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What are health benefits of Moringa leaves?

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 23/07/2024
  • 2 min read

People today have grown very watchful about their diet inclusions and products or ingredients they apply to their body for a healthy outlook.

Natural ingredients are winning the race with the provision of maximum benefits for body, scalp, and skin. Moringa, an active ingredient in many medicines, has now taken over the health and skincare industry by storm.

From the numerous health benefits of moringa leaves to the ease of availability and affordability of including moringa in your day-to-day lives, it has now become necessary to understand and construct a routine around this unique natural ingredient.

What are Moringa Leaves?

Commonly known as moringa leaves in India, moringa oleifera or drumstick leaves belong to the natural herb category.

They are extracted from the Moringa Oleifera tree present in the sub-Himalayan regions of North India from the early years to be utilised in traditional medications. Other than India, these trees are also found in Africa, Arabia, and Pakistan.

The green leaves of this tree are packed with a long list of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These leaves can be consumed in various forms based on personal preference and purpose.

One of the key reasons why it is popular today is due to the numerous health benefits of drumstick leaves or moringa leaves for holistic health and well-being. The common forms include:

  • Fresh moringa leaves in salads

  • Moringa leaves-induced capsules or supplements

  • Moringa leaves (dried)

  • Morning leaves powder

  • Moringa leaves oil

Moringa Leaves Nutritional Facts

Before we dig deeper into the long list of health benefits of moringa leaves, let us take a quick look at the nutritional value of fresh moringa leaves below.

Nutrients  Fresh Leaves (100 grams)
Protein  6.7 grams
Fibre 0.9 grams
Fats 1.7 grams
Calcium  205 mg
Carbohydrates  12.5 grams 
Magnesium  8% of the Recommended Dietary Allowances 
Vitamin C 12% of the Recommended Dietary Allowances 
Riboflavin (B2) 11% of the Recommended Dietary Allowances 
Vitamin B6 19% of the Recommended Dietary Allowances 
Vitamin A 9% of the Recommended Dietary Allowances 
Iron 11% of the Recommended Dietary Allowances 
Amino Acids  18 types
Harmful Cholesterol

List of Common Moringa Health Benefits for Body

Given the significant nutritional value of moringa leaves, it is crucial to find out the different moringa health benefits for a healthy body.

With this detailed information on the expected benefits of consuming moringa leaves, you will be able to plan and include them in your daily diet with ease.

Helps Fight Inflammation - An instant body reaction to injury or pain is inflammation. Moringa leaves are considered to be anti-inflammatory, which calms the trauma response nerves and helps fight many autoimmune diseases if consumed regularly.

Helps Manage Blood Sugar Levels - Diabetes is the aftermath of high blood sugar levels, which can be maintained by consuming moringa leaves daily. One of the key features of moringa leaves is their ability to stabilise blood sugar levels using isothiocyanates.

Helps Protect the Liver - Moringa leaves are highly beneficial for individuals with liver issues. Regular consumption of moringa leaves can help speed up the process of repairing damaged cells within the liver while protecting it from additional damage incurred due to lifestyle changes, diet habits, etc.

Strengthens Bone Health - Given that moringa leaves offer high volumes of calcium and phosphorus, they help improve bone health and promote stronger bones for daily activities. Additionally, with improved bone health benefits, moringa leaves also reduce the risk of osteoporosis significantly.

Aids Weight Loss - When consumed on an empty stomach first thing in the morning or in between meals, moringa leaves tend to curb cravings while boosting the metabolic rate of the body, promoting healthy weight loss and management for all age groups.

Improves Hormonal Imbalances - A lesser-known benefit of moringa leaves is its ability to regulate hormonal imbalances in the body. This is particularly beneficial for women as regularised hormones reduce the signs of ageing.

Moreover, it prevents the growth of facial hair, acne, wrinkles, fine lines, hyperpigmentation, etc.

Improves Brain Health - With the presence of vitamins E and C, moringa leaves help calm the nerves in the body to improve brain health. With improved brain functions, the body experiences better focus and attention span, making it easier to concentrate on day-to-day tasks and activities.

Good Mood Balancers - Moringa leaves work as a mood balancer to calm the mind and put it at ease. This is because these leaves stabilise the production of dopamine, serotonin, and other hormones related to moods, allowing better quality of sleep.

Skin and Scalp Health Benefits of Moringa Oil - As the moringa leaves are packed with nutrients, the moringa oil, upon application, provides the skin and scalp with an abundance of different antioxidants and other essential nutrients.

This makes the skin supple, brings a glow, and reduces dryness and dandruff from the scalp, promoting healthier hair follicles.

Improves Gut Health - The fibre content in moringa leaves contributes to improved gut health. Additionally, the antibacterial properties of these leaves prevent the risk of pathogens growing in the gut, which can otherwise lead to unwanted infections.

Promotes Quicker Wound Healing - Moringa leaves are antiseptic. This quality helps them heal wounds faster as it increases their ability to fight bacterial infections while reducing clotting time.

Reduces Cholesterol Levels - Regular consumption of moringa leaves can lead to the reduction of cholesterol levels as it is packed with healthy nutrients which fulfils the body’s nutritional requirements the right way. Moreover, as it reduces cravings, it allows you to consume a healthier diet.

How to Reap Moringa Leaf Powder Benefits?

Recipes for Diet Inclusion

Smoothies - One of the easiest ways to include moringa leaf powder in your diet is by adding it to your morning juices or smoothies. Along with the base ingredients, add a spoonful of moringa powder to the mix to benefit from increased energy levels throughout the day.

Drinking Water - Another way to incorporate moringa leaves powder or leaves into your diet is by adding them directly to your drinking water once or twice a day.

Moringa Tea - You can also use fresh moringa leaves to make a cup of hot moringa tea by adding them to hot water before consumption.

Baked Goods - If you love baking, you can add the powder to your batter and bake normally to munch on healthy cookies and biscuits when hungry.

Salads - You can also add the leaves to your salads or salad dressings as something green to make them look healthier while providing the body with numerous nutrients.

Recipes for Skin and Scalp Health Using Moringa Leaves

Hair Oil - You can mix moringa leaf oil or powder with another essential oil like almond, coconut, or castor oil and apply it on your scalp to provide your scalp with the necessary nutrients to prevent hair fall and dandruff formation.

Hair Mask - To detoxify your scalp, make a hair mask using 1 tablespoon of moringa powder and mix it with yoghurt and 1 teaspoon of amla powder. Apply this mask to your hair for 15 minutes after shampooing.

Glow Mask- Make a moringa face pack using moringa leaf powder and a small teaspoon of turmeric. Mix them using regular or rose water, apply and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes to give your skin a natural glow.

Hydration Mask - For dry and flaky skin, you can combine aloe vera, honey, and moringa powder in a thick paste and apply it evenly on your face and neck. After 15-20 minutes, wash it off with room temperature water for maximum hydration.

Exfoliating Mask - Combine moringa leaves powder with yoghurt and 1 teaspoon of oatmeal. Then, add a pinch of turmeric to the mix before applying it on your face and neck for 20 minutes. After that, wash it off using normal water and apply a moisturiser. Regular use of this pack can reduce pigmentation and fade acne scars.

Potential Side Effects of Moringa Leaves

  • Consuming moringa leaves in high doses can lead to digestive issues like diarrhoea, bloating, stomach pain, etc. It is thus recommended to consult a doctor before consuming moringa regularly for dosage support.

  • Some people can be allergic to moringa leaves, and regular consumption can lead to skin rashes and irritation, breathing problems, and more.

  • In some rare cases, heavy doses of moringa leaves in any form can lead to kidney stones. However, there is no direct proof, so always consult a doctor if you have a history of kidney stones.

  • Sometimes, while applying moringa oil or pack on the skin or scalp, it might come in contact with the eyes and other sensitive parts of the face, which can cause instant irritation and discomfort. Be careful while applying it.

  • People who consume regular medicines for diabetes or other diseases should never take moringa leaves without a doctor’s consultation as they might have adverse effects on the body when consumed with some medicines.

  • Even with the potential health benefits of moringa leaves for pregnant women, they should not be consumed before speaking to a medical professional as, at times, their high nutritional content can lead to uterine contractions.


The nutritional health benefits of moringa leaves make it a promising ingredient to include in your daily diet. Moreover, given that it can be consumed and utilised in different forms, it is easier to incorporate these leaves to improve skin, scalp, and internal body health.

However, to be able to get the best results from moringa leaves, knowing the right ways to include it in your diet and skin or hair care routine is necessary. You also need to ensure that you purchase moringa leaves or any of its forms from reputable companies and brands to avoid unnecessary health concerns.

Additionally, always remember to pace up your consumption and application dosage to avoid any unexpected reactions or other consequences.

Secure your Health with Tata AIG Medical Insurance

Even with the numerous benefits of moringa leaves, we cannot solely rely on them to ensure good health. With the increasing unpredictability of new-age diseases, securing your well-being with an investment tool like health insurance is crucial.

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At Tata AIG, we offer a robust network of over 10,000+ hospitals around India to reduce the hassle of urgent financial settlements right after treatment. Additionally, we understand the need for flexible medical insurance plans for customised coverage and thus offer a range of add-ons with our plans.

All you need to do is assess your coverage needs, compare health insurance plans on our website and buy the plan of your choice in a few quick steps to benefit from a financial safety net during medical emergencies.


How many grams of moringa leaves are recommended for daily consumption for best results?

For an adult, the recommended dosage for moringa leaves for daily consumption is 70 grams. If you prefer consuming it in powder form, you can have up to 11 teaspoons to meet your daily requirements.

What is the best time to consume moringa leaves in any form?

Moringa leaves can be taken at any time during the day. However, most general physicians recommend consuming it first thing in the morning or as a part of your breakfast to give your body ample time to absorb the nutrients present in these leaves.

Are there any benefits of consuming moringa leaves for a pregnant woman?

Due to its rich nutritional content, regular consumption of moringa leaves by pregnant women can help promote better health for the baby and the mother. Additionally, as an old tradition, moringa leaves are also linked with improved lactation in new mothers, ensuring better quality milk production for the baby. Please consult a doctor before adding it to your diet.

Disclaimer: This is a general guide on Moringa leaves and their health benefits. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. It is advisable to consult a qualified health professional for treatment of health conditions.

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