How Many Claims Can Be Raised in a Two-Wheeler Insurance Policy?

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 08/02/2024

One of the key financial tools to invest in to safeguard your bike or other two-wheeler from unforeseen accidents or incidents is a bike insurance policy. With the investment in the best insurance for a bike, you can enjoy peace of mind and a stress-free riding experience.

With the wide variety of customisable bike insurance plans and flexible premium payment schedules, purchasing one for your bike has never been more convenient.

However, a standard query for most insured or new insurance holders is the limitation on the number of claims in a two-wheeler insurance plan.

In this blog, we will discuss bike insurance claim rules, the process for claim application, the claim limit in bike insurance and more.

Permitted Number of Claims in Bike Insurance

Out of all the different insurance policy categories, a bike insurance policy is the only one with no fixed frequency or limitation on the number of claims.

The number of claims in bike insurance policies is to each their own as per need and circumstances. The only requirement by insurers for claim application is the availability of ample proof and necessary documentation to process the claim settlement.

However, in cases of the add-on customisation of a bike insurance plan with a zero-depreciation cover, there is a limit on the number of yearly claims, depending on an insurer’s terms and conditions.

Impact of Numerous Claims on Insurance Policy

Even with no restriction on the number of claims, multiple claims can impact your additional benefits like a No-Claim Bonus, a higher premium for renewal, and much more. Let us discuss each of these in detail below:

Consideration of Deductibles

Other than the number of claims, understanding the value of deductibles and then filing for a claim is more beneficial to avoid adding claims to your policy without any benefit.

A deductible is the amount an insured needs to give on their own, along with the claim amount received from an insurer. A claim makes sense if the deductible value is greater than the damage repair cost. However, filing a claim is unnecessary if the deductible is less than the damage repair cost.

No-Claim Bonus

Many insurance providers offer a No-Claim Bonus benefit to all the insured on a yearly renewal basis. Here, if you do not file for any claim throughout the year, you receive a 20% to 50% discount on the premium amount at the time of renewal.

With numerous claims for minor or minimal damages, you can lose out on this benefit and have to pay the same premium or a higher value for policy renewal.

Zero-Depreciation Cover

If you purchase the zero depreciation cover with your bike insurance policy, you must follow the limit of yearly claims imposed by the insurer. For most insurance providers, the limit is 2 claims per year.

Higher Premiums

In some cases, repeated claims on the same bike or two-wheeler can attract detailed bike inspection, resulting in the insurance provider increasing the premium amount for policy renewal. The reasoning can be based on excessive internal or external damage to the two-wheeler.

Process of an Insurance Claim for Two-Wheeler

If you want to file a claim for any accidental or other damage caused to your two-wheeler, here is a detailed step-by-step procedure to help you.

  • For any claim against accidental damage, the first step is to update the insurer about the incident almost immediately after it occurs.

  • While you are at the location of the accident, collect all necessary evidence, like pictures of your bike or two-wheeler from different angles to highlight the damage caused, eyewitnesses, if any, all the vehicle-related documentation, etc.

  • In case of an accident or third-party damage, you must visit the nearest police station and file an FIR.

  • Once done, you can either visit the insurer’s official website to file for claim or visit the insurer’s office to begin the claim process.

  • Once the insurer is updated, bike inspection is the next step. Here, for online claims, you can download the self-inspection form and fill it up with the necessary details. For offline claims, the insurer sends a designation surveyor to inspect your bike to prepare a detailed report highlighting all the damage caused.

  • You can choose between cashless claims or monetary reimbursement for the next step.

  • Top insurance providers like Tata AIG offer a vast network of garages that can assist with the repair and get paid directly by the insurer as part of cashless claims. If you wish to receive reimbursement, you must submit all the expenses against repairs to the insurer once you pay them on your own.

  • Keep all the necessary documentation ready for evaluation.

  • Once you submit your claim process, you will receive a claim registration number, which can be used to check the status of your claim application online.

  • The last step is to wait for claim approval or rejection from the insurer based on the documentation and evidence provided. If approved, you will receive the claim settlement at the earliest.

List of Documents Necessary for Filing a Claim

Here are the documents you must keep handy for an easy claim application process and submission.

  • Driver’s licence

  • Bike or two-wheeler registration certificate

  • Copy of FIR

  • Repair bills (for reimbursement)

  • Repair estimation document (for cashless claim settlement)

  • Bike insurance document

  • Complete and accurate information on the claim form

  • Copy of the tax receipt for your two-wheeler or bike


To sum it up, there is no fixed limitation on the number of claims permitted under a two-wheeler or bike insurance policy. However, given that it is the mere responsibility of any two-wheeler owner or rider to be safe on the road, numerous claims can impact the other additional benefits offered under a policy.

While deciding which insurance for a 2-wheeler is best, understanding all your options and the list of benefits offered is necessary to make an informed decision. With Tata AIG, you can explore your options by comparing different two-wheeler insurance plans in a few quick steps.

Third-party insurance is mandatory by the government to ride any vehicle. Besides this, you can customise comprehensive bike insurance or buy an own-damage insurance policy for your bike.

Choose long-term two-wheeler insurance if you want a minimum coverage of 2-3 years without the hassle of yearly renewal. Enjoy benefits like a No-Claim Bonus and many others when you purchase with us.

Safeguard your bike the right way with a bike insurance policy today!


Can I file for a bike insurance claim offline?

Besides the quick online process, you can visit the insurance provider or call the insurer to complete the bike insurance claim application offline. The documents required for the claim application remain the same for online and offline so keep them ready and file for a claim.

Is there any benefit to buying bike insurance online?

Yes, when you buy a bike insurance policy online from providers like Tata AIG, you can easily customise and compare different bike insurance policies to choose the one that fits your needs and budget best. Moreover, the process is quick and easy to understand.

Is bike repair claimable under a bike insurance policy?

All damages caused to your bike due to accidents, thefts, natural disasters, or third-party damages are claimable under a bike insurance policy called own-damage bike insurance. However, general wear and tear cases or machine or equipment breakdowns randomly are not claimable under an own-damage bike insurance plan.

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Your policy is subjected to terms and conditions & inclusions and exclusions mentioned in your policy wording. Please go through the documents carefully.

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