Benefits of Eating Watermelon During Pregnancy

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 25/01/2024

Pregnancy is a beautiful and transformative experience in a woman’s life. During this crucial time, the health of both the mother and the developing baby is of utmost importance. Proper nutrition plays a vital role in ensuring a healthy pregnancy.

However, a mother-to-be has to be extremely cautious of what she can eat during these months. Here, watermelon, a refreshing and delicious fruit, can be a valuable addition to a pregnant woman’s diet.

In this article, we will explore the numerous benefits of eating watermelon during pregnancy.

Keep reading!

Health benefits of Eating Watermelon During Pregnancy

Watermelon can help reduce common discomforts and support the mother’s general well-being. Here are some benefits of watermelon in pregnancy:

Morning Sickness Relief: Nausea and vomiting, commonly referred to as morning sickness, can be an unpleasant part of pregnancy. Watermelon’s mild flavour and high-water content can help soothe nausea and provide relief to pregnant women experiencing morning sickness.

Reduced Swelling: Edema, or swelling, is a common occurrence during pregnancy due to fluid retention. Watermelon’s diuretic properties can help reduce swelling and ease the discomfort associated with swollen hands and feet.

Heartburn Relief: Heartburn and acid reflux are prevalent during pregnancy. Watermelon is an alkaline fruit that can help neutralise stomach acid, providing relief from these discomforts.

Constipation Prevention: Constipation is a common issue during pregnancy due to hormonal changes and the pressure of the growing uterus on the digestive system. The fibre in watermelon can help regulate bowel movements and prevent constipation.

Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight during pregnancy is essential for the well-being of both the mother and the baby. Watermelon is a low-calorie and low-fat fruit that can be a part of a balanced diet to support healthy weight management.

Benefits of Watermelon for Foetal Development

Eating watermelon during pregnancy not only benefits the mother but also supports the healthy development of the foetus.

Folate Content: Watermelon contains a moderate amount of folate, a B vitamin crucial for preventing neural tube defects in the developing baby. Adequate folate intake is essential, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy when the neural tube is forming.

Antioxidants: Watermelon is rich in antioxidants, including lycopene, which may support brain development and protect the growing baby from oxidative stress.

Growth and development: The vitamins and minerals in watermelon, such as vitamin A and potassium, are essential for foetal growth and organ development. Consuming watermelon as part of a well-balanced diet contributes to the baby’s overall health.

Alleviating pregnancy cravings: Many pregnant women experience cravings for sweet foods. Watermelon can satisfy these cravings and provide a nutritious alternative to sugary snacks and desserts.

Ways to Eat Watermelon in Pregnancy

There are different ways to take watermelon in pregnancy. Some tried-and-tested watermelon recipes are shared below:

Watermelon Juice

This refreshing juice has the perfect mix of a sweet and sour taste. Would-be mothers can add it to their breakfast or have it as a midday snack.

How to prepare it?

Add seedless watermelon pieces to a blender

Blend for around 30 seconds

The juice will be fibrous. You can strain it if you want or drink it with the fibre

You can add one tablespoon of citrus juice to enhance the flavour

Watermelon Popsicle

A popsicle can help cure morning sickness. It is also very refreshing during the hot summer season.

How to prepare it?

Cut a watermelon into cubes and prepare a puree

Use a sieve to make it smooth

Add half a cup of water, mix well, and pour the mixture into popsicle moulds

Freeze for eight to ten hours

Remove the popsicle from the mould and enjoy it chilled

Watermelon Salsa

A watermelon salsa is a versatile dip that can be used with several other food items.

How to prepare it?

In a big bowl, add cucumber, onion, mango, watermelon, basil leaves, and lime zest

Add a few drops of lime juice as per your needs

Sprinkle salt, sugar, and pepper

Toss everything well so that the flavours get mixed

Serve this tasty salsa with chips or nachos to satiate your hunger pang

Watermelon Milkshake

A morning milkshake can give you a dose of energy and keep you feeling satiated for longer.

Blend deseeded watermelon cubes, milk, and sweetness (jaggery or sugar)

Drink the milkshake immediately

Safety Concerns of Eating Watermelon During Pregnancy

Many women ask, “Is eating watermelon good for pregnancy?”

Generally, eating watermelon during pregnancy is considered quite safe. However, since the fruit is relatively rich in carbs and low in fibre, it can result in blood sugar spikes. Thus, if you have diabetes or develop high blood sugar during pregnancy, you must not eat watermelon in large quantities.

Additionally, make sure you wash the watermelon before slicing and eating it. To lower the risk of food poisoning, you should not eat watermelon during pregnancy if it has been at room temperature for more than two hours.

Foods to Avoid When Pregnant

Pregnancy is a challenging phase for women. But, with a balanced diet comprising the right foods and fruits, you can remain healthy and ease symptoms like morning sickness, hand and foot swelling, constipation, heartburn, etc.

Fruits like watermelon, cherries, apricots, pomegranates, mangoes, and cantaloupes are healthy and give the baby the nutrients he or she requires in the womb. However, there are a few fruits that may be potentially risky for pregnant women and unborn children.

Here is a list of foods to avoid when pregnant:


Pineapples consist of bromelain, an enzyme capable of softening the cervix and causing early labour. Most doctors consider pineapple safe till it is eaten in small portions.

The fruit also comprises several beneficial nutrients. However, to remain safe, you must limit eating pineapple in pregnancy to the first trimester.


While there’s still debate around the fruit, pregnant women are advised not to eat grapes. Resveratrol is a toxic compound found in grapes.

It can cause poisoning or other pregnancy complications. Nevertheless, if you eat it in moderation, grapes are considered a low-risk food like pineapple.


Eating papaya, when ripe, is pretty safe in pregnancy. But you must avoid an unripe papaya since it contains latex, which can cause premature contractions.

Moreover, the skin and seeds of a ripe papaya are unsafe for consumption. Therefore, most people prefer avoiding papaya altogether to avoid risks during pregnancy.

Importance of Maternity Insurance During Pregnancy

Apart from maintaining a healthy diet during pregnancy, expectant mothers need to invest in maternity insurance. This health insurance plan ensures that pregnant women can access pre- and post-natal care without financial hiccups. It is an add-on cover that you can include in your family or individual health insurance policy to meet all maternity-related expenses.

Maternity insurance can also extend to provide coverage for postpartum care. A newborn baby and a new mother require doctor’s visits and support services to diagnose and manage postpartum health issues. These come under postpartum care in medical insurance.

Tata AIG’s maternity insurance offers numerous advantages when you buy it with your health insurance plan. You can enjoy benefits like cashless hospitalisation, comprehensive coverage, and in-patient care at affordable premiums. The plan also offers a hassle-free purchase and claim process.

Wrapping up

Eating watermelon during pregnancy has numerous health benefits, like alleviating morning sickness, reducing muscle cramps, boosting immunity, preventing pigmentation and dehydration, and soothing heat rashes.

The fruit also supports the foetus's bone development. Its high-water content, minerals, vitamins, and fibre make it one of the best fruits to eat during pregnancy. But apart from enjoying the benefits of watermelon, you also require prenatal care for a healthy pregnancy.

Maternity insurance plays a vital role in providing expectant mothers access to the required medical services, specialist consultations, and support during pregnancy. It provides coverage for many expenses, such as emergency care, hospital and delivery costs, prenatal care, and postpartum support.


Is there a best time to eat watermelon?

You must avoid eating watermelon at night. It is not good for digestion and can result in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and other conditions. Consuming watermelon at night can also cause you to have an upset stomach the next day.

How much watermelon is good to eat during pregnancy?

It is safe to consume 100 g to 150 g of watermelon per day. It is advised to consult a doctor to know the recommended intake quantity of watermelon in pregnancy.

Can watermelon consumption cause miscarriage?

Generally, it is safe to consume watermelons during pregnancy, and its consumption is not linked to miscarriage.

Is watermelon good for pregnancy?

Watermelon is a healthy and delicious snack when eaten in moderation during pregnancy. It is a rich source of micronutrients and antioxidants, making it the right choice to keep expectant mothers and their babies healthy during and after pregnancy.

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