Top 15 Sitting Yoga Asanas for Beginners

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 15/02/2024

There are numerous benefits of the regular practice of yoga asanas. These include improved flexibility, enhanced strength, better posture, improved balance and stability, reduced stress, increased energy levels, improved breathing, mental clarity, strengthened immune system, emotional balance, and better sleep.

Yoga asanas are of different types:

Standing Asanas

Asanas in Sitting Position

On Stomach Asanas

Asanas While Lying on the Back

Balancing Asanas

Inverted Asanas

Twisting Asanas

Backbending Asanas

In this article, we are going to focus on sitting yoga exercises. We will offer step-by-step instructions to the top 15 sitting asanas postures and highlight some important things about them that you need to know.

What are Sitting Yoga Asanas?

As the name suggests, sitting yoga asanas are yoga exercises performed while in a seated position. They are primarily focused on improving flexibility and posture and encouraging a grounded state of mind. They are also used for meditation, relaxation, and breathing exercises.

There are many sitting yoga asanas for beginners and also for expert yoga practitioners. You can perform these sitting asanas either on the ground or on a yoga mat.

While the difficulty level of a yoga pose can vary based on your strength and flexibility, here are the top 15 sitting yoga poses arranged from the easiest to more challenging ones:

1. Easy Pose (Sukhasana)

This is usually the first in the list of Easy Yoga Sitting Poses. It is also known as a Pleasant Pose. If you are not accustomed to sitting cross-legged on the ground, then this is a good pose to get started.

**How to perform Sukhasana

Sit on the yoga mat and stretch both your legs in front of your body

Take your left foot and place it under your right thigh.

Fold your left leg and allow the left knee to relax

Now, take your right foot and place it under your left thigh

Remember, you will be in a cross-legged position

Keep your legs relaxed, and don’t try to strain your muscles

Place your hands on your thighs or knees as per your comfort

Keep your back and shoulders straight and bend your elbows

Close your eyes and think about something pleasant

Breathe normally

After five minutes, interchange the legs, i.e. put your right foot under your left thigh first, followed by the other

**Benefits of Sukhasana

Promotes relaxation

Helps maintain a healthy posture

Improves flexibility in the hips

Facilitates a sense of stability and mindfulness

A simple pose for meditation

2. Diamond Pose (Vajrasana)

If you are looking for Basic Yoga Poses Sitting, then the Diamond Pose is another easy one to start with. This is also a highly popular pose for the benefits it offers.

**How to perform Vajrasana

Kneel on the yoga mat

Get your knees and ankles together

Ensure that they are in line with your legs

The soles of your feet should face upwards

Sit back on your legs. Remember, your thighs should rest on your calves and the hips should be on the heels of your soles

Exhale as you sit down

Place your hands in front of you on your thighs in a comfortable position

Sit upright with your spine stretched

Press your tailbone towards the ground

Your chin should be parallel to the ground, and your head should look forward

Breathe slowly

**Benefits of Vajrasana

Improves digestion

Helps develop stronger ankles and knees

Improves posture

Enhances blood circulation in the lower abdomen

Relieves chronic back aches and knee pains

3. Staff/Stick Pose (Dandasana)

Another one of the easy yoga sitting poses is Dandasana or the Stick Pose. This can be done by anyone, even if he/she has never performed any yoga asana before.

**How to perform Dandasana

Sit on the yoga mat and stretch your legs in front of you

Keep your legs stretched by using your thigh muscles

Keep your feet together

Sit upright and place your arms right next to your hips on either side of your body

Keep your spine straight and chin parallel to the ground

Look forward

Take a slow, deep breath and stretch your spine

Continue for five minutes

**Benefits of Dandasana

Strengthens core muscles

Aids in grounding and stability

Improves flexibility due to the stretching of the hamstring and spine

4. Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana)

This is also one of the effective yoga asanas sitting poses that needs a little more flexibility in your lower limbs. Here are the steps:

**How to perform Baddha Konasana

Sit in the Stick Pose or Dandasana

Bend both your knees and get the soles of your feet together

The knees will open up on either side of your body

Hold your ankles and rest your elbows on each thigh

Get the soles of your feet as close to your groin as possible

Start putting pressure on your thighs using your elbows to open them as much as possible

While in this position, slowly press your shoulder blades against your upper back

Breathe slowly

**Benefits of Baddha Konasana

Improves flexibility in hips

Reduces discomfort associated with sciatica

Relieves menstrual discomfort

Good for a healthy posture

Improves blood flow to the pelvic region

5. Lotus Pose (Padmasana)

One of the most popular sitting posture asanas, the Lotus Pose or Padmasana, is known to offer numerous benefits if practised regularly.

**How to perform Padmasana

Sit on the yoga mat in the Stick Pose or Dandasana

Take your left foot, bend your left leg, and slowly place it on top of your right thigh

Now, take your right foot, bend your right leg, and place it on top of your left thigh

The heels of your feet should be as close to your navel as possible

The soles of your feet should face upwards

Keep your palms on your knees, bend your elbows, and relax your shoulders

Keep your back straight and chin parallel to the ground

Breathe slowly and relax your mind

**Benefits of Padmasana

Better spinal alignment

Preferred posture for meditation

The best position for Pranayama

Better circulation and digestion

Promotes calmness and peace

6. Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana)

This is an interesting sitting yoga asana that engages the most important joints of the body. **How to perform Gomukhasana

Start by sitting on the yoga mat in the Stick Pose

Take your left foot, bend your left knee, and place it under your right hip. If you can’t place it under the hip, make sure that you place it as close to your hip as possible

Next, take your right foot, bend your right leg, and cross it over to the left side of your body. Your right calf must be placed on your left thigh, and your right heel should be as close to your left hip as possible

Now, try to get your knees as close as possible

Find your balance and sit comfortably

Raise your left arm over your head, bend your left elbow, and bring your left palm towards the back of your neck. Your left elbow should be above your head, and your left palm should be open, facing away from your body

Next, bend your right elbow and move your right arm to your back

Try to stretch both your arms and get them to reach each other if possible

Breathe normally and avoid overstretching your muscles

Do this for five minutes and then repeat it with reversed limbs

**Benefits of Gomukhasana

Reduces stiffness in the back, shoulders, and neck

Improves spine alignment

Alleviates mild sciatica discomfort

Improves concentration and mental clarity

Increases stimulation of digestive organs

7. Half Spinal Twist Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

In yoga asanas, sitting exercises are known to boost the performance of your organs and the strength of your spine. The Ardha Matsyendrasana is a beautiful asana that is beneficial for your overall health.

**How to perform Ardha Matsyendrasana

Sit on the yoga mat and stretch your legs in front of you on the ground

Bend your left leg towards the inside of your left thigh, and try to touch your left heel to your anus. Do not overstretch your muscles. Try to get as close as you can

Next, bend your right leg, raise your right knee, and place your right foot flat on the ground, crossing your left knee

Once you have found your balance, place your right palm on the ground behind your back

Now, bend your left arm and place the left elbow around your right knee

Hold this position for a minute and breathe slowly

Get back to the Stick Pose and repeat by replacing the left with the right limbs

**Benefits of Ardha Matsyendrasana

Enhances flexibility of the spine

Massages abdominal organs

Relieves lower back pain

Enhances flexibility in shoulders and hips

Helps in the removal of toxins from the body

8. Hero Pose (Virasana)

Another one of the simpler Yoga Asanas Sitting Pose, the Virasana is a variant of the Diamond Pose. It requires a certain level of ankle and foot flexibility.

**How to perform Virasana

Get into Vajrasana by kneeling on the yoga mat, getting your knees and ankles together in line with your legs, and ensuring that the soles of your feet are facing upwards

Now, slowly create space between your heels and create space between them to place your hips

The top part of your feet should be flat on the ground

Check if you can comfortably sit on the ground between your feet. If not, then you can place a cushion for support

Sit upright and place your palms on your thighs

Keep your chin parallel to the ground

Breathe slowly

**Benefits of Virasana

Improves flexibility in your quadriceps, knees, and thighs

Strengthens and stretches knees

Regular practice can reduce tension in the sciatic nerve

Reduces the appearance of varicose veins

Calms your mind and reduces stress

9. Monkey Pose (Hanumanasana)

This is a slightly difficult asana that requires reasonable flexibility in your lower limbs.

**How to perform Hanumanasana

Kneel on the yoga mat with a straight back

Stretch your right leg forward. Keep your right leg straight and ensure that the heel is touching the ground

Now, stretch your left leg backwards. Initially, keep your left toes on the ground

Lower your hands to the ground right below your torso. Keep your fingertips on the ground

Now, propping yourself on your fingertips, slowly start stretching your right leg forward and left leg back

Make sure that the top of your left foot is on the mat and your hips face forward

Keep your palms flat on the ground for added support

Hold the pose for a few seconds and then repeat with the left leg forward and the right leg back

**Benefits of Hanumanasana

Strengthens lower body muscles

Stretches and opens hips

Relieves tension in the thighs and groin

Balances the root chakra and promotes a sense of stability

Improves circulation

10. Head to Knee Pose (Janu Shirshasana)

Not recommended for pregnant women, the Janu Shirshasana is a slightly challenging pose and requires reasonable flexibility.

**How to perform Janu Shirshasana

Sit on the yoga mat in the Stick Pose

Bend your left leg towards the inside of your left thigh

Keep the left calf on the ground and press your left heel to the inner side of your left thigh

Ensure that your right leg is outstretched at all times

Bend towards your right leg and try to grip your right foot with both hands. Keep your chin high and inhale while doing this

Now, slowly exhale, and start lowering your abdomen and place your forehead on your right leg

Take a deep breath and hold this position for as long as you can

Release the legs and repeat with the other leg

**Benefits of Janu Shirshasana

Stimulates liver and kidneys

Promotes flexibility of the back

Relieves stress and anxiety

Stretches hamstrings and calf muscles

11. The Shooting Bow Pose (Akarna Dhanurasana)

A challenging yoga asana that looks like a shooting bow, the Akarna Dhanurasana requires balance, flexibility, and strength.

**How to perform Akarna Dhanurasana

Sit on the yoga mat in the Stick Pose

Bend forward to hold both the big toes of your feet with your hands

Keeping the right leg stretched with the right hand holding the right toe, raise your left leg so that the left hand holding the left toe is near your left ear

Breathe normally and hold this position for a few seconds

Release the legs and repeat it with the other leg

**Benefits of Akarna Dhanurasana

Strengthens abdominal muscles

Stretches back muscles

Improves the flexibility of the spine

Enhances overall body balance

12. Leg Behind The Head Pose (Eka Pada Shirshasana)

Mastering the Eka Pada Shirshasana requires a lot of practice. Initially, you might need assistance for getting into the pose.

**How to perform Eka Pada Shirshasana

Sit on the yoga mat in the Easy Pose or Sukhasana

Hold your right foot firmly with both hands and draw it close to your chest


Now, move the foot to your nose and slowly towards the forehead


Next, move your head forward and down to place the leg behind your head on the upper rear shoulder

Stretch the leg to align the toes with your head

Join your hands in the “Namaskar” mudra at chest level

Maintain this position for a few seconds

Release and repeat with the other leg

**Benefits of Eka Pada Shirshasana

Opens your hips and stretches the lower back muscles

Increases the flexibility of hips

Stimulates organs in the abdomen region

Nourishes the nervous system

Releases stiffness from the body

13. Cockerel Pose (Kukkudasana)

This is also a challenging pose that requires a lot of practice. While it offers numerous advantages, you will need time to master it and reap its benefits.

**How to perform Kukkudasana

Sit on the yoga mat in the Lotus Pose or Padmasana

Place your left hand on the ground by passing it through the space between your left thigh and left calf. Do the same for the right hand.

Once your palms are flat on the floor, get them closer together so that the thumbs are nearly touching each other

Put full pressure on your palms and slowly raise your body off the ground

Try to balance your body weight on your palms

Try to keep your chin parallel to the ground and breathe evenly

**Benefits of Kukkudasana

Strengthens arms, wrists, and shoulders

Intensely engages your core muscles

Enhances focus and mental clarity

Opens chests and shoulders

Helps in the flow of energy throughout the body

Facilitates a deeper connection between the body, mind, and spirit

Aids in detoxification and digestion

14. Tortoise Pose (Kurmasana)

The yoga asana involves a lot of stretching and can be foundational to practising other challenging asanas.

**How to perform Kurmasana

Sit in the Stick Pose

Stretch your legs wide and form a big V with your legs. Stretch them as far as you can without straining your muscles

Put your forearms on the ground on either side of your body between your legs. Keep your palms facing downwards

Turn your wrists to point your fingers sideways or backwards

Start sliding your arms beneath the legs while lowering your torso

Reach a position where your torso is parallel to the floor

Try to touch your forehead to the floor

Breathe evenly

**Benefits of Kurmasana

Calms your nerves

Enhances flexibility in the hips region

Stretches your back and shoulder muscles

Relieves stress

15. Psychic Union Pose (Yoga Mudrasana)

While this is normally difficult for beginners, you can slowly build up to mastering it.

**How to perform Yoga Mudrasana

Sit in the Lotus Pose or Padmasana

Slowly take both your hands behind your back and hold them together

Starting bending forward and try to touch your forehead to the ground

While doing so, try to form a “Namaskar” mudra behind your back

**Benefits of Yoga Mudrasana

Balances the flow of energy in your body

Helps get rid of constipation

Relieves various gastric conditions

Some Things to Keep in Mind Before Practising Sitting Yoga Asanas

Here are some safety precautions and important tips that you must go through before you start practising these sitting yoga asanas:

It is always recommended to start yoga practice under the guidance of a trained professional

Start with easier asanas and then slowly move to the challenging ones

Keep a close eye on any discomfort or pain, and avoid the asana if you are feeling either

Avoid doing yoga asanas if:

You have undergone surgery

There is a sprain, fracture, or injury restricting your regular movement

There is discomfort or pain during your menstruation cycle

You are experiencing increased joint pains

Summing Up

Yoga has benefits for everyone. If you are suffering from any disease or ailment, then make sure that you consult with your doctor before starting the asanas. We live during times when our sedentary lifestyles are causing a range of lifestyle-related diseases and illnesses.

While yoga asanas can help, make sure that you have a health insurance policy that offers comprehensive coverage to get financial protection during medical emergencies.

Tata AIG offers different types of medical insurance plans like individual health insurance, family insurance, senior citizen health insurance, etc. Choose a policy based on your requirements.

Eat fresh food, exercise, practice yoga asanas, meditate, and do all it takes to live a healthy life. And, for medical emergencies, get a tailored health insurance plan from a reputed insurance company.


Q1. Why is sitting asana important?

Sitting yoga asanas set the foundation for improving focus, stability, and mindfulness. Being exercises done in a seated position, they are a good option for pranayama and meditation.

They are typically good for spine flexibility, relaxation, stimulation of the abdomen region, and holistic well-being.

Q2. What is the easiest pose in yoga?

The ease of a yoga pose depends on the strength and flexibility of an individual. In sitting yoga asanas, the easiest poses are Sukhasana (Easy Pose), Vajrasana (Diamond Pose), and Dandasana (Stick Pose).

Q3. Can sitting yoga asanas help with lower back pain?

Yes, certain sitting asanas can help alleviate lower back pain by strengthening the back muscles, improving flexibility, and promoting spinal alignment.

You can consider sitting yoga asanas like Janu Shirshasana (Head-to-Knee Pose) and Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist).

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