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Health Benefits of Halasana

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 18/04/2024
  • 2 min read

Modern lifestyle has led to increased pressure on our physical and mental health. This has given rise to several health complications.

However, yoga can help you fight all kinds of stress and challenges in today’s fast-paced life. You can perform different yoga asanas to boost your body and soul.

One such asana is Halasana (Plough or Plow Pose Yoga). Let’s learn about Halasana steps and benefits and the precautions to take when doing the asana.

What is Halasana?

Halasana, also known as plough/plow pose yoga, is an inverted pose of the body that is usually performed at the end of a yoga session.

The word “hala” means “plough” in Sanskrit, and “asana” means “yoga pose”. Halasana is known as the plough pose because the final position of your body resembles the shape of the plough/plow (a farming tool).

Halasana is also known as the inversion circulation pose. In this asana, you lie on the back, placing your feet on the floor at the back of your head.

Halasana Steps

Here’s the step-by-step process of practising Halasana:

Step 1: Lie on your back and put your arms at the side of your thighs with palms facing the floor.

Step 2: Now lift your legs at 30 degrees for a few seconds without bending your knees.

Step 3: Gradually raise your legs to a 60-degree angle and then to a 90-degree angle to reach the position of Ardhahalasana.

Step 4: Press your palms on the floor, lift your pelvis off the floor and take your legs above your head.

Step 5: Now, slowly bring your legs above your head towards the floor. Ensure to keep your elbows and shoulders as close as possible.

Step 6: Put your hands by your body’s side and hold the final pose of Halasana for 30 seconds.

Step 7: Now, slowly lower your waist and legs to come back to the original position.

Step 8: Repeat the pose three to five times.

Halasana Benefits

There are ample health benefits of Halasana or plow pose yoga. Here’s how it impacts your physical and mental well-being:

Improves your digestive system

The plow pose yoga is a magical solution for several stomach issues. It puts pressure on your abdomen and boosts the function of your digestive system. By stimulating the muscles, Halasana promotes bowel motility, relieving you from constipation.

Helps relieve your back pain

The extreme body bending in Halasana can do wonders for your back pain. The pose helps release the stress from your back muscles and strengthens your spinal cord, reducing back pain.

Helps manage diabetes

Next on the list of Halasana yoga benefits is the proper management of diabetes. It restricts the excessive production of blood sugar, thus helping to manage blood sugar levels in your body. So, if you have diabetes, practising Halasana can help keep the condition in check.

Stimulates thyroid gland

Halasana reverses the blood flow in your body. As blood flows to the upper parts of your body the upper glands like the thyroid and pituitary get activated. By stimulating your body’s endocrine system, Halasana helps boost the working of your thyroid gland.

Relieves stress

One of the plow pose benefits is relief from stress and anxiety. You can experience relaxation of your mind after practising this asana with breathing exercises. The enhanced blood flow to your brain helps relieve stress and improves your brain’s cognitive functioning.

Boosts blood circulation

As mentioned earlier, Halasana is also known as the inversion circulation pose. It diverts the blood flow from the lower to upper body parts. This helps blood to travel to your nerves and glands enhancing blood circulation.

Boosts immune system

Since Halasana circulates blood to all the tips of the nerve endings, it strengthens your body’s immune system in the long run.

Beneficial during menopause

Menopause can cause stress as your body changes. Halasana can help you tackle menopause issues by relieving tension from points like neck, shoulder and spine. The pose can also help deal with stomach disorders during menopause.

Beneficial for hair

Halasana diverts the blood flow towards the upper parts of your body, including the roots and tips of your hair. This benefits the health of your hair.

Some other health benefits of Halasana include increased appetite, reduced weight, detoxification of the body and healthy reproductive organs.

Precautions to Take While Practising Halasana

Halasana has immense health benefits. However, knowing the Halasana contraindications and taking a few precautions is necessary while practising the plough/plow pose:

Do not hold inversions for long durations. Always listen to your body

Do not practice it during pregnancy or menstruation

Do not force if it hurts

Do not practice Halasana if you have not done any yoga poses before

Consult a professional yoga practitioner before practising the asana if you have high blood pressure

Do not practice the plow pose yoga if you suffer from cervical spondylitis (neck injury)

Avoid practising Halasana if you get frequent headaches. This is because increased pressure on your head and neck can worsen your headache symptoms

Skip the posture when you feel weak or fatigued

Do not practise the asana if you suffer from abdominal injuries or hernias

Wrapping Up

Halasana can offer indispensable health benefits. Practising this pose can help you achieve spine flexibility and keep your spinal cord healthy and strong. It can further help you deal with hypertension, diabetes, high blood pressure, stress and muscle tension.

However, it is essential to practise the Halasana procedure with adequate precautions to avoid any complications.

Now you know the Halasana steps and benefits. Another essential step to keep yourself safe from a plethora of health risks is to buy the right health insurance plan. A health insurance policy can act as a safety cushion during health emergencies, especially when medical costs are skyrocketing.

Tata AIG offers a range of health insurance plans for family, self and critical illnesses at budget-friendly prices. So, don’t delay and get the best medical insurance plan for yourself and your loved ones today!


What are the benefits of Halasana?

Halasana provides several health benefits to the individual who practices it regularly. It helps improve blood circulation, boosts the immune system, manages blood pressure and diabetes, relieves stress and back pain, improves the digestive system and stimulates thyroid glands.

What is Ardhahalasana?

Ardhahalasana, also known as the half plough/plow pose, is Halasana’s simpler version. It involves holding your legs at a 90-degree angle.

Who should not practise Halasana?

Women who are pregnant or having menstruation should not practice Halasana. Other Halasana contraindications include neck or blood pressure problems, frequent headaches, diarrhoea, asthma, cervical spondylitis, abdominal injuries and hernias.

What are the preparatory poses for Halasana?

Padma Sadhana, Sarvangasana and Setu Bandhasana are a few preparatory poses for Halasana that can give you good results.

What are easy modifications of Halasana?

As a beginner, you can modify Halasana in the following ways to reap its benefits:

You can place a block if you cannot touch your toes on the floor.

You can take the support of a wall if you can’t touch the floor in the beginning.

You can place a soft blanket for neck support to avoid pressure on the neck and shoulders.

What are the tips for practising Halasana?

Here are a few tips you must follow while practising Halasana:

Follow proper instructions and take advice from a professional yoga practitioner.

Practice the pose slowly to avoid any physical injuries.

Keep your spine and neck in alignment.

Put pressure on your shoulders and not your neck when bending your waist above your head.

Take the help of props if you find it challenging to practise the pose in the beginning.

Practise complementary poses like Bhujangasana and Sarvangasana to restore flexibility.

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