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Health Benefits of Akarna Dhanurasana (Archer’s Pose)

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 24/04/2024
  • 2 min read

If you want to feel like an archer ready to shoot an arrow, you can try Akarna Dhanurasana or Archer’s Pose. This is a bit of a challenging yoga pose that demands flexibility, strength, and focus.

The name comes from the Sanskrit words A (near), Karna (ear), Dhanu (bow), and Asana (pose). It describes the pose where you bring your foot close to your ear as if it were a bow.

This article will explain the Akarna Dhanurasana steps and benefits and shed light on this pose's contraindications.

Akarna Dhanurasana Steps

You will require a yoga mat, a strap (optional), and a calm and quiet environment to perform Archer pose yoga.

Follow these steps to get into the pose:

  • Take a Dandasana position, a simple seated posture, sit on the ground and extend your legs in front of you. Ensure your back is erect and your toes flexed toward you.

  • Start by sitting on the ground and bending your right leg. Place your right foot near your right hip and keep your left leg straight and active.

  • Reach out your right hand to your right foot and hold the big toe with your thumb, index, and middle fingers. If you can't reach your toe, use a strap and loop it around your foot.

  • Begin by inhaling and lifting your right leg and arm, keeping them straight. Place your left hand on your left thigh for stability. Then exhale and bend your left leg, bringing your foot close to your chest. Grab the outside of your left foot with your left hand.

  • Inhale and lift your left foot towards your left ear as if pulling back a bow. Keep your left elbow bent and your left shoulder relaxed.

  • Look straight ahead and focus on a point in front of you. Imagine aiming at a target with your left foot as the arrow and your right foot as the bow.

  • Hold this pose for a few seconds, breathing deeply and steadily. Feel the stretch in your arms, legs, chest, and neck.

  • As you breathe out, bring your left foot down to the mat. Then, lower your right foot as well and straighten your right leg. Rest in Staff Pose for a while and then switch sides.

Akarna Dhanurasana Procedure — Benefits and Contraindications

Akarna Dhanurasana Benefits

  • Akarna Dhanurasana is not only a fun and dynamic pose but also a beneficial one. Here are some health benefits of practising them regularly:

  • Archer's pose strengthens the arms, shoulders, thighs, and calves. Akarna Dhanurasana operates the upper and lower body muscles, especially the biceps, triceps, deltoids, quadriceps, and gastrocnemius. It also tones and shapes your arms and legs, making them more defined and attractive.

  • It improves the flexibility of the spine, hips, groins, chest, neck, and shoulders. This pose stretches the entire length of your spine, from the base to the crown. It also opens up your hips, groins, chest, neck, and shoulders, improving your range of motion and mobility. It can help you prevent or relieve back pain, sciatica, arthritis, and stiffness.

  • Another archer pose benefit is that it betters the working of the abdominal organs and improves digestion. This pose compresses your abdomen and massages your internal organs, such as your liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, and intestines. It also stimulates the digestive fire and enhances the absorption of nutrients. It can help prevent or cure constipation, indigestion, gas, bloating, and acidity.

  • This pose can have positive effects on women’s reproductive health. It can ease menstrual pain by relaxing the pelvic muscles and improving blood circulation to the reproductive organs. It can also help balance the hormones and regulate the menstrual cycle. It may also reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome PMS, menopause, and infertility.

  • It enhances the concentration and focus of the mind. This pose requires you to be alert and attentive, balancing your body and aiming at a target. It also calms your mind and clears your thoughts, as you have to breathe deeply and steadily.

  • This pose can help you relax your body and mind by releasing negative emotions and stress. You can also feel more calm and peaceful by focusing on your breath and the present moment. This can help you deal with anxiety, depression, fear, and other mental challenges.

  • This pose works on the lower two chakras, the sacral and the root, associated with creativity, sexuality, stability, and security. It also stimulates the kundalini energy, the dormant spiritual force at the base of the spine. It can help you awaken your creative potential, express your emotions, feel grounded, and connect with your true self.

  • This pose squeezes and flushes out the toxins and waste products from your body, especially your liver, kidneys, and intestines. It also cleanses the lymphatic system, which fights infections and diseases. It can help you prevent or heal from various illnesses like colds, flu, allergies, and infections.

Contraindications of Akarna Dhanurasana

Some reasons to avoid this pose are:

  • Avoid this pose if you have injury in the joints involved in this pose, such as the ankles, wrists, toes, shoulders, hips, knees, or spine. This pose can worsen your condition by putting too much stress on these joints.

  • If you cannot coordinate your breath with your body movements or align your spine, hips, and shoulders properly, this pose can cause you to hurt yourself or do it incorrectly if you don’t have these skills. Either learn this pose from a certified yoga teacher or use props like a strap, a wall, or a chair to assist you.

  • Avoid if you have tight hamstrings, weak body frame, or supple joints. This pose demands a lot of flexibility, strength, and stability from your body, especially your hamstrings, arms, and core.

  • This pose is not recommended for pregnant women, as it can harm the abdomen and the fetus. It is also not advisable for women who have just given birth, as it can lead to bleeding or infection. It is also unsuitable for older people, as it can increase the chance of falls, fractures, or injuries.

  • Avoid this pose with any other medical issues affecting your ability to do Akarna Dhanurasana, such as high or low blood pressure, heart problems, glaucoma, hernia, or any other condition.


Akarna Dhanurasana is a beneficial yoga pose that can boost your mental, physical, and inner well-being. It can tone and stretch your muscles, cleanse and energise your organs, relax and sharpen your mind, and harmonise and awaken your chakras. It can also improve your morale, creativity, and resilience.

However, this pose also has some difficulties and dangers you should be aware of and prepared for. Practice this pose carefully and cautiously, following the correct steps, tips, and variations. Also, be mindful of the contraindications and precautions of this pose and avoid it if you have any injuries, illnesses, or limitations.

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What is the benefit of Akarna Dhanurasana?

Archer’s Pose benefits in the following ways

Strengthen and stretch your muscles

Stimulate and detoxify your organs

Enhance and calm your mind

Boosting your confidence

How to perform Akarna Dhanurasana?

Archer Pose is performed by sitting with one leg extended and the other foot drawn towards the inner thigh. Hold the big toe with one hand and extend the other arm forward, resembling an archer aiming an arrow. Maintain a straight back and stretch, feeling the stretch in the extended leg. Repeat on the other side for balance.

Who should avoid performing Akarna Dhanurasana?

Individuals with knee or hip injuries, lower back problems, or those experiencing pain in the shoulders should avoid Akarna Dhanurasana. Pregnant women and those with heart conditions should also refrain from this pose.

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