5: To raise your head off the mat, press into your forearms and relax your body by resting it on the mat
Contraindications and Precautions:**
Refrain from practising the Matsyasana if you are suffering from a headache
If you have any neck or back injuries, avoid practising this asana
Pavanamuktasana - The Wind-Releasing Pose
As the term suggests, Pavanamuktasana helps release trapped gas in the lower digestive tract, thereby aiding the digestive system. It is also known to improve blood circulation and is a great exercise for muscle relaxation.
Here are the Steps to do Pavanamuktasana:
Step 1: Lie on your back with your arms by your side
Step 2: Take a deep breath, and while exhaling, draw your knees towards your chest while pressing your thighs on your abdomen
Step 3: Wrap your hands around your legs and hold the pose
Step 4: Exhale when you tighten your grip on your shins and inhale when you loosen it
Contraindications and Precautions:**
If you have hypertension or suffer from heart ailments, refrain from practising this asana
Menstruating women and pregnant women must also avoid performing Pavanamuktasana
Salabhasana - The Locust Pose
The Salabhasana stretches and strengthens your back and core muscles, thereby enhancing spinal mobility. By opening up the chest, it also helps improve your posture.
Here are the Steps to do Salabhasana:
Step 1: Lie on your stomach with your hands in the back and palms facing downwards
Step 2: Extend and straighten your big toes to activate your quadriceps
Step 3: To broaden your lower back, rotate your inner thighs to face the ceiling
Step 4: Keeping your hands on the mat, raise your head, legs, and chest. Draw your shoulders up and back - away from the mat - and ensure that the back of your neck is extended
Step 5: Without taking support from your glutes, try and extend your sternum and hold the pose
Contraindications and Precautions:**
Pregnant women and those who have recently undergone abdominal surgery should not practise the Salabhasana
Individuals suffering from neck, shoulder, or back injuries should not practise this asana
Supta Virasana - Reclining Hero Pose
The reclined hero pose yoga is an excellent stretch for the feet, ankles, thighs, and front of the body. Reclined hero pose yoga also stimulates and gently massages the lower back while opening up the chest and shoulders to improve your posture.
Here are the Steps to do Supta Virasana:
Step 1: Start by Virasana - sitting on your heels
Step 2: Keep your hands behind your back on the mat and bend your elbows
Step 3: As you exhale, gently lean your body backwards by lowering your forearms followed by your upper back - considering this feels manageable for your knees and your lower back. A stretch must be felt in your quadriceps and not at the attachment points of the muscle at your knees
Step 4: If your back is on the mat, you may bring your arms alongside the ears, out to the sides, or on your stomach.
Contraindications and Precautions:**
If you have knee or ankle injuries or experience pain in your lower back, refrain from practising this pose
A gentle compression may be felt in the lower back; however, if you experience a pain or pinch, come out of Supta Virasana
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana - The Bridge Pose
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana rejuvenates the body and has calming and therapeutic effects. It also plays a prominent role in women’s health at all stages of their life, such as during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause.
Here are the Steps to do Setu Bandha Sarvangasana:
Step 1: Lie on your back and bend your knees by keeping them hip-width apart. Ensure your ankles and knees are in a straight line, and your arms are by your side facing downward.
Step 2: With a deep breath, gently lift your back in three stages:** first, your lower, middle, and then your upper back off the floor. Raise your chest and try to rest your chin on your chest without bringing it down.
Step 3: Support your weight using your shoulders, arms, and feet. Ensure your thighs are parallel to the floor and each other. Hold this pose for 50-60 seconds before returning to the original position.
Contraindications and Precautions:**
Ensure your knees are not overstressed when performing Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
If you have issues in your knee, shoulder, hip, neck, or back, then refrain from practising this asana
Pregnant women must strictly steer clear of this asana
Savasana - The Corpse Pose
No yoga session concludes without the Savasana for final relaxation. Although the physical aspect of the Savasana is easy, this asana challenges your mind to find balance and relax, demanding intense focus and concentration.
Here are the Steps to do Savasana:
Step 1: Lie on your back and keep your legs straight and separate. Bring your arms by your side and slightly away from your torso. Curl your fingers in with your palms facing skyward.
Step 2: Ensure your body is entirely relaxed, and then focus on your breathing
Step 3: Hold this pose for 5-10 minutes. To reawaken your body, take deep breaths and wiggle your fingers and toes. Then, draw your arms overhead to stretch your body.
Step 4: Now close your eyes, draw your knees to your chest, and roll over to one side. Using your bottom arm as a pillow, rest in this pose for some time before coming to a seating position using the support of your arms.
Contraindications and Precautions:**
Avoid performing Savasana directly on the floor as it can cause stiffness in your back
For a comfortable pelvis position, you can keep a rolled blanket under your knees
Pregnant women should use a rolled blanket to keep their head and chest elevated
The Bottom Line
Practising supine yoga asanas is a great way to take care of your mental and physical health, and when paired with a comprehensive health insurance policy, it becomes the ultimate way to safeguard your health.
While yoga is preventive health care, a medical insurance plan secures your health by accommodating rising medical costs, covering pre-existing ailments, compensating for pre- and post-hospitalisation expenses, offering cashless hospitalisations and more.
Essentially, health insurance acts as your financial safety net in distressing times. Individuals can even opt for extending this coverage to their loved ones with health insurance plans for family.
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