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Tips for a Safe Flight for Pregnant Women

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 03/10/2023

The miracle of life is a journey that begins long before we meet our little ones face to face. But what if that journey takes you to the skies? Pregnancy is a time of excitement, wonder, and countless questions. As an expecting mother, the prospect of flight travel during pregnancy may evoke mixed emotions. Rest assured, dear mom-to-be, for we have gathered a bouquet of invaluable tips to ensure your flight is comfortable and safe.

In this blog post, we will unravel the secrets to navigating the friendly skies while safeguarding the health and well-being of both you and your precious cargo. So, buckle up, take a deep breath, and prepare for a flight that will keep you and your baby soaring.

Join us as we embark on this incredible journey, sharing insights on the importance of medical clearance, choosing the right seat, combating discomfort, and managing potential risks. Let's create a turbulence-free travel experience that will leave you with memories of a safe and smooth flight as you embrace the adventure of pregnancy while gliding towards your destination.

Top 10 Tips to Follow While Travelling by Air Travel During Pregnancy

Whether you're embarking on a babymoon or simply need to travel for work or family commitments, here are ten crucial tips to keep in mind while soaring through the skies with your precious cargo:

Consult Your Healthcare Provider

Before booking your flight, it's essential to consult your healthcare provider. They will assess your specific pregnancy flight travel, taking into account factors such as gestational age, any medical conditions, and the length of the journey. Your doctor will provide personalised advice and determine if air travel is safe. Sometimes, they may recommend postponing the trip, especially if you're at high risk or have complications.

Timing Is Everything

The second trimester, between weeks 14 and 28, is generally considered the most comfortable and safest period for air travel. Morning sickness has likely subsided, and the risk of miscarriage is significantly reduced. It's advisable to avoid flying during the first and third trimesters when the chances of complications are slightly higher. However, if you must fly during these periods, consult your doctor and take extra precautions.

Choose Your Seat Wisely

When selecting your seat, aim for an aisle seat near the restroom. This will provide easy access to the facilities and allow you to stretch your legs without disturbing fellow passengers. Remember to get up and walk around the cabin periodically to improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots. Compression socks can also be beneficial in preventing swelling and deep vein thrombosis.

Pack Essentials in Your Carry-On

Preparing a well-stocked carry-on bag is essential for a comfortable flight for a pregnant woman flight travel. Pack essential items such as a water bottle to stay hydrated, healthy snacks, medications prescribed by your doctor, and comfortable clothing. Additionally, bring along any necessary documentation, including your prenatal records and medical clearance, if required by the airline.

Stay Hydrated

Aeroplane cabins tend to be dry, which can lead to dehydration. A pregnant woman on flight is already more prone to dehydration, so drinking plenty of fluids during the flight is crucial. Opt for water or herbal tea and avoid excessive caffeine intake, which can further dehydrate you. Additionally, hydrating mist or nasal spray can help combat dryness and moisten your nasal passages.

Listen to Your Body

Pay close attention to your body's signals during the flight. If you feel uncomfortable or experience any pain, inform the flight attendants immediately. They are trained to handle medical emergencies and can provide assistance or contact medical professionals on the ground if necessary. Remember, it's always better to err on the side of caution when it comes to your health and your baby's health.

Dress for Comfort

Wearing loose, comfortable clothing and layers is key to staying comfortable during the flight. Opt for breathable fabrics that won't constrict your movements or apply unnecessary pressure on your abdomen. Slip-on shoes are also a great choice, as they are easy to take off and put on, especially during security checks or when your feet need a breather.

Minimise Stress and Anxiety

Travelling, especially during pregnancy, can be stressful. Take steps to minimise stress and anxiety by planning, arriving at the airport early, and allowing yourself plenty of time for check-in and security procedures. Utilise relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises or listening to soothing music. Remember, a calm and relaxed mind contributes to a more pleasant and stress-free travel experience.

Buy Travel Insurance

While a travel insurance plan is generally recommended for all travellers, it becomes even more crucial during pregnancy. Look for a policy that includes coverage for medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and pre-existing conditions related to your pregnancy. This will give you peace of mind, knowing you have financial protection in case of unforeseen circumstances or complications during your journey.

Pack Healthy Snacks

Maintaining a balanced diet during pregnancy is essential, which also applies to air travel. Pack healthy snacks in your carry-on bag to keep hunger at bay and provide essential nutrients. Opt for snacks that are easy to eat, non-perishable, and rich in protein and fibre. Nuts, dried fruit, granola bars, and pre-cut vegetables are excellent choices. Avoid sugary or processed snacks that can cause energy crashes and leave you feeling sluggish.

Why Picking the Right Travel Insurance Should Be the First Priority?

While it may seem like an additional expense, overseas travel insurance is an essential investment that provides you invaluable coverage and peace of mind throughout your journey.

Here are a few key reasons why picking the right travel insurance should be your priority:

Medical Emergencies

One of the primary reasons for having travel insurance is to protect yourself in case of unexpected medical emergencies while travelling. This is especially crucial during pregnancy, as there may be a higher risk of complications. The right travel insurance policy should cover medical expenses, including hospitalisations, doctor visits, and emergency medical evacuations if necessary. Ensure that the policy includes coverage for pregnancy-related issues and any pre-existing conditions.

Trip Cancellations or Interruptions

Pregnancy is uncertain, and unforeseen circumstances may require you to cancel or interrupt your trip. Travel insurance can reimburse non-refundable expenses, such as flights, accommodation, and tours, in case of trip cancellations or interruptions due to medical reasons or other covered events. Ensure the policy includes coverage for trip cancellations or interruptions related to pregnancy.

Pre-existing Conditions

If you have any pre-existing medical conditions related to your pregnancy, disclosing them to the insurance provider when purchasing travel insurance is essential. This allows you to ensure that your policy covers any complications or medical needs associated with these conditions. Failing to disclose pre-existing conditions may result in denied claims or limited coverage, so complete transparency is crucial.

Emergency Medical Evacuation

A travel insurance policy can be a lifesaver if you require emergency medical evacuation during your trip. If local medical facilities are inadequate to handle your condition or you need to be transported back to your home country for better medical care, emergency medical evacuation coverage can cover transportation costs and medical arrangements.

Lost or Delayed Baggage

Pregnant women often carry essential items and supplies for themselves and their babies. Travel insurance can provide coverage for replacing essential items if your luggage is lost, stolen, or delayed during your journey. This ensures you have the necessary belongings and supplies for a comfortable trip.


Embarking on a flight during pregnancy requires careful consideration and preparation. Expectant mothers can ensure a safe and comfortable journey by following the essential tips outlined in this blog.

Additionally, having the right travel insurance is paramount. Tata AIG's travel insurance offers comprehensive coverage for medical emergencies, trip cancellations, pre-existing conditions, and more. Also, you can claim a travel insurance policy with us in just a few clicks.

With Tata AIG's international travel policies, pregnant women can confidently travel, knowing they have financial protection and access to necessary medical care. Whether handling unexpected complications or providing peace of mind throughout the trip, our travel insurance is a valuable asset for pregnant travellers.

So, before you take to the skies, prioritise your safety, plan ahead, and consider our travel insurance to ensure a smooth and worry-free travel experience during this precious phase of your life.

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