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10 home remedies for Dehydration

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 19/09/2024

Dehydration, a common issue during the summertime, occurs when the body fails to retain electrolytes and fluids, disrupting its proper functioning.

Our body's reliance on water for optimal function is well-known, and in dehydration, the amount of water leaving the body exceeds the amount being taken in. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the importance of hydration in preventing dehydration.

Preventing dehydration is within your reach. An imbalance in water quantity or electrolytes can lead to a range of symptoms, such as dry skin, thirst and fatigue. However, with the right knowledge and simple home remedies, you can easily keep dehydration at bay.

In this blog, we will discuss the causes of dehydration, its symptoms, and effective home remedies in detail, empowering you to take charge of your health.

Causes of Dehydration

Dehydration can stem from various factors. Our body needs water to function properly, and when the adequate quantity of water is not matched, it leads to dehydration. Understanding these factors can help you stay informed and aware of the potential causes of dehydration.


One of the main causes of dehydration is diarrhoea. It is a medical condition which refers to the frequent liquid bowel movement and excessive watery evacuation of faecal material.

It causes the body to lose excess water or electrolytes. It is not only uncomfortable but also dangerous.

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Another main cause of dehydration is vomiting. It is an act that forcibly empties the stomach. All the food and secretions inside the stomach are thrown out of the oesophagus during the vomiting episode.

Regular vomiting can result in a serious loss of fluid and electrolytes. However, during this time, it is challenging for individuals to rehydrate if their bodies are unable to tolerate fluids.


Another main cause of dehydration is sweat. In the sweating process, the body loses a significant amount of water to try to keep it cool. Sweating can happen due to intense workouts, a warm environment, fever or infection.


People with diabetes also suffer from dehydration. This is because of the elevated blood sugar level spilling into the urine which causes urination. Frequent urination can lead to dehydration. Generally, people with diabetes face excessive thirst.


Skin also has a crucial role in maintaining the fluid and temperature of the body. If the skin is burned or injured, then the ability to maintain control of fluid and temperature gets affected. Generally, burn victims are often dehydrated because water seeps into the damaged skin.

Inability to Drink Fluids

Another potential cause of dehydration is an inability to drink an adequate amount of water. This can happen due to the unavailability of freshwater or lack of strength to drink water.

Dehydration Symptoms

Symptoms of Dehydration in Adults

  • Skin dryness

  • Fatigue

  • Dizziness

  • Excessive thirst

  • Drt and sticky tongue

  • Less frequent urination

  • Dark urine

Symptoms of Dehydration in Children

  • Lack of energy

  • Increased sleep

  • Absence of tears while crying

  • Dry mouth

  • Cheeks and eyes appear sunken.

  • Tiredness

Top 10 Home Remedies for Dehydration

Dehydration, if not treated on time, can escalate into a medical emergency. Fortunately, there are various home remedies for dehydration in adults and children.

1. Buttermilk

One of the tried-and-tested home remedies for dehydration is buttermilk. It is not only high in water content but also packed with nutrients like magnesium.

It acts as a probiotic in the stomach that assists in dealing with indigestion and diarrhoea, which contribute to dehydration.

A glass of buttermilk twice or thrice a day can keep your body hydrated. To enhance the buttermilk taste, add ginger to the buttermilk.

2. Coconut Water

Another popular home remedy for dehydration in adults and children is coconut water. It is one of the traditional drinks known for its health benefits. It is isotonic, which means the electrolyte level present in this drink is similar to that of the body.

Further, it also has potassium, sodium, chloride and glucose content, which is essential for diarrhoea and dehydration. Sipping coconut water throughout the day helps in replenishing the lost minerals in the body.

3. Cranberry Juice

Cranberry is known for its high water content. Additionally, cranberries provide natural salts (electrolytes) and sugars that help maintain the body's balance during dehydration.

The electrolytes help regulate fluid levels in your body, and the natural sugars provide a quick source of energy. However, it is important to choose cranberry juice that is low in added sugars to avoid excessive sugar intake.

4. Lemon Water

Another instant cure for dehydration is lemon water. It is packed with magnesium, sodium and potassium. It is one of the refreshing drinks of summertime. Not only does it prevent dehydration, but it also levels up the body's water intake.

Lemon water with salt and sugar helps in replenishing the lost salts. It also increases the minerals and vitamin levels in the body. In case of any symptoms of dehydration, drinking lemon water helps in restoring fluids and electrolytes.

5. Yoghurt

Yoghurt can be beneficial for dehydration. It contains minerals like potassium and sodium, which are important electrolytes that help maintain the body's fluid balance and can be lost during dehydration.

Furthermore, the probiotics in yoghurt can help maintain a healthy gut, which is important because dehydration can sometimes lead to digestive issues. Additionally, it is easy on the stomach and offers essential nutrients without overwhelming the body.

6. Orange Juice

Another known home remedy for dehydration is orange juice. Oranges are packed with essential nutrients and water. They contain vitamin C, which flushes out toxins from the body. Furthermore, the potassium and sodium in orange juice help replenish the body's nutrients.

The sugar content in orange juice helps provide instant energy to the body to deal with dehydration. To get the best result, it is best to dilute the drink with water.

7. Apple Juice

Apple juice can be a helpful option for combating dehydration, primarily due to its high water content, which helps replenish lost fluids.

Additionally, it contains natural sugars like fructose, providing a quick energy boost, and small amounts of electrolytes like potassium, which are essential for maintaining the body's fluid balance.

For optimal hydration, it is best to dilute apple juice with water or pair it with other fluids to ensure a balanced intake.

8. Barley Water

Barley water is another popular home remedy for dehydration, generally consumed in summertime. It helps fight heat stroke by replenishing the body with electrolytes and fluids.

It is packed with minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, which help restore the essential nutrients in the body. A cup of barley water two or three times a day can definitely help fight dehydration. To enhance its taste, add lemon water and salt.

9. Watermelon

Watermelon is an excellent food for hydration, especially during hot weather or after physical activity. This high water content helps replenish lost fluids and keeps you hydrated.

Additionally, watermelon is rich in electrolytes like potassium and magnesium, which are crucial for maintaining the body's fluid balance. It also offers a good dose of vitamins A and C, which are beneficial for skin health and immune function.

10. Aloe Vera Juice

Another popular home remedy for dehydration is aloe vera juice. It is known for its soothing and hydrating properties.

In addition to its high water content, aloe vera juice contains a variety of vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes, such as potassium and magnesium, which help maintain the body's fluid balance and support overall hydration.

Moreover, its anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce any internal inflammation that might result from dehydration.

Instant Cure For Dehydration - Medical Treatment

If the dehydration is severe and none of the home remedies is working, then it is best to contact the healthcare practitioner. Some of the popular solutions for severe cases of dehydration include:

Oral Rehydration Solutions (ORS)

Medical professionals often recommend oral rehydration solutions for mild dehydration. These specially formulated drinks contain a precise mix of salts and sugars to quickly restore hydration and electrolyte levels. They are particularly effective for dehydration caused by diarrhoea, vomiting or excessive sweating.

Intravenous (IV) Fluids

IV fluids are the fastest and most efficient way to treat severe dehydration. They usually contain a balanced solution of water, electrolytes and sometimes glucose. This solution is delivered directly into the bloodstream, providing immediate rehydration and correcting electrolyte imbalances.

Additional Tip to Prevent Dehydration

Dehydration is a serious problem that can cause various other health problems. Below are some tips for preventing dehydration.

Include Water-Rich Foods

The main cause of dehydration is a lack of water intake. Therefore, it is crucial to incorporate water-rich foods into your diet. Some popular options are cucumber, yoghurt, watermelons and buttermilk. By incorporating these foods into your diet, you can prevent dehydration.

Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol not only causes harm to the body, but it can also lead to hangovers and dehydration. If the body is dehydrated, its symptoms can worsen. Hence, it is crucial not to consume alcohol at any cost.

Drink Adequate Amount of Water

Another way to prevent dehydration is to consume an adequate amount of water throughout the day. Furthermore, if you are carrying out any strenuous activity or workout, then drink ample amounts of water.

Make Lifestyle Changes

The main cause of dehydration is a poor lifestyle. If you live an active life or like to workout, it is important to carry a water bottle with you to prevent dehydration. Consuming energy drinks is also a suitable option; however, refrain from added sugar.

Importance of Having Health Insurance Plan

Dehydration can lead to various other health issues, such as kidney problems, low blood pressure, etc. These health issues require immediate medical attention. Paying a visit to the hospital will be financially challenging if you do not have a medical insurance policy

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Our body needs water and electrolytes to perform properly. Dehydration can cause an imbalance in electrolyte levels in the body. This can happen due to various reasons, such as diarrhoea, vomiting, sweating, etc.

The very fundamental way to replenish water intake in the body is by consuming water. However, there are various other ways to replenish nutrients in the body, such as consuming orange juice, yoghurt, watermelon and more.

Apart from this, to prevent dehydration, avoid consuming alcohol too. If the dehydration symptoms persist, then it is best to seek immediate medical care for a treatment plan.


What is the best medicine for dehydration?

The best treatment for dehydration is oral rehydration solutions (ORS), which contain a balanced mix of water, salts and sugars to restore fluid and electrolyte levels quickly.

In severe cases, intravenous (IV) fluids administered in a medical setting are the most effective way to rehydrate rapidly and safely.

What is the best drink for dehydration?

Water is the best drink for dehydration, as it effectively replenishes lost fluids. However, for more rapid rehydration, especially after intense exercise or illness, an oral rehydration solution (ORS) or a sports drink with electrolytes can be even more effective.

Do bananas help in treating dehydration?

Yes, bananas can help in treating dehydration, particularly by replenishing electrolytes. Bananas are rich in potassium, an essential electrolyte that is often lost during dehydration through sweating, vomiting, or diarrhoea.

Disclaimer: This is a general guide on the 10 Home Remedies for Dehydration. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. It is advisable to consult a qualified health professional for treatment in severe cases.

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