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How to Increase the Good Cholesterols?

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 18/07/2022

Cholesterol is a kind of lipid, or fat, found in human cells. They are necessary for a variety of metabolic actions in your body. Among them are the creation of bile fluids, hormones, and vitamin D. Many people consider taking high cholesterol supplements to increase their body's cholesterol level. However, doing so has several undesirable consequences.

If the bad cholesterol increases in the body, it can have detrimental effects. High cholesterol can cause severe heart diseases and is one of the main reasons for stroke. Therefore, it is crucial to keep your cholesterol under check and control. Also, consider getting a medical insurance plan for you and your family, so that you can tackle the financial burden related to medical procedures.

The article will give you numerous methods for boosting your cholesterol levels. But first, a little background about them.

Importance of Cholesterol Levels 

Cholesterol is formed in the human body by numerous cells and the liver. It is then transported to various parts of the body via the blood, with lipoproteins acting as carriers. Cholesterols are of three different types: Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDL), High-Density Lipoproteins (HDL), and Triglycerides.

Here is the list stating why you need them in your body.

  • It is responsible for building the cell membranes' structure.

  • Your body needs cholesterol to produce vital hormones such as testosterone, oestrogen, and adrenal hormones.

  • It helps your body in conducting various metabolism activities. For example, the bile juice produced by them aids in the digestion and absorption of different vital nutrients.

Understanding Different Types of Cholesterol

  • LDL cholesterol:

LDL cholesterol is regarded as bad for your body. It is well-known for accumulating fat in your arteries. Excess LDL causes arterial narrowing and increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack, stroke, and peripheral artery disease.

  • HDL cholesterol:

The HDL cholesterol meaning is simple. It is the one that may protect you from having a heart attack or developing other heart-related ailments. The HDL helps to transport harmful cholesterol from your arteries to your liver.  The liver then breaks the LDL and excretes it out from the body. HDL only transports about one-third of your body's bad cholesterol.

  • Triglycerides:

It is a form of fat that stores extra energy from food. If you have a high triglyceride level with greater LDL and lower HDL, you are more likely to have a fat deposit in your artery walls. The scenario eventually leads to an elevated risk of a heart attack.

What are the Safe Cholesterol Levels in a Body?

The cholesterol levels in your body are determined by a medical test known as a lipid profile. The table below will help you understand what level of cholesterol is harmful to your body.

Total cholesterol levels  Category 
Below 200 mg/dl Acceptable 
Between 200 mg/dl and 239 mg/dl Borderline
Above 240 mg/dl High

Following are the levels for LDL Cholesterol:

LDL cholesterol levels   Category 
Below 100 mg/dl Optimal  
Between 100 mg/dl and 129 mg/dl Above optimal
Between 130 mg/dl and 159 mg/dl Borderline
Between 160 mg/dl and 189 mg/dl High 
Above 190 mg/dl Very high

Following are the levels for HDL Cholesterol:

HDL cholesterol levels Category
Below 40 mg/dl Risky
Between 40 and 59 mg/dl Good
Above 60 mg/dl Very good

How to Increase HDL Cholesterol in the Body?

You can boost good cholesterol by following the suggestions listed below.

  • Olive oil

Olive oil contains fats that are beneficial to your heart. According to one study, using olive oil in meal preparation can minimise the LDL's inflammatory impact on your body. Keep the flames on medium while cooking your dish using extra-virgin olive oil. You may also use them in sauces, salads, and as a topping on cooked foods.

Note: While using this oil, beware of the quantity. Over usage of olive oil will increase the calories in your body.

  • Whole grains

Whole grains are one of the best foods to increase good cholesterol. You can include cereals, brown rice, or bran in your meals. It will help lower overall cholesterol and LDL levels while increasing HDL levels. Medical practitioners recommend whole grains because they are rich in soluble fibre, which helps lower LDL cholesterol. Your meal must contain at least two servings of whole grains. You can eat oatmeal for breakfast and brown rice for lunch or dinner.

  • Exercise regularly

Another way to lower LDL levels is regular exercising. Exercise not only increases the HDL levels but is essential for improving mental strength, immune system, respiratory system, etc. Various health organisations recommend at least 150 minutes of exercise every week. Depending on your body's capacity, you can engage in severe or moderate exercise during this period.

  • Lose weight

You must have heard doctors say that obesity is the leading cause of heart disease. Keeping a weight significantly higher than your BMI is somehow associated with low HDL cholesterol levels. Thus, it is advisable to lose weight. You can achieve the optimal weight by making dietary and lifestyle changes. Try reducing your calorie intake and switch to foods rich in protein and fibre. You may also go for early morning jogging or brisk walking after a heavy meal. 

Keeping track of your weight also helps prevent several diseases while lowering the need for filing health insurance claims. 

  • Quit smoking

You may have heard that smoking causes lung problems. But what if we told you that smoking is one of the leading causes of heart disease? Several studies have shown that excessive smoking can lower good cholesterol levels. It suppresses HDL synthesis, prevents maturation, and accelerates HDL clearance and metabolism.  As a result, if you stop smoking, you can rapidly return to your normal HDL levels.

  • Fish consumption

Different kinds of seafood, especially fish, are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. It is well-known for cutting down on LDL cholesterol levels. Though you will find many different types of fish available on the market, salmon, tuna, rainbow trout, and mackerel are the ones that are a sure-shot cholesterol remedy. In your diet, you can add these foods to increase good cholesterol.

  • Soy Consumption

Food products that are rich in soy are highly recommended when it comes to boosting HDL levels. If you eat a lot of meat, soy is the ideal substitute. Remember that eating less meat lowers LDL cholesterol levels while increasing good cholesterol.

  • Understand your genetics

It is possible that even after taking all of the necessary precautions, you will still be unable to raise your HDL. In this scenario, your DNA could be to blame. In this case, it is best to get medical counsel from your doctor and figure out how to deal with elevated LDL.

In case you are already suffering from cardiac disease, you can take benefit of health insurance to get free medical assistance. If you do not have a medical insurance plan, consider getting one from Tata AIG — it is simple and easy. But make sure you declare any pre-existing medical condition before signing the dotted lines.

  • Keep your digestive system fit

Another most effective way to improve HDL cholesterol levels is by taking care of your digestive system. Several studies have found that the microbiome and gut flora are among the many factors that boost poor cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease. In order to improve your digestive, add probiotic-rich foods such as yoghurt to your meal.

  • Medication

If nothing works in your favour and your LDL cholesterol levels are deteriorating your health, it is time to consider medication. Several bile acid sequestrants, cholesterol inhibitors, and other medications are available to treat this condition. However, never take any medication without first consulting your doctor, as this may result in serious health hazards.

To Conclude

Unless the problem is inherited in nature, increasing good cholesterol levels in the body is not a difficult task. You can increase HDL cholesterol levels by following a few lifestyle and dietary changes. If you have a sedentary work life, we suggest you take some breaks between long hours and stretch. Try to work out on a regular basis to increase your blood flow and control cholesterol buildup.

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