Effective Ways to Ease Pre-travel Anxiety

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 11/07/2024

Travelling is fun for nearly everyone, provided the trip has been planned well in advance, and everything is in place. Of course, there is always room for unexpected emergencies, which is why you must have a health insurance or medical insurance policy with you.

However, something known as pre-travel anxiety affects a lot of people, especially when they are planning a long and elaborate trip to a new destination. Some people experience high levels of stress and fear at the mere thought of planning or starting a trip. Generally, travelling and meeting new people can be a thrilling experience; unfortunately, for those with pre-trip anxiety, the thrill may trigger negative emotions.

Planning or taking a trip may be challenging when someone feels nervous pre-trip due to anxiety, but there are ways to handle this.

What Results in Anxiousness before Travel?

Anxiety related to travel might be brought on by a variety of factors. Here are some of the common reasons why people may feel anxious before their journey:

  • Some people check their bags and luggage more often, fearing they may have missed packing some important items or inadequate clothing for the trip.
  • Even though the trip may be primarily via a flight, most people dread getting on the plane. This can be due to the fear of flying or the discomfort of having to stay seated for a long time.
  • Motion sickness is common for many people who cannot stand the rocking motion of the ship or boat for long hours. Therefore, if you need to board a ship for your trip, it is likely that the thought of being sick can give you pre-travel anxiety.
  • Leaving family members at home, mainly parents leaving a child for the first time, worrying about disruptive teenagers, or even leaving a pet at home might cause these anxious sensations.
  • Some people may suffer anxiety as a result of prior stressful travel encounters. In contrast, others may experience worry for no apparent reason at all, but this is a rare occurrence.

Types of Pre-travel Anxiety

These are some of the common types of pre-travel anxiety that people experience:

  • Fear of flying: Among all the pre-travel phobias, the fear of flying is arguably the most common. The inability to exert control, changes in air pressure, and a general sense of uneasiness and turbulence have all been linked to this pervasive anxiety. These things can contribute to a phobia of flying, especially as you grow older.
  • Fear of the uncertain: Some people excessively watch news stories that present the worst-case scenario. Reading about accidents like kidnappings, injuries, and other misfortunes in the news makes it easy to automatically associate travel with disaster.
  • Home-sickness: Some individuals also fear being away from home. For those who have anxiety disorders like panic attacks or agoraphobia, being at home is a sign of protection for them. Spending significant time away from home causes considerable worry.

These are some of the symptoms you can look out for if you have pre-travel anxiety:

  • panic attack
  • Anxiety attack
  • an angry or irritated state
  • Restlessness
  • a feeling of tension or increased vigilance
  • higher heart rate
  • difficulty concentrating
  • Having difficulty falling or staying Tense asleep muscles
  • Breathlessness
  • Sweating
  • Uncomfortable chest
  • abdominal discomfort or nausea
  • Diarrhoea
  • Shaking

How to Manage Pre-travel Anxiety?

1. Determine the cause.

You can develop specific pre- and post-trip management methods by understanding the factors contributing to travel anxiety. It could take some time and effort to figure out what causes it.

2. Get timely updates.

Individuals who experience anxiety while travelling away from home worry about what is happening back at home. This is common if you have left young children or aged parents in someone’s care. Setting up a security system or camera at home or checking in with your neighbours can help reduce your anxiety.

3. Carry some diversions with you.

If the mode of transportation makes you nervous, consider taking something to keep you busy during the trip.

Distracting activities include:

  • Reading.
  • Keeping a journal.
  • Doing crossword puzzles or other puzzles.
  • Watching movies or TV shows.

4. Practice being calm.

People can calm down and lessen anxiety before a trip by practising relaxation techniques like breathing exercises or meditation. Sometimes, even drinking some water or juice can help you calm down while you figure out your next course of action.

5. Travelling with friends

If you feel anxiety before travelling alone, consider asking a friend or loved one to travel with you when planning the trip. This offers companionship in an unfamiliar setting, and having a reliable person nearby can also inspire new experiences and adventures.

6. Look for something positive.

Instead of fretting about potential disruptions, the person can focus on the forthcoming happy times. By reminding a person of the fun activities and enjoyable times, you can reduce their anxiety before a trip.

7. The use of medication

Consider talking with your doctor about medical options if other approaches aren't working to ease your anxiety. This can entail taking anti-anxiety drugs daily or just during a panic attack.

Most people suffer chronic physical symptoms such as fever and nausea when travelling because they are generally anxious about their trip. If you ever need to get admitted when travelling within the country, be sure that you have your health insurance policy with you. When you buy health insurance online from Tata AIG, you can access a network of hospitals across the country. This can be useful if you need to be hospitalised.

That way, you can easily leverage the benefits of health insurance and create a support system for yourself. Medical insurance can also be useful if you are sick on your domestic trip but cannot make it back home for treatment. Tata AIG’s network hospitals all over India support cashless claims, which takes away the hassle of having to pay for your hospitalisation from your own pocket.


Anxiety can arise for a variety of reasons in different people. However, it may be helpful to identify the cause so that they can take appropriate measures to deal with it.

Also, remember to have your health insurance plan with you when travelling domestically so that any other medical emergencies can be covered on your trip.

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