Is Sleeping After a Workout Good or Bad

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 12/09/2024

Exercise is the best way to keep yourself healthy and fit. For this reason, many people love to work out. Any physical activity or workout session helps boost energy by increasing heart rate and blood flow.

Since physical activity requires a lot of stamina and energy, people often get tired after a workout and think of taking a nap. But is it normal to feel sleepy after a workout?

In this blog, we will learn in detail whether sleeping after a workout is good or bad.

Is it Normal to Sleep After Exercise?

Exercise demands a significant amount of energy and stamina. As a result, it is perfectly normal to feel tired after a workout session, especially after an intense one. This feeling of fatigue is a natural reaction to physical activity and is not a cause for concern.

Further, it can also be a symptom of exercise-induced fatigue. Fatigue is feeling mentally drained or physically weak. It is a very normal reaction to physical activity.

Our nervous system, which is responsible for communication between other parts of the body and the brain, plays a crucial role in the development of fatigue.

The nervous system consists of two parts: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. Both of these parts play a crucial role in the development of fatigue.

Peripheral fatigue occurs due to repeated muscle contractions, which generally happen in exercise.

Central fatigue occurs from the effect of exercise on the central nervous system. Due to exercise, the concentration of neurotransmitters changes in the central nervous system, which causes feelings of tiredness and fatigue.

Also Read: Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

Popular Causes of Sleeping After Workout

Various other factors also contribute to sleeping after a workout, such as lifestyle changes, health conditions, dietary choices and the individual's overall fitness level. For instance, a sedentary lifestyle or poor diet can lead to a lack of energy, making it more likely for a person to feel sleepy after a workout.

Nutritional Gaps

One of the main causes of sleep after exercise is nutritional gaps. The body uses glycogen to fuel all activities, including exercise. When you do a high-intensity workout, the body uses glycogen at a very fast rate, which can contribute to exercise-induced fatigue.

This happens because of poor overall nutrition. That is why it is suggested to have a pre-workout meal before an intense workout session. Further, dehydration can also cause fatigue.

Endurance Levels

Another common cause of exercise-induced fatigue is individual endurance levels. It is important to remember that everyone's body is unique, and so is their stamina level.

The energy level post-workout depends on the stored glycogen in the body and its effective utilisation, which can vary from person to person.


Another common cause of exercise-induced fatigue is overexertion, which typically happens in individuals who have recently started working out.

When you work out for the first time, it can cause fatigue since the body is new to this change. However, this generally recovers with time and regular exercise when the body gets familiar with the workout routine.

Benefits of Sleep After Exercise

Like everything else, sleeping after a workout has some benefits and side effects. Some of the popular benefits of taking a nap after a workout are listed below:

Sleeping Builds Damaged Muscle Tissue

One crucial benefit of sleeping after exercise is its role in muscle recovery. When we exercise or do an intense workout, our muscles undergo stress and may get damaged. However, sleep plays a vital role in rebuilding these muscles.

During sleep, the pituitary gland releases human growth hormone, which is instrumental in the repair and development of muscle tissue.

Sleeping Reduces Physical Fatigue

Another crucial benefit of sleeping after working out is reducing fatigue. It is very common to feel tired and exhausted after an intense workout session.

Exercise demands a lot of energy and stamina. Taking a nap after exercise helps raise energy levels. It gives our body time to relax and rebuild damaged muscles.

Sleeping Revives Mental Alertness

Another benefit of taking a short nap during the day is that it helps revive mental alertness. Various studies have proven that 15 to 30 minutes of sleep during the day can help regulate mood and enhance concentration.

Furthermore, sleep after a workout helps support a healthy immune system, which is crucial for preventing illness or injury after exercise.

Sleeping Helps in Lowering Cortisol Level

A high-intensity workout for a longer period or an extended training session can lead to an increase in cortisol, a stress hormone. An increase in cortisol can inhibit muscle growth by breaking down muscle protein.

It can also lower the production of testosterone and growth hormone, which are essential for muscle recovery and development. Taking a nap after a workout can help lower cortisol levels.

Side Effects of Sleeping After Working Out

Irrespective of benefits, sleeping after a workout also has various side effects, which are discussed below:

Reduced Sleep Quality

One of the common side effects of sleeping after a workout is reduced sleep quality. Since the muscles are tender and sore after a workout, it affects the sleep quality. With exercise-induced pain, it is hard to fall asleep.

Causes Grogginess

Another side effect of sleep after exercise is feeling groggy. Often, people wake up disoriented after a nap in the day instead of feeling refreshed. This is because of the sleep inertia effect. However, it does not last long and only lasts up to 30 minutes.

Affects Nighttime Sleep

Taking a nap after a workout can affect nighttime sleep. Sleeping for long during daylight hours affects our circadian rhythm, making it hard to fall asleep at night. Often, people turn and toss around in bed at night.

Indicate Overtraining

If you often sleep after a workout session, it may be a sign of overtraining. It is natural to feel tired or exhausted after a workout. But if you constantly feel tired after a workout, it means you need to slow down or take a break from it.

How Long Should You Sleep After Workout?

Exercise can cause feelings of tiredness and exhaustion. Hence, taking a nap after a workout is okay if you are doing it for a shorter period.

Usually, a short nap of 20 to 90 minutes after an intense workout is suitable for individuals. This short nap duration will offer a feeling of alertness, reduce exhaustion and give time to muscle recovery.

Tips for Getting Better Sleep After Workout

If you decide to take a short nap after an intense workout, then these tips will help you get a better night's sleep.

Keep Your Nap Short

There is no perfect length for naps after a workout. However, experts recommend keeping them short, between 20 and 90 minutes.

A 20-minute sleep after a workout reduces the risk of feeling groggy, while a 90-minute sleep offers deep relaxation and gets you through a full sleep cycle.

Decide A Time for Sleep

Apart from taking a short nap, it is also suitable to decide its timing. If you have decided to sleep after a workout, it is advisable not to do it close to bedtime.

It has been suggested that athletes should consider taking a nap between 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. for optimal recovery and performance.

Keep Yourself Hydrated

Another crucial tip for getting better sleep after a workout is to keep yourself hydrated. It is advisable to drink enough water to avoid dehydration. Keeping your body hydrated after a workout helps reduce fatigue.

Do Stretching

Another crucial tip for getting quality sleep after working out is to do a little bit of stretching. It helps relieve muscle tension and improve blood flow, which is helpful for falling asleep faster. Further, stretching also relaxes your body, which improves the quality of your sleep.

Block Out Noise and Light

To get good sleep after exercise, it is essential to block out noises and light. Falling asleep with loud noises and bright lights is challenging. They not only disturb sleep but also affect mood.

Hence, it is crucial to use earplugs or eye masks while taking a nap, as they will cut down the noise and bright light. You can also draw curtains to reduce unwanted distractions.

Cool Down Bedroom

The setting or environment where you are going to sleep also affects sleep quality. If the room is too warm or too cold, it will affect sleep quality. Hence, it is best to keep the temperature of the room between 15°C and 20°C to sleep comfortably.

Ways to Prevent Post Workout Fatigue

If you consistently feel tired after a workout, this may indicate a need for some lifestyle changes. Below are some ways to help prevent post-workout fatigue:

Do Exercise After A Good Rest at Night

A very first tip to reduce post-workout fatigue is to hit the gym early in the morning after a good rest at night. If you do not sleep at night, you might be dull and tired during the workout session. Having adequate rest is mandatory before exercise.

Eat Before Workout

Another pro tip for not feeling tired after a workout is to have a snack before a workout. Snacks can be easy to digest before a workout, such as bananas, toast, rice cakes, protein bars, etc. These snacks can provide quick energy to burn during workout sessions.

Know Your Endurance Level

Another crucial step to reduce post-workout fatigue is knowing your endurance level. It is best to take things slow at the start and then gradually increase the activity level. Knowing your endurance level helps you make an informed decision during the workout.

Nourish yourself After Workout

Another way to overcome post-workout sleepiness is to fuel your body with proper nutrients. That is why it is suggested to have a well-balanced meal within 2 hours of a workout session, as it helps replenish glycogen reserves in the body. Further, a protein-rich meal helps rebuild muscle fibres.

Importance of Having A Health Insurance Plan

Healthy eating habits and exercise are necessary to stay healthy and fit. However, unfortunate medical incidents can occur, which can cause emotional and financial burdens. For this reason, people prefer to invest in a health insurance policy.

Medical insurance is a shield that protects against various unforeseen medical emergencies without breaking the bank. With a suitable health insurance plan, you will get quality medical care in any authorised hospital of your choice.

TATA AIG offers various health insurance plans tailored to different needs, such as family medical insurance, critical illness coverage, senior citizen health insurance and more.

Our health insurance policy offers several benefits, such as AYUSH coverage, COVID-19 coverage, ambulance coverage and more.

Not only this, but we also provide a wellness program specifically designed to promote fitness and wellness among policyholders.

In this wellness program, we reward the policyholders in the form of a measurable wellness score for the prescribed fitness activity undertaken by policyholder during the policy period.


Feeling tired after a workout is common; hence, taking a nap of 30 to 90 minutes is suitable. Sleeping after working out offers various benefits, such as allowing muscles to build and repair, boosting energy levels and more.

However, taking long post-workout naps also has side effects, such as creating a feeling of grogginess after waking up etc. Note that in case of serious discomfort after a workout session, it is best to consult a healthcare practitioner.


How long should you wait to sleep after working out?

It is generally recommended to wait at least 1 to 2 hours after working out before going to sleep. This allows your body to cool down, your heart rate to return to normal, and adrenaline levels to decrease, making it easier to fall asleep.

How long should I nap after a workout?

A short nap of 20 to 90 minutes after a workout can be beneficial. This duration is long enough to help reduce fatigue and enhance recovery without causing grogginess.

Is it better to eat after a workout?

Yes, eating after a workout is beneficial. Post-workout nutrition helps replenish glycogen stores, repair muscle tissue, and support recovery.

Consuming a balanced meal or snack with protein and carbohydrates within 30 to 60 minutes after exercising can optimise muscle recovery and energy replenishment.

Disclaimer: This is a general guide on Is Sleeping After a Workout Good or Bad?. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. It is advisable to consult a qualified health professional for treatment in severe cases.

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