Health Benefits of Licorice

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 23/07/2024

Liquorice, commonly known as Sweetwood or Mulethi, is an effective medicinal herb. The scientific name of Liquorice is Glycyrrhiza Glabra, which is a perennial herbaceous plant.

The plant is generally valued for its roots because of the presence of bioactive compounds such as polysaccharides, flavonoids and Glycyrrhizin.

Due to this, liquorice has various medicinal and health benefits. In this blog, we will focus on Liquorice or mulethi benefits.

History of Liquorice

The liquorice root has a rich history that dates back to ancient Chinese, Indian and Egyptian cultures. In the traditional period, liquorice has been widely used due to its therapeutic properties.

It has been discovered that the roots of liquorice plants have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities. Due to this, the plant root has been used for managing various health conditions, such as digestive issues, skin ailments, respiratory disorders, and more, since ancient times.

Nutritional Profile of Liquorice

Serving Size: 15 Sticks (55g)
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 206 kcal 0.1
Fats 0g 0
Carbs 52g 0.17
Proteins 0g 0
Cholesterol 0g 0
Sodium 28mg 0.01

Top Health Benefits of Liquorice

Some of the common liquorice medicinal benefits are:

Liquorice for Digestive Health

The first mulethi benefit is that it helps alleviate various gastrointestinal issues and improves digestive health. The compound present in liquorice helps in soothing the digestive tract through its demulcent properties.

It forms a protective layer around the mucous membranes of the stomach, which offers relief from irritation caused by excessive stomach acid.

Another liquorice powder benefit is that it contains mild laxative properties, which help in dealing with constipation by allowing proper bowel movement.

Liquorice for Respiratory Health

Liquorice's medicinal benefits go beyond digestive health; it is suitable for respiratory health due to its demulcent qualities. It is a good choice for treating sore throats. Further, liquorice also acts as an expectorant, which assists in thinning and expulsion of mucus from the respiratory tract.

Due to liquorice's medicinal benefits, it is the perfect choice for treating cough accompanied by excessive mucus production. Also, in various clinical research, it has been found that liquorice compounds have anti-asthmatic effects.

Liquorice for Liver Health

Liquorice has anti-inflammatory properties that help in protecting the liver from alcohol-induced injury. In various studies, it has been concluded that the liquorice root offers relief in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Further, the liquorice root also has therapeutic effects on other liver diseases, such as jaundice.

Liquorice for Brain Health

One of the bioactive compounds found in Liquorice is glycyrrhizic acid which helps in treating cognitive impairment and neuroinflammation. It also keeps the mental skills sharp. Another active compound in liquorice is liquiritigenin, which is known to have anti-inflammatory qualities.

Due to this, it helps in treating neuroinflammation related to Alzheimer's disease. In various research, it has been found that liquorice might be beneficial for treatment of depression.

Liquorice for Diabetes Treatment

The liquorice root has a compound that possesses anti-diabetic properties in one of the studies conducted on rats. As per the studies, liquorice extracts help in reducing blood sugar levels because of the presence of Amorfrutin and Glabridin.

Liquorice for Cancer Treatment

The bioactive compound Glycyrrhizin, in liquorice, acts as a therapeutic agent against prostate cancer. The compound inhibits cell multiplication of prostate cancer cells by inducing apoptosis. Because of this, it performs anti-tumorigenic activity against prostate cancer.

Liquorice for Weight Loss

Another liquorice tea benefit is that it assists in reducing weight. The liquorice root extract lowers the body mass index. It has a fibre that makes individuals feel full and reduces cravings. It also reduces the thickness of body fat.

Top Liquorice Benefits For Skin

Along with liquorice's medicinal benefits, you can also use it to enrich your skin. Let us see how:.

Liquorice for Lightеning and Skin Brightening

Liquorice root has the active compound Glabridin, which inhibits melanin production, which is responsible for uneven skin tone and dark spots. By preventing melanin synthesis, liquorice helps in fading the hypеrpigmеntation, which further assists in skin brightening.

Regular use of liquorice roots helps in achieving an even skin complexion. That is why it is considered an excellent skin-lightening solution.

Liquorice for Acne Control

Another potential liquorice powder benefit for the skin is it assists in acne-related issues. The liquorice root has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, which help in dealing with the swelling and redness associated with acne.

The liquorice also contains licochalcone A, which manages the oil production of the skin, making it a perfect solution for skin care if prone to breakouts.

Liquorice for Skin Hydration

It has been found that the liquorice roots have moisturising and hydrating effects on the skin. The liquorice roots possess emollient propеrties, which help in locking the moisture in the skin. It is the best skincare solution for people with dehydrated skin. The skin that has been hydrating is less prone to premature ageing.

Liquorice for Sun Damage Protеction

Sun UV rays can cause lasting damage to the skin, which includes wrinkles, skin cancer and sunspots. Liquorice has an active compound, licochalcone A and Glabridin, which contains antioxidant properties that protect the skin from UV damage. Incorporating a Liquorice powder with sunscreen can offer an extra layer of protection.

Top Liquorice Benefits For Hair

Some of the common liquorice powder benefits for hair are listed below:

Liquorice for Dandruff

One of the essential liquorice benefits for hair is it helps in curing dandruff. The liquorice powder, because of its antibacterial properties, helps in reducing the itching caused due to dandruff. Further, it also reduces the chances of dandruff.

Liquorice for Hair Growth

Liquorice powder stimulates the scalp and assists in hair growth. The bioactive compound Glycyrrhizic acid in liquorice assists in the proliferation of hair follicles. This helps in producing thicker and healthy hair over time.

Liquorice for Premature Greying

Liquorice powder contains various nutrients and antioxidant properties; it helps in preventing premature greying. Further, the regular use of liquorice powder helps restore the natural softness and shine of the hair.

Considerations While Incorporating Mulethi in Hair and Skin Care Routines

There are some tips to keep in mind while using liquorice powder on your skin and hair.

  • It is recommended to do a patch test to know that you are not allergic to liquorice. Apply a small quantity of liquorice paste on the wrist or on skin behind the ear.

  • While buying liquorice powder for skin and hair, it is recommended to choose a quality product. Go with a product that is entirely organic and does not contain any added fillers or chemicals.

  • Natural product remedies may take some time, and that is why it is suggested to be consistent with liquorice usage.

  • Excessive use of mulethi can cause dryness; hence, it should be used in required quantities.

Ways of Using Liquorice Roots

Liquorice root can be used in various ways, some of which are listed below:

Liquid Extract - Liquorice liquid extract is prepared from its roots and it can be easily found in the store.

Tea - It is one of the most prevalent forms of liquorice root. Individuals can prepare liquorice tea at home easily. It has various medicinal benefits.

To prepare a liquorice tea, put the liquorice root in boiling or hot water and allow it to simmer for 10 minutes. Instead of using roots, individuals can also use crushed or dried leaves of liquorice.

Capsules - Another common form of liquorice available in the market is capsules. The liquorice capsules are readily available in stores. However, make sure to buy capsules from a reputable vendor and follow the dosage instructions.

Cream or Gel - Liquorice is available in the form of cream and gel. Individuals suffering from skin problems can apply the cream or gel on the affected area.

Powder - Liquorice powder is readily available at online and offline stores. The powder is the best form for treating various skin and hair-related issues. To prepare a liquorice liquid paste at home, individuals can use liquorice powder and mix it with water.

Amounts and Dosage of Liquorice

The liquorice dosage and amount may vary depending on the health problem and herbal preparation. Below are the dosages that are considered safe and effective:

Product Direction for Usage Dosage
Liquorice Root  The root can be chewed directly without processing NA
Liquorice Churna Half a spoon of churna can be consumed with water or directly before the meal. 2 times
Liquorice Capsule Capsules can be taken two times before a meal with water 2 times
Liquorice Powder Half a spoon of Liquorice powder can be boiled with water or milk until it dissolves. As Required
Liquorice Tablet It should be taken as suggested by the healthcare provider. Ideally, a tablet is consumed 2 times before a meal 2 times

Note: Since the product label does not always indicate the Glycyrrhizin amount, it becomes challenging to decide the safe consumption amount. In such cases, it is suitable to consult with a healthcare provider about the dosage.

Side-effects of Liquorice Roots

Individuals who do not consume liquorice in the suggested dosage may have to face some significant side effects, which are listed below:

  • Excessive use of liquorice can increase blood pressure levels, which can aggravate heart problems. Individuals who have a family history of congestive heart failure should avoid using liquorice in any case.

  • Another side effect of consuming excessive amounts of liquorice is that it lowers the potassium level in the body, which leads to hypokalemia. Those who already have low potassium levels should avoid taking liquorice.

  • Liquorice can also cause hormonal imbalances in the body. It acts as an oestrogen in the body and should be avoided by individuals who have any medical condition that the oestrogen can worsen.

  • Pregnant women should not consume liquorice. The Glycyrrhizin in liquorice was found to be linked with preterm delivery.

  • Individuals who have any medical surgery coming up should avoid consuming liquorice at least two weeks prior to surgery. The compounds present in liquorice can affect blood pressure, which can create complications during the surgery.

  • Liquorice can also interact with patients on ongoing medication. Individuals who are taking blood thinners, blood pressure medicines, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, etc., should avoid consuming liquorice.

  • In case of any health-related issue due to the consumption of mulethi or liquorice, it is best to reach out to the nearest healthcare practitioner.

Importance of Health Insurance Plan

Unforeseen medical emergencies can occur to anyone without a prior warning. In such situations, paying a visit to a healthcare practitioner can put a financial burden on the individual. It can derail the monthly budgeting. This is the reason why individuals prefer to buy health insurance online.

Medical insurance offers coverage to individuals against various medical emergencies. Tata AIG is a reputable insurance provider that offers various health insurance plans to consumers.

With our pre-existing medical illness cover, we offer medical coverage to individuals suffering from any mentioned pre existing disease. The pre-existing disease list includes cancer, diabetes, etc.

However, the waiting period for medical insurance policy may vary. Further, with our cashless treatment benefit, individuals with the Tata AIG health insurance plan can take medical services in any hospital without paying for expenses out of their pocket.


Liquorice is a medicinal herb that has various health and therapeutic benefits. However, liquorice should be consumed in appropriate quantities with caution and awareness. Excessive use of liquorice can lead to adverse effects on the body, such as high blood pressure, potassium imbalance, etc.

Further, if you have any ongoing medication, then it is best to consult with healthcare practitioners before incorporating liquorice into a normal day-to-day routine.


What are the side effects of liquorice?

Liquorice contains Glycyrrhizin, and the high content of the same can cause severe side effects on the individual. Some of the side effects include headaches, high blood pressure, fatigue, etc. In case of adverse effects, it is best to reach out to the healthcare practitioner.

Is it ok to eat liquorice every day?

If a liquorice is consumed within the appropriate quantity, then it is considered safe. However, eating more than 57g of liquorice in a day for more than two weeks can cause health issues such as irregular heartbeat, increased blood pressure, etc.

What is the maximum amount of liquorice per day?

According to the World Health Organization, a consumption of 100 mg glycyrrhizic acid per day is considered safe in the majority of adults. However, depending on the person's physical and medical condition, this may vary. It is advisable to consult with a doctor before incorporating a liquorice.

Disclaimer: This is a general guide on Health Benefits of Liquorice. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. It is advisable to consult a qualified health professional for treatment in severe cases.

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