Why The Best-Laid Plans Also Need A Plan B
Here is why even your best-laid plans need a safety net like an individual personal accident insurance.
Why Do You Need Personal Accident Insurance?
With unpleasant surprises like accidents happening now and then, having insured for the accident is not an option. We give you 6 reasons why you need a personal accident insurance policy in your kitty list.
What is Personal Accident Insurance?
Personal accident insurance is a policy that can reimburse your medical costs, provide compensation in case of disability or death caused by accidents. Check out the benefits of personal accident insurance cover now!

Road Accidents In India Rise To A Record Level! 5 Things That Will Protect You And Your Family
Roads are full of people going to or coming from their offices in morning and evening. So along with the unfortunate news comes the absence of a steady income.

Why The Best-Laid Plans Also Need A Plan B
Here is why even your best-laid plans need a safety net like an individual personal accident insurance.
Why Do You Need Personal Accident Insurance?
With unpleasant surprises like accidents happening now and then, having insured for the accident is not an option. We give you 6 reasons why you need a personal accident insurance policy in your kitty list.
What is Personal Accident Insurance?
Personal accident insurance is a policy that can reimburse your medical costs, provide compensation in case of disability or death caused by accidents. Check out the benefits of personal accident insurance cover now!

Road Accidents In India Rise To A Record Level! 5 Things That Will Protect You And Your Family
Roads are full of people going to or coming from their offices in morning and evening. So along with the unfortunate news comes the absence of a steady income.
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