Health Benefits of Water Apple

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 14/02/2024

The need for a balanced lifestyle with ample healthy food consumption and regular physical exercise is at its peak today. The increasing number of health issues and diseases arising out of the blue has made people more concerned about what they put in their body and how it benefits them.

For a healthy mind and body and a fit lifestyle, ample consumption of vegetables and fruits in your diet is a common recommendation by most doctors. Other than the usual fruits like apples, bananas, oranges, pomegranates, melons, kiwis, etc., another fruit has been trending in the market.

This fruit is a water apple. It is a small, delicious fruit that is sweet and high in nutrients, making it a perfect addition to your daily diet. This fruit is found in different parts of Southeast Asia. The numerous water apple fruit benefits make it a great choice!

This blog will discuss water apple uses, benefits, side effects, and more.

What is a Water Apple?

A tropical pear or round-shaped fruit that comes in shades of pink and red, water apple is a less popular but highly nutritious fruit. It is a member of a family of plants called Myrtaceae.

Other names of apple water include Malabar plum, rose apple, wax apple, and plum rose.

It is not as popular worldwide but is a top choice for people living in different tropical regions as it aids in adopting a healthy and conscious lifestyle. It has a mildly sweet taste with a light scent of rose.

It is commonly found in South Asian regions like Thailand, Malaysia, India, etc. Some medications also contain water apple elements due to their rich flavour and nutritional content.

Nutritional Value of Water Apple

Regarding the nutritional value of the water apple, per 100 grams, the energy content is 25 kilocalories.

Other than this, other elements of a water apple include fibre, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins A, B1, B2, and B3, and minerals.

The next list of ingredients includes copper, zinc, manganese, magnesium, calcium and fats.

Water apples are very low in calories and made of almost 90% water content, making them a good source of nutrients without high-calorie intake.

How To Include Water Apple in Diet

Water apple is part of the fruit group so it can be added to a diet in multiple ways. Some common ways include the following:

Water apples can be eaten raw as a mid-meal or snack.

It can be added to any fresh fruit salad for colour, flavour, and added nutrition.

For children, eating water apples might not be fun. Here, they can easily be reduced to juices and jellies that are easier to consume.

Water apple jams are also a big hit for breakfast.

Due to its sweet taste, people also enjoy eating it as a quick healthy dessert post-meals.

Top Health Benefits of Water Apple

As a fruit, water apples are packed with flavour and health benefits. All the different water apple benefits target different aspects of the human body, ensuring a well-rounded approach to a better and healthier lifestyle.

The top benefits of water apples for your health include the following:

Water Apple Benefits for Skin

With polyphenols and vitamin C, water apples protect the skin from external pollutants and particles. This ensures a natural, youthful glow on the skin with the necessary protection ability. Moreover, the hydrating ability of the water apples keeps the skin moisturised throughout the day, highlighting soft and supple skin texture.

Water Apple Benefits for Diabetes

According to scientific research, water apples are rich in antihyperglycemic properties that reduce blood sugar levels. People with diabetes can consume this fruit regularly or as their doctor advises.

With the help of the antihyperglycemic properties and a low glycemic value of 2, water apple slows down the process of breaking down food sugars entering the body, reducing the chances of a sudden spike in blood sugar levels.

Water Apple Benefits for Hydration

The high water content in water apples directly increases the body's water intake, even with limited direct intake. This ensures the body stays hydrated throughout the day, which is important to avoid dryness, dehydration, fatigue, etc.

It further helps replenish the fluids lost and keeps the body cool during high temperatures in the summer.

Water Apple Benefits for Metabolism

Water apples aid in the overall digestion process of the body. This is because they help break down and digest different nutrients better, directly impacting the body's metabolism rate. With this increased metabolic rate, the body is encouraged to develop healthy food habits, resulting in effective weight management.

Water Apple Benefits for Immunity

One of the top water apple benefits is its impact on the immunity system. This fruit is rich in different vitamins, including vitamin C, which promotes the production of white blood cells in the body.

Additionally, it improves the functionality capacity of existing white blood cells, increasing the immunity levels significantly. For common cold and cough issues, consuming water apples regularly is a home remedy for relief.

Some Other Water Apple Benefits

Water apples are rich in antioxidants, making them a suitable fruit that protects the body from air pollutants and other toxic substance-related issues that can attract many diseases.

Water apples contain high water content and low fats and carbs, making them a healthy addition to the diet. These fruits help reduce cholesterol levels, which can otherwise attract dangerous diseases and strokes.

Niacin is also present in water apples and is responsible for monitoring and managing body cholesterol. This fruit increases the production of good, healthy HDL cholesterol, making the body fitter. Water apples also contain vitamin B3, which helps increase the production of good cholesterol in the body.

The high potassium and water levels in the water apples also help relieve discomfort caused by muscle tension and spasms.

The high fibre content of this fruit ensures better digestion of different food items, minimising the discomfort of constipation. However, do not go overboard by consuming more than 1 water apple daily, as that can adversely affect the digestive system.

Potential Side Effects of Water Apple

Along with the numerous benefits of water apples, it is crucial to be aware of the potential water apple side effects to ensure you consume it right.

Most doctors and dieticians say water apples are a safe fruit for regular consumption. However, it is important to note that too much intake of the water apple, especially with its peel, can lead to some digestive problems.

This is because this fruit is high in fibre. Therefore, over-consumption of fibre can lead to problems like constipation, bloating, acidity, and, in some cases, diarrhoea.


With the growing awareness of the numerous benefits of a healthy diet, understanding the role of water apples in reaching your daily nutritional goals is necessary. It can be consumed in different ways like as a snack, part of salad, or raw on its own.

Water apples can help resolve many health problems with regular consumption, like better immunity and metabolism, constant hydration, reduced sugar levels, etc.

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Are water apples and apples the same?

No, water apples and apples are not the same fruits and they are procured from different parts of the country. However, they both belong to the same tropical fruit species so it can be confusing.

Can I eat a water apple on an empty stomach?

Most doctors believe no apple should be consumed on an empty stomach. This is caused due to the rich nutritional value and other ingredients, which can lead to prolonged constipation or bloating throughout the day.

I am 6 months pregnant. Can I eat water apples daily?

Water apple is rich in multiple vitamins and minerals like iron and vitamin A, which might make it a great addition to the diet during pregnancy.

However, there is insufficient evidence to support the consumption benefits of water apples for pregnant women, so consult a doctor before adding them to your diet.

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