Diet for Dengue

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 22/02/2024

The World Health Organisation recognises dengue as one of the most widespread viruses that is transmitted by the Aedes mosquito. With an estimated 100–400 million infections occurring each year, the illness has become a matter of global concern.

Dengue is transmitted from mosquitoes to people and is more common in sub-tropical and tropical climates. The break-bone fever caused by the dengue virus causes severe muscle spasms and joint pain along with patients experiencing headaches and rashes.

This is why it is important to take proper care to ensure speedy recovery from the illness. In this endeavour, following a proper dengue recovery diet can help give a much-needed boost to the immune system for fighting the virus.

This is essential considering how if dengue is not treated promptly, it can be life-threatening. With that in mind, let us take a look at what is the best food for dengue fever patients.

Foods to Recover from Dengue

A strong immune system is essential for swift recovery from illnesses and a great way to do this is by eating foods that are loaded with essential nutrients and vitamins. Here is the recommended diet for dengue recovery:

Papaya Leaves

During dengue fever, the platelet count is reduced because blood cells are affected by the virus that causes platelet damage. To counter this symptom and increase the platelet count, papaya leaf juice is an effective food for dengue patients.

Several studies have found that papaya leaf juice can safely and effectively help in recovering from dengue by boosting immunity via increasing the platelet count.

To make the papaya leaf juice, you will have to finely chop the leaves and add them to boiled and cooled water. Blend this concoction well to a dark green juice and incorporate this in your dengue treatment food. As papaya leaves taste very bitter, you can add some black salt to the juice with a squeeze of lemon.


Kisi is a highly recommended fruit to increase platelet count during dengue. You can easily consume 1 to 2 ripe kiwis daily as a part of your diet if you are diagnosed with dengue.

The fruit is rich in several vitamins (A, K, and E) and antioxidants. However, avoid consuming it in the evening or at night and have to in the morning or mid-day for best results.

Essential Herb Mix

To curb the severity of the dengue symptoms, several health practitioners recommend a mix of herbs including tulsi, ashwagandha, ginger, giloy (an Ayurvedic herb), and aloe vera.

One can also add a combination of these ingredients to prepare a comforting cup of herbal tea to ease the mind and the body of patients suffering from dengue. Herbal tea can aid sleep which is essential for recovery.


Pomegranates are a power-packed dengue treatment food as they are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients that reduce exhaustion and fatigue. Pomegranates also help boost the patient’s platelet count for a faster recovery from the illness.

Coconut Water

Hydration is an important aspect of recovering from any illness. However, when it comes to treating dengue, proper hydration is critical. This is because patients suffering from severe dengue exhibit severe dehydration making it not only the most common complication in dengue but also the leading cause of death, related to plasma leakage.

To prevent this from happening, every list of foods for dengue patients will include coconut water for its immense benefits. Coconut water is loaded with electrolytes and comprises essential nutrients for dengue patients.


Turmeric is a staple in every Indian cooking and is renowned for its anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. These attributes work on the core levels to fight illnesses and eliminate infections. For patients suffering from dengue, a warm cup of turmeric milk can be highly beneficial.


Fenugreek seeds comprise several essential nutrients that can reduce dengue fever and relieve body aches. It can also induce sleep by acting as a mild tranquilliser. So, you can easily add fenugreek seeds to your dengue recovery diet by soaking 1 tablespoon in water overnight, then straining the water and consuming this on an empty stomach.


Dengue usually brings along a high fever paired with dehydration. To beat these symptoms and afford some relief to the body, oranges are a great fruit. Loaded with Vitamin C, oranges give a refreshing rehydrating boost to your body and fight fatigue while increasing the body's resistance.

Nutrients for Dengue

While the aforementioned list of some of the best foods for dengue fever patients is an important aspect on the road to recovery, patients must not neglect any medical attention and only consider the foods as a supplement to their medical treatment.

Essentially, the right diet for dengue includes the following five essential components:

Vitamin C: For its anti-viral and antioxidative properties that build a robust immune system

Iron: For maintaining blood haemoglobin levels and producing platelets.

Vitamin K: To improve the platelet count and help with blood clotting vitamin K plays an important role in the management of dengue fever.

Healthy Calories: To assist with regaining the strength that is lost in fighting the virus and convalescence well.

Hydration: For maintaining your electrolyte balance and helping you on your road to a speedy recovery.

The above nutrients are also important for after-dengue recovery food.

Foods to Avoid During Dengue Fever

Just as it is important to know what to eat to get better, it is equally important to know which foods to avoid during dengue fever. To assist you on your part to recovery, here are foods to avoid for dengue patients:

Caffeine: Since caffeine is a diuretic it causes the system to lose water through urine. As hydration is an important aspect of recovery, caffeinated beverages must be avoided when suffering from dengue fever.

Spicy Foods: Spicy foods can disturb the stomach and damage the intestinal wall because of excess acid secretion. Some spicy foods to avoid for dengue patients include curries that contain lots of mixed spices and chillies.

Fatty Foods: Fatty foods are difficult for the stomach to break down and since digestion is slow in dengue patients these must be avoided. These include fried foods, butter, fatty meat cuts, etc.

In Conclusion

Most cases of dengue can be treated at home with the right medication and diet. However, medical intervention may be needed for certain severe cases. Therefore, if you are detected with dengue, it is best to consult a registered medical practitioner for proper treatment along with consuming a healthy diet.

Since vector control is the only real measure of prevention, individuals must secure their health with comprehensive health insurance so they do not have to worry about the soaring medical expenses when seeking treatment.

In times of sickness, your medical insurance plan acts as your financial companion that takes away the worries of medical bills so you can focus on improving your health. At Tata AIG, we understand the urgency of securing not only you but your loved ones as well. Therefore, you can also secure your family members and elders through special plans such as senior citizen health insurance or family health insurance for well-rounded protection.


How is dengue contracted?

Dengue is a viral infection that is transmitted through the bite of the Aedes mosquito. Symptoms include fever, muscle and joint pains, headache, nausea, and rash.

How to prevent dengue?

The best prevention technique is to eliminate mosquito breeding sites by not having stagnant water in your home or surrounding areas. Other tips include applying mosquito repellent when stepping outdoors and wearing protective clothing.

What is the recommended diet for dengue?

The ideal diet for dengue is rich in essential nutrients, helps elevate platelets, and strengthens the immune system. And so, the dengue recovery diet includes foods rich in vitamins C, A, and K, and iron. In addition to these patients must also consume healthy calories and focus on hydration.

What is the recommended after-dengue recovery food?

After dengue recovery food would include hydrating fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, leafy greens, and adequate fluids.

What foods should be avoided in dengue?

During dengue, patients must avoid salty, fatty, and spicy foods while also avoiding caffeinated beverages.

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