Lymphoma Cancer

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Lymphoma Cancer

Dealing with cancer is never easy. While the progress for some cancer treatments has been better, it is not the case with others. One type of cancer that is difficult to treat but for which doctors and researchers have found suitable treatment methods is lymphoma cancer. However, a factor people often do not talk about when speaking of treatment is the lymphoma treatment cost. Having a treatment plan available does not mean all people can afford it. Many people find it very difficult to put up with the lymphoma treatment cost. However, this does not mean a person should not get the best care possible. If finances are difficult for you and you need help treating lymphoma, you should turn to health insurance for lymphoma cancer.

When you have lymphoma cancer insurance, you can rest easy knowing that you can get the care you require without worrying about putting funds together during treatment. Health insurance is something people have been swearing by for ages, and for a good reason. When you have good mediclaim insurance, you pay your premiums in bits and pieces, and your insurance takes charge of things when you need to pay larger sums for treatment. Treatment for a disease like lymphoma can be financially draining, but many of your worries are assuaged when you have lymphoma cancer insurance coverage.

If you are looking for lymphoma cancer medicare insurance, you need not look beyond Tata AIG’s health insurance policy. We offer different mediclaim insurance plans, each comprehensive, to ensure you get the best coverage per your needs. You never need to worry about buying a plan you do not feel convinced about. We also allow you to use our health insurance premium calculator to find the best plan. So, when it comes to lymphoma cancer medicare insurance, always choose Tata AIG.

With mediclaim insurance in mind, let us look at what lymphoma is, the types of lymphoma cancer, the stages of lymphoma cancer and the treatment for it.

What is Lymphoma?

A malignancy of the lymphatic vessels is called lymphoma. It grows in the lymphocytes, a kind of white blood cell. Lymphocytes are crucial to the body's immunological defence and aid in the battle against the disease.

This form of cancer can easily spread to many tissues and organs in the body since it is prevalent in the lymphatic system. Lymphoma progresses most frequently in the liver, stem cells, or lungs. Although lymphoma can strike anyone at any age, it is most frequently found in teenagers and younger adults between the ages of 15 and 24. The good news about lymphoma is that it can frequently be treated.

Now that we know what lymphoma is, we can take a closer look at the different types of lymphoma cancer and what they entail.

Types of Lymphoma Cancer?

Hodgkin lymphomas and non-Hodgkin lymphomas are two of the more than 70 different forms of lymphoma. Thomas Hodgkin, who first observed and characterised anomalies in the lymphatic vessels in 1832 when working at Guy's Hospital in London, is whom the cancer is named after. He kept an eye on a few individuals with huge, asymptomatic lymph nodes. Any region of the body can be affected by lymphoma; however, the lymphatic vessels, which are a component of the lymphatic system, are where it most often affects people.

We will talk a little more about the main types of lymphoma cancer.

Hodgkins’s Lymphoma- Cancer that targets the lymphatic system, also known as the body's immune system, is called Hodgkin's lymphoma. In Hodgkin's lymphoma, Lymphocytes (white blood cells) overgrow, resulting in enlarged lymph glands and growths all over the body. Patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma now have a better chance of making a complete recovery thanks to developments in the detection and treatment of this illness. The prognosis for those with Hodgkin's lymphoma keeps improving with medical advances.

Non-Hodgkin's' Lymphoma- A form of cancer known as non-lymphoma Hodgkin's develops in the lymphatic vessels, a component of the innate immune system that fights infection. White blood cells (lymphocytes) can create tumours throughout the body when a person suffers from non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

CLL- A kind of blood and bone marrow cancer called chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) affects the porous tissue within bones wherein blood cells are created.

**The word "chronic" in CLL refers to how the disease slowly advances compared to other types of leukaemia. The phrase "lymphocytic" in CLL refers to the lymphocytes, a class of white blood cells that aid in the body's ability to fight infection.

CTC- A distinctive form of cancer known as cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) starts in T cells, which are white blood cells. Usually, these cells support your body's immune system in battling infections. The T cells become aberrant in CTC and begin to attack the skin.

B-cell Lymphoma- White blood cells give rise to a form of cancer called cutaneous B-cell lymphoma. Skin is the target of this cancer. A type of white blood cell known as B cells, which fight infection, is where cutaneous B-cell lymphoma develops. B lymphocytes are another name for these cells.

Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia- A distinctive form of cancer called Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia starts in the white blood cells. If you develop Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia, an excessive number of aberrant white blood cells are produced by your bone marrow, outnumbering healthy blood cells. A protein produced by the aberrant white blood cells builds up in the blood, disrupts circulation, and leads to problems.

Lymphoma Cancer Stages

Finding out which areas of the body are affected by lymphoma—or how far along it is—is the procedure known as "staging." Doctors can determine the stage of your cancer with the aid of tests and scans. It's crucial to stage lymphoma so your medical team can choose the best course of action for you. Various treatments are effective for different lymphoma kinds and stages.

Stage 1 lymphoma only affects a single cluster of lymph glands. These can occur anyplace in the body, possibly on top or below the diaphragm, which places them in the neck.

Lymphoma in more than two sets of lymph nodes is considered stage 2. It can be placed in any place of the body. They should all be located on the same area of the diaphragm, though, to be classified as stage 2 lymphoma.

Stage 3 is where you can see lymph nodes on either side of the diaphragm.

The most severe lymphoma stage is stage 4. Advanced lymphoma begins in the lymph nodes and has progressed to at least one organ beyond the lymphatic system.

After looking at the lymphoma cancer stages, let us now see what the causes of lymphoma are.

Causes of Lymphoma Cancer

The exact cause of lymphoma is unknown. According to medical professionals, the disease starts with a single aberrant white blood cell, which develops abnormalities in its genetic information. The abnormalities instruct the cell to keep rapidly growing. Cancer cells build up over time, eventually outnumbering the generation of healthy cells since they do not mature and subsequently die, as do normal cells. Cancer cells displace normal blood cells in the bone marrow, the softer, blood-producing tissues that make up most of your bones. Like regular white blood cells, the cancer cells try to make antibodies, but ultimately, they produce aberrant substances that the body cannot absorb.

After knowing the causes of lymphoma, it is also important to recognise some risk factors that could give rise to the disease. However, it is important to keep in mind that these risk factors may never turn into the disease itself and having them does not mean you need to live in constant fear. Instead, you must keep a tab on your health and get the help you require immediately if you develop any symptoms.

Age- While some lymphoma kinds are more frequently found in individuals over 55, others are more frequently found in young adults.

Sex- Males are somewhat more susceptible to lymphoma than females.

Immune System- Those with immune system disorders or those who take immunosuppressive medications are more likely to develop lymphoma.

Specific Infections- The Helicobacter pylori infection and Epstein-Barr virus are two infections linked to a higher risk of lymphoma.

Exposure- A higher risk applies to people exposed to the chemicals found in pesticides, fertilisers, and herbicides. The chance of lymphoma can also rise as a result of nuclear radiation.

Weight- Obese people may have an increased risk of acquiring lymphoma, but further study is required to understand this potential risk fully.

Autoimmune Illness- A higher risk of lymphoma exists in those with certain autoimmune illnesses, including celiac disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

Family- If you have several members in your family who have been diagnosed with lymphoma, your chances of developing the disease also increase.

Symptoms of Lymphoma

Lymphoma has symptoms comparable to other viral illnesses, like the common cold. Some people won't have any symptoms at all. Others could observe swollen lymph nodes. The body is covered in lymph nodes. Swelling frequently occurs in the neck, groyne, abdomen, or armpits. The swellings frequently have little pain. If the swollen glands press against bones, organs, or other sensitive body parts, they could become uncomfortable. Back pain and lymphoma can sometimes be confused. During common diseases like the common cold, lymphatic vessels can also enlarge. The inflammation does not go away with lymphoma. If the inflammation has developed due to an infection, you could also experience extreme pain. However, it could lead to much trouble if you do not take your symptoms seriously and get treatment in time.

Below are some of the symptoms of lymphoma you need to be aware of.

  • Uncontrollable itching at different parts of the body

  • Night sweats

  • Nausea

  • Shivering

  • Loss of appetite

  • Sudden weight loss

  • Exhaustion

  • Cough and cold

  • Trouble inhaling

  • Bruising easily

  • Inflammation of the armpits, stomach or neck

  • Fatigue

  • Fever

If you notice that any of these symptoms are persisting beyond the timeframe that is considered normal, you must go to the doctor at once and get yourself checked out thoroughly.

Lymphoma Diagnosis

As we have already mentioned, making a lymphoma diagnosis is difficult given that many of its symptoms match regular cough and cold. However, if your doctor notices that you have a persistent cough, they may ask you to undergo some tests. These tests allow doctors to see what is going on internally and why you are suffering from your symptoms. Some of the tests that your doctor might prescribe you are given below.

CBC: Your blood cells are measured and counted during a CBC. CBC is a tool used by medical professionals to identify various ailments.

Blood Chemistry Test: The test counts how many specific chemicals are in your blood.

CT Scan: This examination produces three- dimensional scans of your bones and soft tissues using a succession of X-rays along with a computer.

PET Scan: With a PET scan, a radioactive tracer is injected into your body by a medical professional. The tracer aids in the early detection of cancer.

MRI: A huge magnet, radio waves, and a computer are used in the MRI procedure to provide extremely clear images of the organs and other internal body parts.

Spinal Tap: A spinal tap is a procedure where a needle is put into the lower back to obtain the cerebrospinal fluid specimen.

Bone Marrow Biopsy: A tiny portion of your bone marrow is taken from within your bone during a bone marrow biopsy, which your healthcare practitioner performs by inserting a needle through your pelvic or chest bone.

Lymphoma Treatment

There are different ways in which your doctor may treat lymphoma based on how far it has spread, which type of lymphoma it is and which stage your cancer has progressed to. It is always preferable and easier to get cancer treated at the early stages; however, the diagnosis is often not made until the disease has progressed. Keeping this in mind, there are various ways in which a doctor may decide to treat your lymphoma. Some of the ways they may opt for are given below.

Chemotherapy: Medical professionals utilise various medications injected into your intravenously to kill cancer cells.

Radiation therapy It uses powerful radiation beams to kill or stop cancer cells' growth.

Targeted Therapy: Therapy that targets specific cancer cells while not harming healthy cells is known as "targeted therapy."

Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy energises your immune system to help it fight cancer more effectively. Treatments can encourage the body to produce cancer-fighting cells or assist healthy cells in recognising and eliminating cancer cells.

Bone Marrow Transplant: Medical professionals use stem cells transplanted from the bone marrow to swap unhealthy blood cells for damaged ones. This can greatly help increase the person's chances of beating cancer.

CAR T-Cell Therapy: The therapy kills cancer cells with your white blood cells.

Lymphoma Prevention

Lymphoma risk factors are still being discovered by researchers. Evidence suggests that particular infections and personal medical history increase a person's risk of having lymphoma. If you believe that your personal or family health history may raise your chance of developing lymphoma, speak with your healthcare professional. Even if you feel that there isn’t much you can do to prevent the onset of the disease; you still hold some power. Exercising, staying fit, eating healthy and keeping your immunity up are a few ways to keep most diseases at bay. Further, by staying away from radiation and radioactivity and quitting alcohol and smoking, you can increase your chances of staying well. Thus, just try to maintain a healthy lifestyle and stay fit to keep a host of diseases at bay.

Why Use Health Insurance?

People who buy health insurance are always on a better footing than people who do not have one. Everyone knows that healthcare is expensive, and it is getting more expensive by the day. With advancements in medicine and technology, we have more cures for diseases that used to cause irreparable harm. However, we also need to accept that this comes with a higher cost of care. Take the lymphoma treatment cost, for example. When dealing with a disease like lymphoma, the long treatment process can drain a person’s resources; however, with lymphoma cancer insurance coverage, this becomes a non-issue.

Some other instances when lymphoma cancer insurance can be useful are given below.

Emergencies We can never judge when a person’s condition deteriorates and needs emergency medical attention. There may also be a situation where a person needs to be hospitalised. In such a situation, people may not be able to arrange for money to take care of hospital charges, but with mediclaim insurance, people can focus on providing the best care for the patient rather than worrying about money.

Cashless Hospitalisation One of the biggest advantages of having health insurance is cashless hospitalisation. When you have cashless hospitalisation, you do not need to worry about paying any fees at the hospital and waiting for reimbursement, as the insurance company will settle everything directly with the hospital without your involvement.

Range When you have mediclaim insurance, you receive coverage not only for one disease, like lymphoma but a myriad of diseases. You can take care of yourself and get the treatment you require, no matter your medical condition.

Peace Having health insurance allows you to rest easy knowing that you are prepared to face any health-related issue. You will not have to worry about any health situation that may crop up and catch you unawares. You are ready to face any curveballs your health throws your way.

How to Purchase Tata AIG’s Health Insurance

If you wish to buy Tata AIG’s health insurance, you can do so very easily. You can buy the policy online or offline, as your choice may be, and you will not need to worry about spending too much time doing so. You will find the steps for both methods enumerated below, and you can choose to buy your policy following any method at your convenience.

Online- To buy your insurance online, follow the steps given below.

  • Visit Tata AIG’s website to buy your insurance.

  • Choose if you want to buy insurance for yourself, your parents, spouse, or children.

  • Once you have made a selection, click on Get Plan.

  • You will have to fill in all the important information about yourself, like your number, address, income, etc.

  • You will be shown a number of plans that may be the right choice for you.

  • Next, choose the sum insured as per your choice.

  • Browse through the plans to find one that's best for you.

  • When you reach a consensus, click on Buy Now.

  • You will receive a call from the AIG team to enquire if you require any assistance.

  • If everything is in place, you will receive your policy in no time.

Offline- If you wish to purchase your insurance offline, follow the steps below.

  • The first thing to do is find an AIG office closest to you.

  • Go there at your convenience.

  • Approach the counter and state the purpose of your visit.

  • Someone will come to you and explain the different choices you have.

  • You will then need to fill out an application form once you have decided.

  • Attach the necessary documents to the application form.

  • Go to the counter and submit your application and documents.

  • Pay the application fee.

  • This ends the process, and you will receive your policy in a few days post verification.

Required Documents to Buy Mediclaim Insurance from Tata AIG

To buy insurance from Tata AIG, you must submit the following documents.

  • ID proof

  • Residence proof

  • Age proof

  • Income proof

  • Coloured photographs

  • Documents pertaining to your health history

Disclaimer / TnC

Your policy is subjected to terms and conditions & inclusions and exclusions mentioned in your policy wording. Please go through the documents carefully.

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Can lymphoma be treated?


Yes, lymphoma can be treated, and people with the disease can make a full recovery.

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Stem cells can come from a donor or from the healthy cells of the patient itself.

Is Lymphoma cancer insurance very expensive?


Your insurance premium depends on various factors like your sum assured, the kind of coverage you are taking, the add-ons and insurance providers. Some insurance providers, like Tata AIG, provide comprehensive insurance at affordable rates.

Can lymphoma be found in young people?


Lymphoma is one of the types of cancer that can be found in people as young as 15 years old. It mostly affects people between the ages of 15-40.
