5 Measures Taken by Officials to Reduce Road Accidents

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 03/08/2023

Most people always seem to be in a hurry to get to their destination. This impatience is almost palpable on roads, translating to an increasing problem of road accidents in India. Reckless driving, over-speeding, poorly maintained roads, and inadequate road safety regulations and enforcement are all responsible for road accidents in India.

Acknowledging this concern, several efforts are being made by the Indian government to improve road safety. However, because accidents are unpredictable and there is still a long way to go to reduce the number of road accidents and fatalities, comprehensive two-wheeler insurance becomes imperative for safety.

In addition to encouraging the purchase of bike insurance policy, let’s take a look at some other measures taken by the Indian government to make roads safer.

5 Measures Taken by the Government to Reduce Road Accidents in India

Road accidents are a matter that requires serious consideration. Every day, millions of drivers flock on the streets of India – getting on with their routines. However, not all of them abide by the safety traffic rules. This means that even if you are a safe driver, you cannot say the same about others, which makes a helmet and comprehensive insurance for 2-wheeler essential safety equipment. To advance the objective of making Indian roads safer, the government employed certain safety measures:

Stricter rules for improving road safety:

To establish the importance of abiding by the traffic rules, the government has taken the following measures:

Stricter penalties: The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act of 2019 has introduced much stricter penalties for traffic violations such as drunken driving, over-speeding, using mobile phones while driving, and driving without a valid license. The fines for these violations have been increased significantly to deter reckless driving.

Compulsory helmet and seatbelt laws: The government has made it mandatory for all two-wheeler riders and pillion riders to wear helmets and for all four-wheeler occupants to wear seatbelts. Violators are subject to fines and penalties.

Mandatory two-wheeler insurance: The Motor Vehicle Act makes it mandatory for every two-wheeler owner to have a valid bike insurance policy. While this rule applies only for third-party insurance for 2-wheeler, it is always advised to invest in comprehensive two-wheeler insurance for wholesome protection.

Heavy fines levied on the violation of traffic rules:

The fines levied by the Indian government for violation of traffic rules were revised under the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019. The revised fines are significantly higher than the previous ones and are aimed at deterring people from violating traffic rules. Here are some traffic violations that will incur heavy fines:

Drunken driving: The fine for drunken driving is now ₹10,000 and can also lead to the suspension of the offender's license. Moreover, if you end up in an accident due to drunken driving, your bike insurance policy claim will be rejected.

Over-speeding: One of the primary factors contributing to road accidents, the government has also increased the fine for overspeeding.

Using a mobile phone while driving: Distraction and negligence on the road can lead to fatal accidents, and so if you are caught riding while using your phone, you will be fined heavily for overlooking the traffic rules.

Not wearing a helmet: The government has also increased the fine for not wearing a helmet while riding a two-wheeler. This violation can also result in the suspension of the rider's license for up to three months.

Violating traffic signals: No matter how much of a rush you are in, you must avoid jumping traffic signals as it significantly increases the chances of an accident.

Introduced speed detection devices:

Speed detection devices, also known as speed cameras or speed guns, are electronic devices that are used to measure the speed of vehicles on roads. These devices are effective in reducing overspeeding on roads in India by helping deter drivers from driving at high speeds.

Additionally, speed detection devices are also helping authorities enforce speed limits and detect and penalise offenders. This encourages compliance with speed limits and reduces the number of over-speeding incidents on the roads.

Increased awareness about safety measures while riding or driving:

The government is also running several awareness campaigns and programmes to promote a safe driving culture and reduce road accidents and fatalities in India. These campaigns aim to educate the public about safe driving practices, the importance of wearing helmets and seat belts, and the dangers of drunken driving and over-speeding.

Reduced corruption concerning traffic rules:

Corruption has played a significant role in causing road accidents in India. It has led to the issuance of fake licenses, overloading of vehicles, poor quality of roads and infrastructure, bribery, negligence by law enforcement, and non-adherence to safety standards.

The Indian government has recognised the problem of corruption in the transport sector and has taken steps to address it through various measures, including the use of technology to reduce human intervention in licensing and road construction processes.

The government has strengthened the legal framework related to road safety by enacting new laws and amending existing ones. They have also launched several campaigns to create awareness about road safety among the public.

Another step in this direction is getting comprehensive two-wheeler insurance by Tata AIG that not only acts as a financial safety net in the event of an accident but also covers legal liabilities and damages caused to third parties.

It also secures your vehicle against natural and manmade disasters, so you can rest assured when it comes to the safety of your beloved bike. However, before investing, it is important to compare two-wheeler insurance policies to find a suitable cover that meets all your insurance requirements.


Traffic rules are not designed to benefit the government but to ensure the safety of all road users, including drivers, riders, and pedestrians. Adhering to traffic rules can prevent accidents, reduce injuries and fatalities, and promote a safe driving culture.'

It is the responsibility of every road user to follow traffic rules and contribute to making the roads safer for everyone. In addition to abiding by the traffic rules, you must also secure yourself and your vehicles with comprehensive insurance for your 2-wheeler.

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