Karnataka Traffic Fines & Rules: List of Traffic Fines & Rules in Karnataka

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 13/07/2023

Navigating through the bustling streets of Karnataka is an experience that demands utmost caution and adherence to Karnataka's new traffic rules. With a state as vibrant and diverse as Karnataka, residents and visitors must be well-acquainted with the Karnataka traffic fines and rules enforced in the region.

From speeding violations to improper lane usage, from helmet and seatbelt requirements to drunk driving consequences, each violation now has corresponding fines in the state. Whether you are a seasoned driver or a novice, this guide will be a valuable resource to help you navigate the roads responsibly and avoid unnecessary penalties.

So, read on and keep this blog handy as this will help you learn about the intricacies of traffic rules in Karnataka in Kannada and new traffic fines, empowering you to become a more conscientious and law-abiding road user in this vibrant state.

Karnataka Traffic Rules and Regulations

Karnataka traffic rules serve as a framework for drivers, pedestrians, and all road users. Adhering to the traffic rules, Karnataka promotes safety and contributes to a smoother traffic flow and a harmonious road environment in Karnataka. All road users must familiarise themselves with these rules and diligently follow them to ensure their safety and that of others.

List of Karnataka Traffic Fines Online

The government made a bold move in 2019 to change the Motor Vehicle Act, which resulted in increased traffic violation fines and introduced a few new ones. Since September 1st, more than 5 lakh people have been rushing to get their pollution control certifications and insurance.

Thankfully, residents of Bangalore, Mysore, Hubli, Mangalore, Chikmagalur, Udupi, and all the other Karnataka cities may relax. All thanks to the amended traffic fines! The feared new traffic fines have been modified for certain crimes, lightening the burden somewhat, notably for people riding two-wheelers.

Parking in No-parking Zone
Type of Violations Penalties
Overspeeding or rash driving ₹1,000 - ₹2,000
Drink & Drive Court fine
Riding/Driving Without a Valid Driving Licence ₹1,000 - ₹5000
Driving/Riding a Vehicle Without Registration Court fine
Irresponsible or Dangerous Driving/Riding ₹1,000
Driving/Riding Without Valid Insurance ₹1,000 - ₹4,000
Riding Without Wearing a Helmet (Rider/Pillion Rider) ₹500
Offence Related to Air/Noise Pollution ₹1,000
Driving Without Wearing a Seatbelt ₹500
Racing on Public Roads ₹5,000
Overloading of Two-wheeler ₹500
Driving During Disqualification ₹10,000
Minor Driving/Riding a Vehicle ₹5,000
Not Following Lane Discipline ₹500
Minor Driving/Riding a Vehicle ₹5,000
Misbehaving With Traffic Police Officer ₹2,000
Parking in No-parking Zone₹1,000
Jumping Traffic Signal ₹500
Driving/Riding Without Number Plate ₹500
Parking in No-parking Zone ₹1,000
Driving/Riding When Physically/Mentally Unfit ₹1,000
Not Obeying/Obstructing the Instructions from Traffic Police ₹1,000
One Way Offence ₹500
Offence Related to Stop Line ₹1,000
Honking in Silence Zones ₹500 - ₹1,000
Driving Without a Valid Permit Court fine
Jaywalking Court fine
Driving/Riding Without Emission Certificate Court fine
Obstructing Emergency Vehicles (Ambulance, fire engine, police vehicle, etc.) ₹1,000

Imposing E-challan in Karnataka

The 1988 Motor Vehicles Act was recently amended and approved as the 2019 Motor Vehicles Act with the aim of enhancing road safety. These amendments were accepted nationwide, prompting the Karnataka Traffic Police to adopt a more active and vigilant approach by introducing e-challan systems. Under this system, offenders of traffic violations receive e-challans electronically from the police.

To avoid incurring fines, riders and drivers must familiarise themselves with the updated traffic rules and adhere to them strictly. Additionally, individuals must maintain their mandatory documents, including bike insurance policies, driving licenses, PUC certificates, and registration certificates (RC), ensuring they are current.

In order to monitor compliance with traffic rules, the Department has installed CCTV cameras at various locations. In areas where CCTV cameras are absent, diligent officers have been assigned to enforce traffic regulations.

The Traffic Police utilises SMS facilities to inform offenders of their violations. Upon receiving an e-challan, individuals can pay their fines online through the Parivahan portal or offline.

How to Pay E-Challan Traffic Fine in Karnataka?

When you receive an e-challan for a traffic violation in Karnataka, you have the option to pay the fine through both online and offline modes. Here's a guide on how to make the payment:

- Paying E-Challan through Offline Mode

Approach a traffic officer with an E-Challan device: If you come across a traffic officer equipped with an e-challan device, you can provide them with your driving license number, challan number, and other necessary details. Upon verification, you will receive a challan copy, which will serve as proof of payment. Make sure to collect the receipt provided by the officer after making the payment.

Visit the Traffic Police Headquarters: Another offline payment option is to personally visit the Traffic Police Headquarters and settle the fine in cash. The headquarters will have designated counters or offices where you can make the payment. It is advisable to carry the necessary documents for verification, such as the e-challan details and identification.

Send the challan payment via pay order or cheque: If you prefer to make the payment via pay order or cheque, you can send it to the Traffic Police Headquarters address. Ensure the cheque or pay order is made for the correct amount mentioned in the e-challan. It is advisable to include the relevant e-challan details and your contact information to facilitate accurate processing and confirmation of payment.

- Paying E-Challan through Online Mode

- Step 1: Navigate to the official Parivahan e-challan website designed for online challan payment.

- Step 2: Locate and click ‘Check Challan Status' under the 'Check Online Services’ tab.

- Step 3: Fill in the required details, such as the challan number, vehicle number, or your DL (Driving License) number. Enter the captcha code on the screen and click 'Get Details'.

- Step 4: Once you submit the details, the website will display all the relevant e-challan information. You may see multiple pending e-challans if applicable.

- Step 5: From the list of e-challans, select the one you wish to pay for.

- Step 6: Enter the necessary payment details, such as your preferred mode of payment, bank account or card details, and any additional information required.

- Step 7: Review the payment details you entered, ensuring accuracy. Once you are confident that the information is correct, confirm the payment.

Karnataka New Traffic Rules

The Motor Vehicles Act was recently updated, bringing several modifications, including higher traffic fines and additional laws and infractions. The modified traffic laws in Karnataka for users of two- and four-wheeled vehicles are highlighted below.

- Driving License

To drive a four-wheeler in Karnataka, you must possess a valid driving license issued by the Regional Transport Office (RTO). The license should be appropriate for the type of vehicle you intend to drive (e.g., non-transport or transport vehicle license).

- Vehicle Registration

All four-wheelers must be registered with the RTO. The registration number should be displayed on the front and rear of the vehicle as per the prescribed format.

- Traffic Signals

Obey traffic signals and signs on the road. Red indicates stop, yellow signifies caution, and green means you can proceed. Stop at the designated stop line behind the signal.

- Mobile Phone Usage

Using a mobile phone while driving is strictly prohibited unless you have a hands-free device. It is safer to avoid using mobile phones altogether while driving.

- Drunk Driving

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious offence. The permissible blood alcohol content (BAC) is 0.03%, and it is advisable to avoid alcohol entirely when driving.

- Lane Discipline

Stick to your designated lane and avoid unnecessary lane changes. Keep to the leftmost lane on multi-lane roads unless you intend to overtake or when directed otherwise.

- Documents

Carry essential documents such as your driving license, vehicle registration certificate, pollution under control (PUC) certificate, and insurance for 2-wheeler or car insurance papers while driving. These documents may be required for inspection by traffic authorities.

- Traffic Rules Karnataka for Two-Wheelers

- Traffic Signals

Adhere to traffic signals and signs on the road. Red indicates stop, yellow signifies caution, and green means you can proceed. Stop at the designated stop line behind the signal.

- Helmet

It is mandatory for both the rider and pillion (passenger) to wear helmets at all times while riding a two-wheeler. Ensure that the helmets are of good quality, fit properly, and have the ISI mark or meet the relevant safety standards.

- Mobile Phone Usage

Using a mobile phone while riding a two-wheeler is prohibited. It is safer to avoid using mobile phones altogether while riding. If necessary, pull over to a safe location before using your phone.

- Parking

Park your two-wheeler only in designated parking areas. Avoid parking in no-parking zones, on footpaths, or in a manner that obstructs traffic flow.

- Pillion Riders

Never take more than one passenger (pillion) on a two-wheeler. Two-wheelers that are too loaded can crash. In Karnataka, breaking this law may result in a traffic challan.

- Documents

Carry essential documents such as your driving license, vehicle registration certificate, pollution under control (PUC) certificate, and third-party bike insurance papers while riding. These documents may be required for inspection by traffic authorities.

Why Should You Have Valid Insurance While Driving/Riding in Karnataka?

Having a valid insurance policy for bike or car while driving or riding in Karnataka, or any other place, is essential for the following reasons:

- Financial Protection

A four-wheeler or two-wheeler insurance online policy provides financial protection during an accident or unforeseen circumstances. It covers expenses related to vehicle damage, repairs, and medical costs for both yourself and third parties involved in the accident. Without insurance, you would be personally liable for all these expenses, which can be significant and potentially devastating to your finances.

- Legal Requirement

In Karnataka, as in most jurisdictions, having at least third-party liability insurance coverage is mandatory while driving or riding a vehicle. Driving without valid insurance can lead to legal penalties, including fines, vehicle impoundment, or even suspension of your driving license. Having valid insurance ensures compliance with the law and helps you avoid legal consequences.

- Protection against Third-Party Claims

You may be held legally liable if you are involved in an accident that causes injury or damage to another person or their property. A valid insurance policy covers your liability for such third-party claims, protecting you from potential lawsuits and the financial burden that comes with them.

- Peace of Mind

Knowing you have insurance coverage brings peace of mind while driving or riding. It provides a safety net in case of accidents or unexpected events, allowing you to focus on the road and your journey without constant worry about potential financial losses.

- Additional Coverage Options

Insurance policies often offer additional options such as personal accident cover, theft protection, roadside assistance, etc. These additional benefits can provide enhanced protection and convenience tailored to your needs.

- Responsible and Ethical Behavior

Having insurance demonstrates responsible and ethical behaviour as a road user. It shows that you understand the potential risks involved in driving or riding and take appropriate measures to mitigate them. It reflects your commitment to accountability and protects the interests of yourself and others on the road.


Understanding and adhering to Karnataka's traffic fines and rules is crucial for every road user. By following these regulations, we contribute to a safer and more organised transportation system in the state. It helps prevent accidents and promotes better traffic flow and overall road discipline.

Remember, responsible driving and having a valid insurance policy go hand in hand when safeguarding yourself and your vehicle on the roads of Karnataka. Stay informed about the traffic fines and rules, and consider Tata AIG insurance for comprehensive coverage and protection. Let's prioritise safety and make our roads safer for everyone.

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