Obesity Insurance

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Obesity Surgery Insurance

Obesity has emerged as a significant global issue, and it is also becoming more prevalent in India. Our country has long been known as a nation of underweight, malnourished people, but in recent years, it has cracked the top five nations regarding obesity. According to a 2016 National Family Health Survey estimate, 135 million Indians were either obese or overweight. They are of the opinion that the number has been rising quickly and an overweight population will soon replace the undernourished one in the nation. As per the National Family Health Survey report in 2021, nearly 24% of women and 23% of men were found to have an overweight BMI (Body Mass Index). This represents a 4% increase for both genders compared to 2016. Additionally, the data reveals that, as opposed to 2.1% in 2016, 3.5% of children below the age of five are now overweight. Children's obesity rates significantly increased during the first few months of the coronavirus pandemic. While COVID-19 caused havoc directly, it also had unintended consequences. People were forced to stay at home without much exercise due to their sedentary lifestyle as well as back-to-back lockdowns. It impacted people’s health and life, giving birth to several health conditions associated with being overweight. Obesity is a medical condition that has a number of adverse health effects. It is associated with a number of diseases and conditions, including hypertension, heart attacks, diabetes, strokes, early-onset arthritis, and various cancers. All of these may require medical attention if not checked, causing you to lose a lot of money in diagnosis and treatment. It can even wipe out your entire savings and monthly income. Therefore, if you're overweight, you should think about getting comprehensive health insurance for obese people since they pay for the costs incurred as a result of treatment. At Tata AIG, we offer some of the finest medical insurance plans in India. Packed with customer-friendly features, Tata AIG's plans for obese people offer a slew of benefits, making them the best bet. Contact Tata AIG to learn more about the health insurance options for overweight people. Anyway, here's a complete guide about obesity for you. Continue reading to learn more about what obesity is, how it is measured, risk factors, signs and symptoms, as well as some preventive measures for maintaining standard body weight.

What Is Obesity?

If your question is "what is obesity?", let us tell you that it is a chronic and complex disease with multiple causes that result in excess body fat and, in some cases, poor health. Of course, body fat isn't a disease in and of itself. However, if an individual's body has excessive fat, it can alter how it functions. Well, these changes can get worse over time and can have adverse health consequences.

How's Obesity Measured and Determined?

BMI (Body Mass Index) is frequently used by healthcare professionals to categorise obesity in the general population. It calculates the ratio of the average body weight to average body height. Healthcare professionals generally considered a Body Mass Index of 30 or higher to be obese. Even though Body Mass Index has its limitations, it is a simple indicator that may help individuals become aware of the health risks associated with obesity.

Some examples of limitations include athletes and bodybuilders, who may have higher Body Mass Indexes despite having low levels of body fat because they have more muscle. At a "normal" weight, obesity is also a possibility. An individual could be at the same risk for health problems as someone with a higher Body Mass Index if their body weight is average but their body fat percentage is high.

Healthcare professionals have also noted ethnic variations in the amount of excess weight that individuals can carry before it compromises their health. For instance, Black people tend to have health risks with a higher BMI than Asian people. Also, Asian people tend to have health risks with a lower Body Mass Index than Black people.

The measurement of waist circumference is another method of evaluating obesity. Experts are of the opinion that an individual is more likely to develop diseases linked with obesity if they have more fat around their waist area. When their waist measures over 35 inches (female) or 40 inches (male), the risk becomes significant.

Also, there is another method to determine obesity, known as EOSS (Edmonton Obesity Staging System). It is believed to be a far better way to gauge obesity compared to the waist circumference risk threshold. It's a five-stage system that assesses a patient's physical, metabolic, and psychological parameters to decide how to best treat obesity. These are the stages:

  • Stage 0: There are no obvious risk factors
  • Stage 1: Preclinical risk factors
  • Stage 2: Comorbidity is confirmed
  • Stage 3: End organ damage
  • Stage 4: Final Stage

What’s the Healthy BMI for a Human Body?

The perfect Body Mass Index for most adults is between 18.5 and 24.9. Gender, weight, height, and age are all factors considered in the BMI calculation for young people and children between the ages of 2 and 18.

If an individual's BMI is:

  • If BMI is below 18.5 - an individual is in the underweight category
  • If BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9 - an individual is in the healthy weight category
  • If BMI is between 25 and 29.9 - an individual is in the overweight category
  • If BMI is between 30 and 39.9 - an individual is in the obese category

A BMI range between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered to be the healthy BMI for men as well as the average BMI for women.

What Causes Obesity

If you’re wondering “what causes obesity?”, let us tell you that obesity is primarily brought on by consuming more calories than your body can utilise. Numerous elements play a role in this. Some elements are unique to you. Others are incorporated into our society's framework on a global, regional, or family scale. In some ways, actively combating these various factors is necessary to prevent obesity.

The following are some of the major contributing factors and causes of obesity:

  • Genetics (Family Inheritance)

The amount and distribution of body fat that individual stores may be influenced by the genes that they inherited from their parents. Their body's ability to turn food into energy, control their appetite, and burn calories while they exercise are all factors that genetics may affect.

Typically, obesity runs in families. That isn't just a result of the genes they have in common. Families also frequently have similar eating and exercise routines.

  • **Lifestyle Choices **

Lifestyle choices include:

  • Unhealthy Diet: Weight gain is facilitated by diets high in calories, full of fast food, lacking in vegetables and fruits, and packed with high-calorie drinks and oversized portions.

  • Inactivity: If an individual leads a sedentary lifestyle, it is simple to consume more calories daily than they burn off via exercises and daily chores. It's sedentary to stare at the phone, tablet, and computer screens. Spending a lot of time in front of the screen is strongly linked to weight gain.

  • Liquid Calories: Alcoholic calories, in particular, allow people to consume large amounts of calories without feeling full. Other calorie-dense drinks, like sugary soft drinks, can significantly increase weight gain.

  • Economic and Social Issues

Social and economic factors are associated with obesity. If an individual does not have secure places to walk or work out, avoiding obesity can be challenging. Similar to this, they might not have been taught healthy cooking techniques or have limited access to healthier foods. Additionally, the people they generally spend time with can affect your weight; having obese friends or family members increases the risk of becoming obese.

  • Certain Diseases and Medications

Obesity in some individuals can be linked to a medical condition, such as Cushing syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, or another ailment. Reduced activity can result from medical issues like arthritis, which can also cause weight gain.
Certain medications can also result in weight gain if individuals do not make up for the weight loss via physical activity and diet. Some of these medications include anti-seizure medications, beta-blockers, antidepressants, antipsychotic medications, and diabetes medications.

  • Age

Any age can develop obesity, even young children. However, hormonal changes, as well as a less active lifestyle as individual ages, raise their risk of obesity. Additionally, as they get older, their body tends to have less muscle. In general, a decrease in metabolism is caused by less muscle mass. Additionally, these modifications lower calorie requirements and may make it more difficult to lose weight. An individual is more likely to put on weight as they age if they don't consciously control what they eat and increase their physical activity.

  • Other Factors

Several other causes of obesity include:

  • Quitting Smoking: Weight gain is frequently linked to quitting smoking. Additionally, it may cause some people to gain enough weight to be considered obese. This frequently occurs as people use food to manage their smoking withdrawal. But over time, giving up smoking continues to be better for an individual’s health than continuing to smoke. They can avoid gaining weight after quitting smoking with the help of their doctor.
  • Pregnancy: It's normal to gain weight while pregnant. Once the baby is born, some women find it difficult to lose this weight. This weight gain is a major contributing factor in becoming obese in the future.
  • Stress: Obesity may be influenced by a variety of external factors that impact mood and general well-being. When under stress, people frequently seek out more caloric foods.
  • Lack of Sleep: Hormone changes that increase appetite can be brought on by inadequate or excessive sleep. Additionally, an individual might yearn for foods that are high in carbohydrates and calories, which can lead to weight gain.
  • Microbiome: What an individual eats affects their gut bacteria, which can lead to weight gain or make it difficult to lose weight.

Even if an individual has one or more of these obesity causes, obesity is not something that they will necessarily develop. The majority of risk factors can be lowered by altering your diet, getting more exercise, and changing your behaviour.

Types of Obesity

Depending on how severe it is, healthcare providers categorise obesity into different class types. They perform it using BMI. Healthcare professionals evaluate which treatments might be the most effective for each patient using three general types of obesity.

They consist of:

  • Obesity - Class I: BMI 30 to <35 kilograms/m2
  • Obesity - Class II: BMI 35 to <40 kilograms/m2
  • Obesity - Class III: BMI 40+ kilograms/m2

Obesity Signs and Symptoms

Obesity symptoms can be broken down into child, adolescent, adult, rare symptoms, morbid obesity and numerous other complications. Listed below are specific obesity symptoms:

  • Childhood and Adolescent Obesity Symptoms

Common signs of childhood obesity include:

  • Sleep apnea

  • Shortness of breath with physical activity

  • Stretch marks on the back and hips

  • Fatty tissue deposits

  • Constipation

  • Low self-esteem

  • Acanthosis Nigricians

  • Low self-esteem

  • Orthopaedic issues, like dislocated hips or flat feet

  • GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)

  • Fatty tissue deposits (breast area)

  • Adult Obesity Symptoms

Some common signs of adult obesity include:

  • Snoring

  • Shortness of breath

  • Excess body fat (waist area)

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Sweating (more than usual)

  • Skin problems (from the accumulation of moisture in the folds)

  • Fatigue (mild to extreme)

  • Inability to execute simple physical chores that one could do effortlessly before gaining weight

  • Pain (joints and in the back)

  • Psychological problems like depression, negative self-esteem, social isolation, and shame

  • Morbid Obesity Symptoms

Morbid obesity is defined as being 45 kgs or more above one's ideal body weight. It may also be characterised in terms of BMI as someone with a Body Mass Index of 40 or above. The following are the symptoms:

  • Struggle while doing routine tasks

  • Having difficulty in breathing when doing bodily functions

  • Rare Obesity Symptoms

Obesity is also caused by several uncommon hereditary disorders. They are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • POMC (Pro-Opiomelancortin) Deficiency Obesity: Hyperphagia (extreme hunger during infancy stage), hormonal problems, and early-onset obesity.
  • LERP (Leptin Receptor) Deficiency Obesity: Severe early-onset obesity, hyperphagia, and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (when the ovaries or testicles secrete zero to little sex hormones)
  • BBS (Bardet-Biedl) Syndrome: Hyperphagia, kidney problems, early-onset obesity, having an extra toe or finger, and vision impairment.

Obesity Complications

Well, obesity can contribute to a variety of major health problems. It is associated with the following serious health issues:

  • Heart disease or Hypertension (high blood pressure) is caused by severe pumping of blood by the heart to flow throughout the body.
  • Obese asthma is a rare kind of asthma that's generally found in obese individuals.
  • Type 2 Diabetes. It's associated with obesity in approximately half of the instances.
  • High levels of cholesterol (reason for heart attack, strokes, and several other health issues)
  • Some cancers are associated with obesity in around 40% of instances.
  • Asthma, as well as worse asthma control and symptoms, results in more hospitalisation and medicine use.
  • Kidney ailment as a result of kidney damage from high blood pressure (chronic).
  • Sleep apnea (caused by fat accumulation in the tongue and neck, blocking the airways).
  • Osteoarthritis (excessive strain on the bones, joints, and muscles).
  • Gallbladder disease turns out to be 7% more common whenever there is an increase in Body Mass Index.

Obesity: Diagnosis

An individual's healthcare expert will measure the height, weight, and waist circumference during the appointment.

Also, when an individual pays a visit to the clinic, the healthcare expert will want to know about the medical history of the patient. They will inquire about the patient's medical history, weight fluctuations, and medicines. They will also inquire about the patient's present exercise, sleeping, and eating habits, as well as stress levels and if the patient has attempted any weight reduction programmes in the past. Also, they might inquire about the patient's biological family's medical history.

The healthcare expert will also check the patient's critical functions, such as blood pressure and heart rate, as well as listen to the condition of the lungs and heart using a stethoscope. They might do a blood test in order to examine the patient's cholesterol and blood sugar levels, as well as to screen for hormone issues. This comprehensive profile will be used to identify the patient's obesity and any linked disorders they may have.

Obesity: Treatment

Your unique treatment plan will be determined by your comprehensive health profile. Your healthcare professional will address your most pressing health issues first, followed by a long-term weight loss strategy. Sometimes there may be fast modifications they may recommend for an instant impact, like adjusting your medicines.

The overall treatment strategy will be more gradual and will most likely entail a number of components. Because everyone is unique, it may take some trial and error to determine which therapies work best for you. Studies have consistently shown that aggressive, team-based programmes with frequent, personal communication between your physician and you are the most beneficial in helping individuals lose weight and keep it off.

Well, your treatment plan might include the following:

  • Dietary Changes

The nutritional modifications you need to make to lose weight will be unique to you. Some people may benefit from reducing their portion sizes or eating snacks in between meals. Others may need to change what they eat rather than how much. Eating more vegetables can benefit almost everyone. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes have reduced fat content and increased fibre and vitamin content. They are more nutritious and might help you feel fuller and more pleased even if you consume fewer calories.

  • Behavioural Therapies

Support groups, counselling, and treatments like cognitive behavioural therapy may all help you on your weight reduction quest. These techniques can assist in rewiring your brain to encourage good changes. They can also assist you in managing stress and addressing emotional and psychological concerns that may be hindering your progress. Weight and weight reduction attempt to influence us on many levels, so having support on both the personal and practical levels may be beneficial.

  • Increased Activity

Everyone knows that nutrition and exercise are essential for weight reduction and maintenance. However, exercise does not have to imply a gym membership. Walking at a moderate speed is one of the most effective methods of exercise for losing weight. Healthcare professionals recommend 30 minutes five days a week. A daily stroll during lunchtime, before or after work, can make a significant impact.

  • Medication

Your doctor may advise you to take drugs in addition to other therapies. Medications aren't the only way to lose weight, but they can assist in other ways. Appetite suppressants, for example, can block some of the circuits in your brain that controls your hunger. This may be a little piece of the jigsaw for some, but it may be a major one for others.

Examples of medicines that may be prescribed include —

  • Liraglutide (Saxenda)
  • Topiramate or Phentermine (Qsymia)
  • Orlistat (Xenical, Alli)
  • Bupropion or Naltrexone (Contrave)

These medications, however, may have side effects. As a result, if this course of treatment is prescribed, your doctor will closely monitor your condition.

  • Surgery

If an individual is diagnosed with Obesity (Class III), bariatric surgery is usually performed. Surgery is a drastic yet extremely successful method of achieving long-term, considerable weight reduction. It works through altering your biology rather than just your thinking or behaviours. In some manner, all bariatric surgery techniques modify your digestive tract. They limit how many calories you can intake and absorb. They also alter your metabolism and appetite by changing hormonal components in your digestive system.

The bariatric surgery process includes the following:

  • LAP band (Gastric band): A band divides the stomach into two distinct compartments during this procedure. The little pouch generated makes you feel full after eating less.
  • Sleeve gastrectomy (Gastric sleeve): This procedure involves the removal of a portion of the stomach.
  • Duodenal Switch: This sort of surgery removes approximately 80% of your stomach. Furthermore, the second stage of the procedure entails joining the small intestine between the gallbladder as well as the end of the small intestine to minimise its length.
  • Roux-en-Y (Gastric bypass): The surgeon will build a tiny pouch at the stomach's top part. The pouch will then be connected to the small intestine, which bypasses the stomach. As a result, liquid and food pass through the pouch directly into the small intestine rather than the stomach.

Obesity: Preventive Measures

Obesity prevention is simpler than obesity treatment as soon as it takes hold. Your body will regard a new high "set point," which is your new baseline weight after it has been established. Regardless of your weight-loss aspirations, your body attempts to control your energy expenditure and hunger signals in order to maintain and regulate the same body mass.

If you have seen a recent tendency of weight increase in yourself or your kid, or if you have a family history of being overweight, you should intervene sooner rather than later. Checking your habits and patterns, as well as making sensible changes now, might help you avoid weight loss and obesity issues in the future.

For instance:

  • Increase your protein intake. The body expends energy while attempting to digest proteins. That is, the body burns fat in order to convert proteins to amino acids. Furthermore, a high-protein diet might help you feel satiated for longer. Furthermore, high protein diets aid in carbohydrate reduction.
  • Avoid consuming liquid calories. Furthermore, many substitute water for processed juices, beverages, wines, beers, and so forth. These sugary beverages are referred to as "liquid calories."
  • Develop your general well-being. Reduce your screen time and go for a stroll outside. Manage your stress and sleep well to keep your hormone levels in balance. Concentrate on making positive changes and engaging in healthy activities rather than how your efforts affect your weight.
  • Avoid consuming processed foods such as juices, sauces, cold drinks, biscuits, sauces, and so on. Furthermore, processed meals include a lot of simple carbohydrates. The blood rapidly absorbs these carbohydrates in the small intestine, causing insulin to rise. Processed foods also include substances that encourage you to consume more. As a result, avoid them.
  • Get adequate sleep. Sleep deprivation is a major cause of obesity because the body generates hormones that make you feel hungry owing to poor appetite hormone control.
  • Start working out. Exercise for at least 300 minutes every week to increase metabolism and strength. You can do yoga for at least 20 to 30 minutes a day or get yourself admitted to a gym in order to work out and help burn fat and calories.

Why Is It Important to Have Health Insurance in Today’s Time?

Obesity has increased by 60% during the last ten years. This demonstrates the critical necessity of being fit. However, sedentary lifestyles merged with inactive workout routines can contribute to weight gain and are a leading cause of several ailments.

Obesity increases your risk of developing a variety of potentially serious health issues, such as breathing disorders, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, musculoskeletal diseases (particularly osteoarthritis), infertility, gallbladder disease, kidney disease, fatty liver disease (non-alcoholic), as well as some cancers, including others.

Also, if an obese person is diagnosed with a serious illness, there is a greater possibility that health insurance for overweight adults may be rejected.

So, what’s the solution?

Well, you should consider purchasing comprehensive health insurance at an early stage of your life. Purchasing a comprehensive medical insurance policy at a young age is usually advantageous since Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR generally reduces) as a consequence of obesity as you age. It protects you against any growing medical expenditures and medical difficulties that may arise later in life.

Because of a weakened immune system and a sedentary lifestyle, people become more susceptible to illnesses as they age. At that age, you may acquire a few medical difficulties or gain weight, which increases your chances of having your health insurance denied.
Keep in mind that health insurance isn't specifically designed for overweight people. If your BMI exceeds 30, you may have to pay a little higher premium to protect your health. Continue reading to learn how obesity influences your health insurance premiums.

Health Insurance for Obese Individuals

If an individual is overweight, they must compromise on their health insurance coverage in terms of premiums. They may still buy health insurance from the finest insurance providers, but it will be more expensive. A health insurance policy for obese persons may not provide the same advantages as a policy for a healthier person. The insurance will also have a number of exclusions. When compared to a regular life policy, you must pay a larger premium for the policy you select.

Obesity and Health Insurance - Understanding the Premium Factor

Finding a low-cost choice for life insurance for overweight individuals is never simple. The BMI chart is used by insurance companies to determine how much premium you must pay. As a result, if you are on the lower end of the overweight spectrum, you should expect to pay a modest premium.

However, if you are on the higher end of the BMI scale, your health insurance premium would be greater. Obesity directly influences premiums since many insurers raise the rate by a set amount.

Also, a healthy individual is less likely to develop the disease than an obese person. Similarly, a smoker is more likely to develop lung cancer than a non-smoker. When an individual's BMI exceeds 30 or 35, insurance firms frequently apply a loading on the premium amount.

Because of obesity, health insurance premiums may become expensive. Health insurance is a severe difficulty for persons with a BMI of more than 40; in such circumstances, health insurance coverage may be refused entirely, resulting in no health care in the event of an emergency.

One smart and sensible method to decrease the premium amount is if you buy health insurance online. The insurance sector is a competitive market, which might work in your favour. To select an affordable policy, you may evaluate several health insurance plans. As opposed to getting health insurance offline, buying a plan online allows you to pay a lesser premium. You'll be required to pay a reduced premium.

The most prudent thing you may do today is to obtain the best health insurance plan from Tata AIG and focus on enhancing your health. You'll be able to remove a large quantity of fat from your body in this manner over the course of a couple of years. You may then apply for a new health insurance plan with a pocket-friendly premium amount.

Health Insurance: Benefits

It's true that health is wealth. Inactivity, changing lifestyles, work from home, and a variety of factors have a negative influence on an individual's health. This can result in a variety of health problems and medical disorders.

Also, the medical expenses connected with the treatment of such disorders are continually rising. Thus, it is vital to invest in medical insurance plans to protect your funds from hefty medical expenditures. Having a comprehensive health insurance policy covers every hospitalisation cost, pre and post-hospitalisation fees, ambulance costs, etc.

The following are the benefits of health insurance:

  • Cover for Medical Costs: The primary goal of health insurance is to ensure that you obtain the finest medical treatment possible without putting your finances at risk. Health insurance programmes shield you from hefty medical bills. It covers hospitalisation, day care operations, domiciliary fees, and ambulance rates, among other things. You may therefore concentrate on your quick recuperation rather than worrying about such huge charges.
  • Critical Illness Cover: critical illness policy is now available from reputable insurance companies like Tata AIG as a rider/add-on or standalone plan. A policy of this type covers every disorder arising as a result of obesity like strokes, heart diseases, etc. You are eligible for a lump sum payment if you are diagnosed with any of the serious illnesses on your policy's specified list. This sum may be used to cover the costs of your illness-related treatment, everyday expenditures, and any other financial commitments.
  • Cashless Claim or Reimbursement Benefit: Tata AIG provides cashless claim services to all of its policyholders. You will not have to pay out-of-purse under this agreement. In this case, the hospital and us resolve your hospitalisation costs. To be eligible for this benefit, you need to be admitted to any of our network hospitals. To use the cashless facility, all you need to do is complete the pre-authorisation application form and show your medical insurance card.
  • Alternatively, you may also seek treatment at any healthcare provider or hospital of your choosing and submit a reimbursement claim with us by producing original medical invoices and appropriate paperwork.
  • Tax Benefits:Medical insurance policies offer tax benefits in addition to financial protection. These tax benefits are basically available as a deduction. The 1961 Income Tax Act (under Section 80D) allows for a deduction of any premium paid against the medical insurance policy. The deduction amount varies by age group, with up to ₹50,000.

Reasons Why You Require a Medical Insurance Policy

Listed below are the many reasons why you should purchase a medical insurance plan:

  • Shields Your Savings: Medical insurance assists you in protecting your hard-earned savings. Assume you have invested your resources in several investment channels, and a medical emergency in your family forces you to withdraw all of your investments. A medical insurance policy protects you in the event that you no longer need to sell your investment in order to pay for the medical treatments.

  • Combats Medical Inflation: Medical inflation is always growing, driving up treatment costs. Newer and more effective therapies, as well as growing inflation, are some of the causes. Because of the quick rise in treatment expenses, it can also be incredibly difficult to save when it comes to a medical emergency.
    The situation is so bad that around 7% of people are forced to live below the poverty line as a result of medical debt. You can prevent such bad scenarios if you have health insurance coverage. Health insurance helps to control treatment expenses by providing financial support.

  • Additional Financial Coverage in Addition to Corporate Insurance Coverage: Lastly, medical insurance is an important security cover in today's world, and many corporations provide health insurance plans as an additional condition to the pay supplied.

This extra employment perk assures the employees' health.

However, these plans have a constraint in that they are only effective while you are employed by the company. This implies that when you leave your job, your health insurance coverage terminates. As a result, personal medical insurance provides coverage even when work stops.

Why Choose Tata AIG for Health Insurance

Tata AIG health insurance policies are exclusively tailored to provide comprehensive coverage in times of medical emergencies, helping you not worry and stress when it comes to managing high treatment expenses. Listed below are some of the benefits that come along with buying a Tata AIG health insurance plan:

  • Financial Security:Because of the rising expense of hospitalisation and medical treatment, health insurance is a highly recommended investment. If you purchase a health insurance plan, you will be financially protected against the high costs of treatment such as surgery, diagnostic tests, etc.

  • Medical Second Opinion: It's a service that permits our customers to receive a second opinion from another doctor on their obesity diagnosis as well as treatment plans. Suppose this occurs; in that case, you can walk confidently because your health policy will cover all expenses.

  • Comprehensive Coverage: You will be completely protected if you have a Tata AIG health insurance policy. It will cover your entire obesity treatment (for instance, doctor’s consultation, diagnosis, treatment, etc.) Also, this level of comprehensive coverage is available at reasonable premium rates.

  • Affordable Premiums: Are you really worried that such a plan will be too costly for you? This plan from Tata AIG can ease your mind since it offers extensive coverage at incredibly low premium costs. But, the rates might vary based on the age and level of coverage. You can check them with the help of our online [health insurance premium calculator](medical insurance premium calculator).

  • Bariatric Treatment Coverage: Only a few insurance providers give coverage for bariatric procedures (which includes Tata AIG). Bariatric surgery is basically a medical treatment used to manage obesity when normal weight-loss strategies like vigorous and routine exercise and dieting have failed to produce the desired results. If your doctor prescribes you to go for bariatric surgery, rest assured since Tata AIG will cover every cost associated with the treatment.

Purchasing Health Insurance Online: How to Do It?

Tata AIG offers the finest health insurance policy packages to its customers. If you are planning to buy health insurance online, we can assure you that the entire process is no-fuss and clear-cut. All you have to do is follow the steps below to become a member of the Tata AIG group:

  • Visit our official website and choose for whom you wish to purchase health insurance. You can purchase medical insurance for any member of your family (parents, dependent kids, spouse), including yourself.
  • As soon as you have determined who is going to be insured, tap on the "Get Plan" option.
  • Provide the necessary information, and we will recommend the best and appropriate plans for you.
  • On the next page, all you need to do is select the sum insured. You can do it by clicking the drop-down menu. After that, you'll be able to view the premium amount.
  • You may also compare the policies to see which one best suits your needs.
  • Choose the policy you want to purchase and select the "Buy Now" button.
  • Tata AIG's experts will contact you for further assistance.

If you wish to purchase a medical insurance plan from Tata AIG offline, follow these steps.

  • Find a Tata AIG office nearest to your location.
  • Visit the office and go to the reception desk and express your desire to purchase a health insurance policy.
  • Our representative will discuss health insurance plans that will be the best for you.
  • Once you have decided on a plan, our representative will help you fill out the application form, attach relevant documents and make the payment.

Once you complete the process, you will receive the policy certificate and all the necessary documents.

Things to Consider While Purchasing Health Insurance

Here are some things to keep in mind when shopping for health insurance:

  • Network Hospital Coverage

To take advantage of the cashless option, you must seek care at one of the insurer's network hospitals. These are medical facilities linked with affiliated hospitals of the insurance provider. Check to see whether your health insurance provider has a large network of network hospitals in your area as well as around the country. This would allow you to receive appropriate care without spending big costs in the event of an emergency at home or when travelling inside the country.

  • Exclusions

While medical insurance plans cover an extensive range of ailments and medical exigencies, there might be certain illnesses that are not covered by the plan you have chosen. As a result, before acquiring health insurance, it is always essential to study the policy terms and conditions and clarify any concerns about exclusions.

  • Choosing an Appropriate Cover According to the Medical Needs

Furthermore, it is critical to get the appropriate form of health insurance coverage for the appropriate recipient. If you are insured by a company insurance plan, for example, a family floater plan that 'floats' among family members is required. In this manner, any change in job won't expose an individual to financial risks due to ill health.

  • Premium

Do not choose plans only on the basis of inexpensive premiums. Low-cost policies typically have limited coverage or other restrictions. Choose a policy that provides comprehensive coverage at a reasonable premium.

What Our Clients Say

  • "I'm glad to say that my family is now protected with Tata AIG health insurance plan for the family. I was swamped with the options that Tata AIG has for its customers. I bought a policy after researching the inclusions and exclusions as per my family's and my health needs in mind. They were all plainly defined, so I bought the coverage without hesitation or problem. I strongly advise anyone wanting to get medical insurance for themselves or their loved ones to contact them."

~ Suresh Sharma

  • "Last year, I got a medical insurance plan from Tata AIG online. Well, I was impressed when I acquired the insurance from their website a year ago, and now I am amazed by their straightforward renewal method. The company supported me in renewing my medical insurance coverage online with minimum effort. The firm's service has indeed amazed me."

~ Bhaskar Mukherjee

  • "Purchasing health insurance coverage from the comfort of your house is handy. I acquired critical illness insurance from Tata AIG using the company's official website. Customer support professionals were always willing to help me at any moment. I'm satisfied and thrilled to add more coverage to my Tata AIG health insurance plan in the future. Their web platform is entirely trustworthy and simple to use. Continue your excellent job, Team Tata AIG!"

~ Mrunal Patel

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Your policy is subjected to terms and conditions & inclusions and exclusions mentioned in your policy wording. Please go through the documents carefully.

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