The Importance Of Second Opinion Cover In Healthcare

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 01/06/2021

Have you ever thought about how healthcare technology has developed and advanced over the years?

Click here to buy health insurance that covers a second opinion.

The Importance of Second Opinion Cover in Healthcare

With headstrong development in the ways to treat cancer to the eradication of diseases like polio, health care over the years has seen major improvements and innovations! We are better equipped to deal with rising cases of various illnesses and diseases today than ever before. With better, advance and the right facilities you can now get faster diagnosis for the ailment you're facing. But at times, you may feel like you need a second opinion before jumping to medications. This is where the Second Opinion cover comes into play!

Why the need for a second opinion?

In India, where family physicians are the norm, people usually develop a bond with their doctors. This blind faith ensures that the thought of considering a second opinion does not cross their minds. What we often forget is that doctors are also human beings and two doctors can have differing views. So, getting a second opinion might provide you with more information regarding your condition and help you better determine your next steps. Moreover, starting on a medical regimen only to stop it later can be a very expensive affair, not to mention mentally taxing. This can only be avoided by making sure that you are on the right path, which is exactly what a second opinion does!

Apart from the peace of mind that it brings you, some other good reasons for taking a second opinion are:

Lack of black and white results  Most complex diseases are difficult to diagnose with no simple black or white results. This is particularly true for patients suffering from multiple ailments. As a result, there might be serious repercussions if a wrong treatment call is taken.

Lack of expertise  In some cases, the doctor on call may not possess the required expertise to deal with a diagnosis. Another doctor could help you cover more ground to figure out the exact problem.

Have you thought of health insurance with second opinion cover?

With the improvement in healthcare services in India, hospital and consultation fees are increasing rapidly as well. While getting checked by another doctor is the right thing, one might also be hesitant about opting for it because of the expensive nature of the consultation. But this would not be a problem if your health insurance covered the second consultation too.

Tata AIG understands that, which is why Tata AIG MediCare (UIN: TATHLIP18004V011819) health insurance plan covers consultation fee charged for the second opinion at any of its network hospitals. If you are diagnosed with any of the listed medical conditions, you can opt for a second opinion and the results will be sent to you without any charge.

  • First heart attack - of specified severity
  • Cancer of specified severity
  • Stroke resulting in permanent symptoms
  • Open chest CABG
  • Kidney failure requiring regular dialysis
  • Major organ/bone marrow transplant
  • Total blindness
  • Coma of specified severity
  • Major burns
  • Multiple Sclerosis with persisting symptoms
  • Permanent paralysis of limbs

So think ahead and ensure your health insurance policy covers second opinions, instead of burning a hole in your pocket with the high fees of medical consulting services.

To know more, Call Toll Free No: 1800 266 1363 Or visit:

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