How to Safeguard Yourself from COVID-19 while Travelling?

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 17/05/2024

After being cooped up for so long owing to the lockdowns and travel restrictions, you probably cannot wait to go and explore the world as the world is gradually opening up. But as you make plans to travel – by air or road – you will need to factor in the risk of COVID-19 and how you can travel safely during the pandemic.

You can feed your travel bug, but travelling during COVID-19 requires a detailed and cautious approach to ensure you are safe and enjoy your trip. If you are travelling for business purposes, you can easily follow these simple precautions to safeguard yourself from COVID-19.

If you are fully vaccinated, you are less likely to be infected with the virus. However, you could still be a carrier for others or get infected with a different mutation of the COVID-19 virus or get infected with minor symptoms.

Therefore, vaccinated or non-vaccinated, it is important to be careful of a few aspects like buying an online travel insurance policy to ensure a safe travelling experience.

Precautions to Safeguard Yourself from COVID-19 while Travelling

Prepare for your trip: Before you take off for your trip, it is wise to be prepared to combat the COVID-19 virus and related travel restrictions. You should also assess if you have recently fallen sick or if the virus is spreading near your area. If you are at risk of contracting or spreading the virus, it is advisable to cancel or postpone your travel plans.

Further, it is good to evaluate if the place you are going to has a high risk of COVID-19. Avoid travelling to areas reporting high COVID-19 cases. Assess the local requirements and travel restrictions of your destination. Some states and countries have strict COVID-19 travel rules, like vaccination certificates, valid COVID-19 negative reports, COVID travel passes, wearing masks, etc.

To safeguard yourself from unpleasant surprises and delays on your trip, it is critical to check the travel restrictions and requirements of the place you are headed to and also anywhere you might stop along the way.

Keep your distance: Like any other virus, proximity can increase your chances of contracting the COVID-19 virus. Hence, when travelling, be mindful of your distance from other people. Maintain social distancing at least 3-6 feet from others in public areas. Avoid crowded places and large gatherings. Even when travelling in a group, maintain a safe distance and follow good hygiene measures for the safety of one and all.

Stay away from sick people: The symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to flu. Therefore, whether travelling by road, train or air, keep your distance from anyone who is sneezing, coughing, etc. It is possible to contract the virus through respiratory droplets, so avoid close contact with anyone who is sick or has respiratory issues.

Practice good hygiene: Following healthy hygienic measures is one of the most effective methods to safeguard yourself from COVID-19 while travelling. Wash your hands regularly for not less than 20-30 seconds. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unclean or dirty hands, especially after visiting a public space or utility. If travelling by air, wash hands on the flight and even after you leave the airport. Use sanitisers (with 60% alcohol content) wherever required. Also, when coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or tissue. Throw the tissue immediately after use.

Wear masks and gloves: COVID-19 spreads through surfaces. Hence, to protect yourself from the infection when travelling, avoid touching common surfaces. When travelling, wear a mask and disposable gloves at all times. Ensure the mask covers your mouth and nose. Avoid touching your mask when you are wearing it. Discard single-use masks immediately after use and wash your hands after disposing of them. Whether you are travelling by air, road or train, ensure you wear your mask at all times.

Stay in clean and hygienic places: When making your travel bookings, choose hotel stays that are clean and hygienic. Check through online reviews and testimonials if the room is tidy and whether the hotel follows all COVID-19 safety protocols. You can use a disinfectant spray to clean frequently touched surfaces like tables, chairs, bedsides, etc. Carry antibacterial wipes along to keep wiping surfaces quickly, if needed.

Get a travel insurance plan online: It is safe to travel during the current pandemic, but not without taking proper precautions. You might think of travel insurance as an unnecessary expense before but in the wake of the pandemic, travelling without the best travel insurance plan is not a wise strategy. Hence, before you set off for your vacation, buy travel insurance as a priority.

Online travel insurance plans provide you coverage against medical emergencies, including COVID-19. So, in case you contract the virus or show symptoms and are hospitalised, your travel insurance plan online will cover all medical costs. Moreover, if you require emergency medical evacuation to India, the travel insurance policy will cover that too.

The best travel insurance plans also offer coverage against Passport Loss, Baggage Loss, Trip Delay and Trip Cancellation.

Apart from offering extensive medical coverage for COVID-19, travel insurance policies also provide support in case of baggage loss or delay, trip cancellation, document loss, cancelled or delayed flights, hijack flights, etc. Thus, a travel insurance plan offers COVID-19 coverage and also prepares you for any unfortunate eventuality.
Therefore, ensure you buy travel insurance even before you plan your travel itinerary. If you already have a travel insurance plan online, check its coverage, inclusions and exclusions, and whether the travel insurance policy is valid in your travel country/destination.

Ask for medical assistance: Even after failproof preparation, if you still contract the COVID-19 virus or develop initial symptoms, fall sick, get injured or meet an accident, you can rely on your travel insurance plan to take care of you. Immediately inform the insurer about the incident and your condition. The insurance company will provide you with a list of local and accessible healthcare providers. If you require any specific medical assistance, inform the insurance company or the healthcare provider.

In case of an unfortunate event, the travel insurance policy will also provide medical evacuation and repatriation coverage. During the period when the travel insurance provider arranges for medical help, strictly follow all COVID-19 safety norms, stay safe from other people, isolate yourself, and inform your family or friends.
Even though several countries have opened their doors for tourists, the risk of the virus remains. Hence, it is important that you follow diligent safety precautions to safeguard yourself when travelling during the COVID-19 pandemic. As soon as you finalise your travel place, the first thing you should do is buy the best travel insurance plan.

The Tata AIG travel insurance online plan offers end-to-end travel protection, including COVID-19 assistance and otherwise, emergency medical evacuation, accidental death compensation and repatriation expenses. If you are a student travelling abroad and covered under our Student Travel Insurance plan, you can also get flight tickets for a family member, reimbursement of tuition fees, and more.

Apart from offering extensive medical coverage, the Tata AIG travel insurance plan online offers extended support in case of passport loss, baggage loss or delay, flight delay or cancellation, hijack help, personal liability, travelling assistance, trip curtailment or cancellation, etc.

A sound travel insurance plan from a reliable provider supports you in travelling safely even amidst the pandemic and making memories of a lifetime!

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