Why you should have vaccination cover in your health insurance?

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 03/02/2025

The best thing about vaccination is that it aims to prevent diseases before they could do any damage. It is the very basic step of healthy living and something so important for your health should definitely be a part of your health insurance plan.

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Why you should have vaccination cover?

Did you know according to the WHO, vaccination averts 2 to 3 million deaths per year? Up to 29% of child deaths under the age of 5 years are preventable with proper vaccination. But some people are under the misconception that vaccines are expensive. While that they are, the expenses need not come out your pocket; all you need is a proper health insurance policy that covers it.

1. Prevention is better than cure:
The best thing about vaccination is that it aims to prevent diseases before they could do any damage. It is the very basic step of healthy living and something so important for your health should definitely be a part of your health insurance plan.

2. Some things aren’t in your control:
A lot of diseases such as HPV and Hepatitis B are highly contagious. For instance, all it takes for HPV to be transmitted is skin to skin contact. But both of these diseases are preventable and curable with vaccines and having vaccine cover in your health insurance can save you a lot of trouble.

**3. India is a hotbed of typhoid fever: **
According to a 2016 ECDC report, India is one of the most likely places to contract typhoid fever[1]. But thankfully, vaccines are available to prevent as well as cure typhoid, and with Tata AIG MediCare (UIN: TATHLIP18004V011819), there is no waiting period before you can avail the coverage. This means, you are covered for the vaccine right after getting the health insurance.

4. You get coverage over the sum insured:
With Tata AIG MediCare (UIN: TATHLIP18004V011819), your vaccine cover won’t cut into your base sum insured since it has a separate limit. To add to the perk, it also doesn’t affect your cumulative bonus.

5. Inbuilt cover, not an add-on:
Finally, if you want your vaccines covered under your policy, wouldn’t it be better if you don’t have to pay extra for the coverage? While other health insurance policies might require you to purchase a Vaccination Cover as an add-on, Tata AIG MediCare (UIN: TATHLIP18004V011819), understands the importance of immunisation and offers vaccination cover as a feature rather than an add-on.

What to keep in mind?
With Tata AIG MediCare (UIN: TATHLIP18004V011819), anti-rabies and typhoid vaccines are covered right from the moment you invest in the health insurance, but HPV and Hepatitis B vaccine cover starts after 2 years of continuous coverage.

You can avoid the waiting period by getting the insurance as early as possible.

So, before you finalise your health insurance policy, make sure you check if it covers vaccinations.

Tata AIG MediCare (UIN: TATHLIP18004V011819) has vaccination cover as a part of its unique features. Along with this, you can make use of other great features like global cover for treatment outside of India, bariatric surgery to help you have a long and healthy life, maternity cover to protect the mother and baby!

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