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Buying Electric Scooters for Teenagers

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 10/08/2023

In most cases, the teenage years of one’s life are characterised by rebellion and stubbornness. Teenagers make their own rules and sing their tunes. Laws and regulations often mean nothing to them. And if they are asked not to do something, they find ways to do just exactly that. A thing most teenagers have been obsessed with since time immemorial is driving a bike.

There are countless cases where a teen has taken their father or mother’s bike keys and has ridden off without anyone’s knowledge. Now, this becomes very dangerous because they are illegally riding a vehicle, which they do not even know about in most cases. They are riding based on presumptions and seeing how their close family and friends have been driving. It was one of the leading causes of motor accidents in India.

The government of India realised that the only way to get rid of this problem was by legalising bike riding for older teenagers. This also made things easier for parents as they no longer needed to drop their children to school or other classes. But, this is not to say that teenagers could drive just about any bike at any speed they desired. Teenagers are only permitted to drive electric bikes within restricted speed limits.

Another thing to be noted is that insurance for 2 wheelers is required for all bikes, including electric bikes. The penalties are harsh if you are discovered riding your bike sans a bike insurance policy. In addition, although electric bikes are not prone to accidents, they may be more expensive to repair. As a result, getting good insurance for 2 wheeler is essential. In the event of an accident, your bike insurance policy will be your first line of defence.

A bike insurance policy is available from Tata AIG online, and selecting the proper coverage is simple and quick. You can also use our insurance for 2 wheeler calculator to compare two-wheeler insurance premiums. In addition, filing a bike insurance policy claim online is simple and quick. Now that we have learned how to secure our bikes with insurance, let us delve into the legal age to drive an electric scooter in India and everything related to electric scooters for teenagers.

Legal Age to Drive an Electric Scooter in India

If you wish to know the legal age to drive an electric scooter in India, here is the answer. The age limit for electric scooters in India is between the ages of sixteen and eighteen years old. Teenagers in this bracket will be able to receive a permit for electric scooters with a limited speed of 70 km/h, as per new revisions suggested by the Transport Ministry to the motor vehicle legislation.

According to the ministry, the electric scooter age limit was made to combat the dangers of young motorcyclists in that age bracket speeding and driving erratically. Electric scooters for 16-year-old to eighteen-year-olds will have a peak power of four kilowatts. These are the rules put down by the RTO rules for electric scooters. Thus, now you are clear about the electric scooter age limit. Next, we will be moving into the RTO rules for electric scooters regarding the electric scooter license age.

Do we Need License for Electric Scooter?

If you are wondering do we need a license for an electric scooter, here is the answer. If you are if electric scooters for 16-year-olds need a license, then the answer is yes. The electric scooter license age limit, as stated above, is from 16 to 18 years old. Until now, such young riders did not need to apply for a license for an electric scooter for teenagers because they were exempt.

However, the government is now classifying scooters as light two-wheeled propelled vehicles, necessitating the use of a driver's licence. Therefore, appropriate licence plates will also be required for these two-wheelers. The decision is a great step forward for India's transport network, as 16-18-year-olds will be able to acquire a driver's licence, allowing them to comprehend the norms and procedures better. Parents must, however, keep an eye on their children and ensure that they are wearing a suitable helmet with an ISI quality mark. In addition, always consider the age limit for electric scooters in India.

According to rumours from May of this year, the government was contemplating granting an electric scooter for teenagers licence to 16-18 year-olds who ride electric scooters with 100cc motors. The decision was made in response to an increasing trend of underage individuals riding two-wheelers, which is currently forbidden under the law.

Why Electric Bikes?

Electric bikes are becoming increasingly popular for a variety of reasons. Users appreciate its low operating expenses, minimum maintenance and repair charges, and affordable bike insurance coverage and the fact that it is environmentally friendly. Due to India's ever-increasing fuel expenses, the demand for these bikes is growing even faster.

Fuel prices make driving our cars and motorcycles a luxury, and in some situations, the vehicle is rendered useless. However, the electric bike has been shown to be a lifesaver, not just for the planet but also for the average person's wallet. Unfortunately, electric bikes are relatively uncommon in India, and their existence is cloaked in mystery.

However, with the transport ministry's move making electric bikes legal for teenagers to drive, there is hope that the demand for electric bikes will increase further in India, making it a common occurrence on our roads. The goal, it seems, is to try to make a shift to the more sustainable electric bikes from the normal fuel consumptive bikes.

Electric Bikes and the Environment

You are helping to save the environment by using an electric bike. Traditional vehicles release carbon dioxide, increasing greenhouse gas emissions and hastening climate change.

When you drive an all-electric bike, you don't generate any carbon dioxide, and hybrid electric automobiles and bikes get significantly better mileage than regular vehicles. This means you are consuming fewer natural resources, resulting in environmental conservation. It is for this reason that most governments are promoting electric cars and motorcycles.


Being able to drive a bike of their own legally will bring much joy to teenagers all over the country. However, the thing to remember is that there is a certain amount of responsibility attached to driving an electric scooter for teenagers. Teenagers must be cautious and aware when they are driving. They must realise that it is not only their safety that is on the line when they are on the roads. Also, while talking about road safety, every electric bike must be secured by a reliable bike insurance policy. So, when you are getting your bike, do not forget your insurance.

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