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Beneficiary ID After COVID-19 Vaccination

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 15/09/2022

When the infamous COVID-19 pandemic struck us, the world panicked and tried various measures to curb its spread. Individuals learned the importance of health and hygiene and the benefits of investing in health insurance. Analysing the gravity of the situation, insurance providers offered a special COVID cover added to medical insurance plans. Finally, as the vaccination was released, things started to settle into the new normal. To ensure a seamless vaccination process for every individual, the government formulated a unique process involving a Beneficiary ID for each person seeking vaccination. However, owing to the changing rules and regulations, several individuals continued to have questions about the Beneficiary reference ID and how to get the beneficiary id for covid vaccine certificate. To answer these, let’s first understand the Beneficiary ID meaning and uses.

What is Beneficiary Reference ID?

To control the spread of the COVID-19 virus, vaccination is an essential measure. However, to effectively get every individual vaccinated, there was a requirement for an efficient system. To get a vast population like ours vaccinated was no easy task. Therefore, to organise the vaccination, the government introduced the Beneficiary ID for COVID vaccine.

Essentially, the Beneficiary reference ID is introduced to limit crowding at the vaccination centres. Not only was this essential for convenience and efficient management of the crowd, but was also a health requirement as the pandemic needed social distancing.

When the vaccination for COVID-19 was initiated, it was done in batches. It started for healthcare workers who were dealing with COVID-19 patients and therefore had a relatively higher chance of contracting the virus themselves. Following this, the vaccination was provided for general citizens based on the age bracket they belonged to. The Beneficiary ID meaning is that you are eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccination. Therefore, to get themselves vaccinated, individuals needed a Beneficiary ID for the vaccination certificate.

Now that we understand what is beneficiary reference id, let us know how to get the Beneficiary ID for the vaccination certificate.

Steps to Get the CoWIN Beneficiary ID

Those worried about how to get the beneficiary id for covid vaccine certificate will be happy to know that the process is hassle-free. Firstly, to procure a Beneficiary ID for COVID vaccine, the individual needs to make sure that they are eligible to get the vaccine. As mentioned earlier, vaccination was first provided to the frontline healthcare workers, and the subsequent batches eligible for the vaccine were individuals aged above 60 and then those over the age of 45. Finally, in the third phase, the government announced a more liberalised and accelerated strategy by enabling the COVID vaccination for individuals above the age of 18.

Once individuals realise whether or not they are eligible to get the vaccine, they will mandatorily need a Beneficiary ID to be vaccinated. As individuals register for the CoWIN Beneficiary ID, they receive their vaccine session time and place.

Following are the steps to procure the Beneficiary ID for the COVID vaccine:

  • Step-1: Visit the CoWIN official portal and scroll down to find the section labelled ‘Find Your Nearest Vaccination Centre’
  • Step-2: Once you click on the vaccination centre tab, a new tab will open, and you will need to then click on the button that reads ‘Register Yourself’
  • Step-3: The page that opens will request you to input your registered mobile number. Once you add the mobile number, you will receive a one-time password (OTP) to verify your details.
  • Step-4: Finally, once you enter your OTP, you will be asked to follow some basic instructions to complete your registration.
    After the completion of the registration process, as mentioned above, you will receive your CoWIN Beneficiary ID.

List of Documents Required for the Registration of the Beneficiary ID

To avoid the last-minute hassle, it is advisable to be ready with all the necessary documents that are required to generate the Beneficiary ID. To complete the registration at the CoWIN portal, the applicant will require the following documents:

  • Aadhar Card
  • PAN card
  • Voter ID
  • The smart card of the health insurance plan
  • Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Job Card
  • Passport/driving licence
  • Passbook issued by either a bank or the post office
  • Pension documents
  • For employees of the Central/ State Govt./ PSUs/Public Limited Companies a service identity card that contains their photograph

Every applicant should keep the aforementioned documents handy to ensure a seamless registration process.

Additional Details About the COVID-19 Vaccination

Once you receive your Beneficiary ID, you can get yourself vaccinated at the chosen vaccination centre. Some details about the vaccination process are:

  • Upon getting the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, the individual will receive a confirmation message on their registered mobile number
  • For completion of the vaccination, every individual will need to get two doses
  • Once an individual receives both the doses for vaccination, they will receive the vaccination completion certificate with a scannable QR-code on their registered mobile number

Learning about the details of the vaccination eliminates any confusion at the vaccination centre. The Beneficiary reference ID will be essential to receive the vaccination doses at the centre.

Frequently Asked Questions

To help you get better acquainted with the vaccination process and understand the details about the Beneficiary ID for the COVID vaccine, we have enlisted some commonly asked questions:

How Does the CoWIN Beneficiary ID Work?

The Beneficiary ID validates the eligibility to receive the vaccination for COVID-19. Once the registration is complete, the individuals will receive the confirmation message on their registered mobile number. After the completion of both doses, the member will receive a QR-code vaccination certificate on the said mobile number.

How Do I Find the Nearest COVID-19 Vaccination Centre?

Individuals can check for their nearest vaccination centre through two places: the official CoWIN portal or the Aarogya Setu app. Once you add your pin code, the website/app will display a list of the nearest vaccination centres.

The Bottom Line

The onslaught of the infamous COVID-19 pandemic brought us face-to-face with the uncertainty of life. By doing so, not only did it reiterate the importance of looking after one’s health but also highlighted the importance of a health insurance plan.

In today’s quick-paced life, lifestyle diseases are on the rise, and along with them, the cost of hospitalisation has also soared. To shield oneself from the financial burden, it is imperative to invest in reliable medical insurance. The health insurance covered by Tata AIG accommodates the changing lifestyle to cover a host of illnesses. The medical insurance includes a COVID-19 cover as well as a cover for pre-existing illnesses.

When one invests in a health insurance plan, in addition to the healthcare benefits, they are also eligible for health insurance tax benefits under Section 80D of the Indian Income Tax Act.

Disclaimer / TnC

Your policy is subjected to terms and conditions & inclusions and exclusions mentioned in your policy wording. Please go through the documents carefully.

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