How to lower your blood sugar naturally?
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- 01/02/2024
Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels in the body is paramount for the overall well-being of an individual. Blood sugar levels play a significant role in regulating the energy levels within the body. Beyond dysregulated energy, an imbalance in blood sugar levels can also lead to significant health conditions.
If the levels remain chronically elevated, it could also lead to diabetes. However, well-maintained blood sugar levels may also help control diabetes without medication in the long term.
What is Blood Sugar?
Blood sugar, also known as blood glucose, is the primary source of energy circulating in the bloodstream. The food we consume gets broken down into glucose, which is then absorbed by the cells in our body with the help of insulin.
The amount of blood sugar in the blood plays a vital role in the production of energy in the body.
Any abnormalities in the breaking down of this blood sugar or even the absorption of it in the body could lead to a spectrum of health issues.
What Affects Blood Sugar Levels?
Various factors could lead to elevating or reducing blood sugar levels in the body. Unbalanced diets or lifestyles, genetic complications or even stress can lead to Hyperglycaemia or Hypoglycaemia.
Hyperglycaemia is a condition in which there is too much sugar in your blood due to an imbalance in insulin levels or insulin resistance. Hypoglycaemia, on the other hand, is when the levels of blood sugar are abnormally low.
Following are some common reasons for elevating or reducing blood sugar levels in the body.
Reasons for Elevating Blood Sugar Levels
Excessive food intake.
Lack of physical activity.
Lack of insulin.
Side effects of medications like steroids or antipsychotic drugs.
Any illnesses that may affect the hormone release in the body.
Any form of pain in the body, be it long-term or short.
Reasons for Reducing Blood Sugar Levels
Missed meals or imbalanced meals with very low carbs.
Alcohol, especially when consumed on an empty stomach.
An abnormal increase of insulin in the body or diabetic medications.
Side effects of medications that treat other disorders or ailments.
Excessive physical activity.
What are the Signs of Elevating or Reducing Blood Sugar Levels?
Symptoms of Hyperglycaemia or Hypoglycaemia can manifest differently in different individuals. However, there are some common signs that one needs to be aware of.
Signs or Symptoms of Hyperglycaemia
Persistent Thirst.
Dry Mouth.
Blurred Vision.
Unintentional Weight Loss.
Repeated Skin Infections, Thrush and Bladder Infections like Cystitis.
Signs or Symptoms of Hypoglycaemia
Persistent Hunger.
Increased Anxiety or Irritability.
Tingling Lips.
Involuntary Shaking.
Heart Palpitations.
Blurred vision or Unfocused eyes.
Seizures or Fits. (only in serious cases)
Loss of consciousness. (only in serious cases)
How To Control Blood Sugar Naturally?
Aspects like lifestyle, diet and existing disorders play a vital role in the fluctuation of blood sugar levels in the body. To ensure that the levels of glucose do not fluctuate to extreme levels, one needs to strike a balance in physical as well as mental health.
Following are some everyday tips an individual with varying blood levels can practise to maintain a healthier lifestyle. These tips may also help avoid significant fluctuations in blood sugar levels.
Maintaining a Balanced Diet
A balanced diet is vital to maintaining healthy levels of blood sugar in the body. An overall balanced diet can help lower your blood sugar naturally, especially for individuals who have diabetes. The following are some of the natural ways to lower blood sugar.
Limiting Carb Consumption:
Since our body breaks down carbs into glucose, an excessive amount of carb intake could impact the insulin functioning in our bodies, leading to high levels of blood sugar. Consuming balanced and healthy amounts of carbs not only helps lower sugar levels but also helps avoid sugar spikes after meals.
Increasing Fibre Intake:
Fibre foods help slow down the digestion of carbs as well as the absorption of sugar in the body. This ensures that the blood sugar levels rise gradually in the body without any sugar spikes.
There are two types of fibres found in food: soluble and insoluble fibre. Out of these, soluble fibre is known to improve blood sugar control more effectively. Fibre-dense diets are known to impact Type-1 Diabetes very positively.
The daily recommendation for fibre consumption is as follows:
21-25 grams for adults born female.
30-38 grams for adults born male.
Here’s a list of fibre-rich foods to incorporate into your diet:
Brussels sprouts
Sweet potatoes
Sunflower seeds
Consuming Foods with Low Glycemic Index:
The glycemic index is a reflection of the digestion and absorption rate of the body. A healthy glycemic index directly connects to healthy levels of blood sugar in the body. Hence, opting for foods that have a lower glycemic index directly contributes towards maintaining healthier levels of blood sugar in the body and is one of the most effective natural ways to lower blood sugar.
Consuming Balanced Proportions of Food:
Food portion control aids in the regulation of calorie intake. This not only helps to keep track of the food that was consumed but also ensures that any sudden sugar spikes after a meal can be avoided.
Eating food in proper proportions that keep one satiated but ensures that it does not risk any sudden blood sugar level fluctuations is the key to a balanced diet.
Maintaining Hydration:
One of the most critical aspects that is often overlooked is the hydration of the human body. One of the first signs of Hyperglycaemia is a dry mouth and persistent thirst. Dehydration in the body affects blood circulation as well as the sugar levels in it. Hence, staying hydrated is essential to control blood sugar naturally.
List of Foods to Eat to Maintain Low Sugar Levels
Citrus Fruits
Oats and Oat Bran
Dark Green Leafy Vegetables
Intermittent Fasting for Blood Sugar
Various studies have shown that intermittent fasting over some time has helped individuals with Type-2 Diabetes to lose weight gradually while also positively affecting blood sugar levels.
Intermittent fasting involves a cycle of eating during decided time brackets and then fasting for the rest. There are, however, no restrictions on the amount or type of food that can be consumed.
During the fasting phase, the body utilises the stored glucose for energy, promoting improved insulin functions in the body. This, in turn, helps control blood sugar levels.
Incorporating intermittent fasting in blood sugar management is beneficial when paired with a balanced diet.
Regular Exercise
Exercising regularly not only helps in shedding excess weight or maintaining a healthy body weight but also plays a crucial role in managing blood sugar levels. Engaging in physical activities increases insulin sensitivity in the body, which in turn helps the cells absorb the sugar available in the blood more efficiently.
This promotes the regulation of blood sugar levels and long-term metabolic health while reducing the risks of sugar spikes, insulin resistance and Hyperglycemic attacks.
Regular exercising that involves full-body activities promotes long-term health and is one of the all-round natural ways to lower blood sugar.
Stress Management
Our body releases hormones like glucagon and cortisol when it experiences stress. Although these hormones play crucial roles in their way, excessive amounts of these hormones are known to trigger insulin resistance in the body. This can lead to diabetes in the long run.
Chronic stress, when paired with being overweight, can create a cycle where the body struggles with insulin sensitivity, which in turn could cause elevated blood sugar levels. Hence, managing stress is a crucial factor to control diabetes without medication.
Striking a balance in the hectic lifestyle and giving time for regular exercise, relaxation, and mindfulness is essential to avoiding risks of stress-induced sugar spikes and diabetes in the long run. Stress management is not just about taking care of one’s mental well-being but also providing our bodies the opportunity to relax and regain composure.
Avoid Consuming Alcohol and Smoking
Alcohol and nicotine can have significant impacts on blood sugar regulation. While alcohol is known to trigger blood sugar spikes and unexpected drops, smoking is known to promote insulin resistance in the body. For individuals already dealing with diabetes, drinking and smoking pose additional health risks, making controlling blood sugar levels more challenging.
Limiting or even avoiding the consumption of either is beneficial to health in the long run. These lifestyle changes could have a significant impact on blood sugar regulation and maintaining insulin sensitivity in the body.
Get Quality Sleep
Poor sleep patterns can disrupt the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels. Insufficient or low-quality sleep can trigger insulin resistance, in turn elevating the levels of sugar in the blood and increasing the risk of Type-2 Diabetes.
Cortisol, a stress hormone, has a chance of spiking when the body has inadequate sleep, leading to elevated blood sugar levels. Additionally, the balance of insulin and glucagon can be disrupted due to the release of growth hormones, something that is triggered by inadequate sleep.
Establishing a routine and ensuring one receives an ample amount of rest in a relaxed environment is crucial for the overall well-being of an individual.
Natural Remedies to Reduce Blood Sugar
Reducing one’s blood sugar levels naturally can start at home. Incorporating the following foods into your diet can help regulate or lower your blood sugar levels naturally.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Touted as a cure-all, apple cider vinegar is known as a promising option to help balance blood sugar levels. Many studies indicate that the daily consumption of apple cider vinegar can lead to a decrease of 7.97 mg/dL, as well as improved insulin production and sensitivity.
Some studies lasting over 8 weeks showed individuals dealing with Type-2 Diabetes to benefit significantly from the consumption of Apple Cider Vinegar.
Foods Containing Magnesium
Magnesium is one of the many essential minerals that the body needs. It plays a crucial role in over 300 enzyme and chemical reactions in the body. It not only supports digestion, metabolism, energy processing and body immunity but also contributes to the health of our bones, heart, and muscles and the regulation of our blood pressure.
Naturally, insufficient amounts of such a crucial mineral can lead to complications, especially in blood sugar level regulation and insulin sensitivity. Magnesium-rich diets not only promote better glucose levels but also better heart health and brain activity.
Here’s a list of magnesium-rich foods to incorporate into your diet:
Pumpkin seeds
Chia seeds
Black beans
Baked potatoes
Brown rice
Kidney beans
Aloe Vera
Although aloe vera is commonly known as a sunburn remedy, its juice and gel have been shown to aid in how the body uses and stores glucose. Some studies suggest that aloe vera can have a significant impact on elevated fasting glucose levels in the body and can reduce fasting blood sugar levels to 46 mg/dL.
Cinnamon is known to improve fasting blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity in the body. Some studies suggest that Ceylon cinnamon has more potential and is an excellent addition to the diet of individuals with Type-2 Diabetes.
Fenugreek is known to slow down the process of glucose breakdown in the body. This helps regulate the levels of sugar in the blood by avoiding the risk of sudden sugar spikes.
Ginseng is known to aid in improving fasting glucose and blood sugar control. It enhances insulin response in the body, especially for individuals with Type-2 Diabetes.
Probiotics play a crucial role in aiding the regulation of blood sugar in the body. Eating foods rich in probiotics not only helps with blood sugar levels but also with gut health and balances insulin sensitivity.
Here’s a list of probiotic-rich foods to incorporate into your diet:
Importance of Health Insurance
Just like one needs to take precautions to ensure that their blood sugar levels are maintained, individual health insurance is an equally vital precaution to ensure one’s health is covered financially based on their individualistic needs.
Understanding that healthcare expenses can range heavily, Tata AIG’s health insurance provides coverage for health-related expenses ranging from minor illnesses to critical diseases. At Tata AIG, health insurance plans are tailored to your requirements at competitive prices. Get a medical insurance plan that not only protects your health but also your financial plans. Safeguard your future with us today.
Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is crucial for the overall well-being of an individual and preventing the risk of diabetes. By adopting healthy habits and healthy lifestyles, one can proactively manage their health.
It is always a wise decision to take up regular medical checkups to keep track of one’s health and invest in a good health insurance plan to combat medical emergencies. Taking mindful steps towards healthier living and maintaining a healthier lifestyle that helps manage stress is the key to nurturing one’s fitness.
What is the normal blood sugar level?
Individuals without diabetes need the A1C level to fall below 5.7%, a fasting blood sugar test below 100 mg/dL and a glucose tolerance of 140 mg/dL or below.
Can extreme temperatures affect blood sugar levels?
Since excessive heat can contribute to dehydration, there are chances of it affecting the blood sugar levels in the body. Extreme temperatures, hot or cold, can impact the vascular system and cause issues in the regulation of blood sugar levels in the body.
Disclaimer: This is a general guide on tips to reducing blood sugar levels naturally. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. It is advisable to consult a qualified health professional for treatment in severe cases.
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