Fine for Using Pressure Horns Or Modified Silencers

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 17/07/2023

The Delhi traffic police have imposed a fine and state that any drivers caught using pressure horns or modified silencers on their vehicles will be penalised. In addition, challans will be issued to anyone caught creating excessive noise pollution by violating these norms.

You should note that under the Motor Vehicles Act, the traffic police can issue a fine of up to ₹12,000 on pressure horns and at least ₹6,000 on modified silencers. Before this announcement, people were still fined when caught using these devices. However, now these rules will be more stringently enforced

Why Are Pressure Horns And Modified Silencers Prohibited?

There is no restriction or ruling that prohibits the sale of modified silencers or pressure horns, as the Delhi Traffic Police has no jurisdiction over this matter. Therefore, the state police cannot take action against manufacturers.

Additionally, the number of pressure horn fines and bullet silencer challans has been steadily increasing. Despite the increasing fines being issued, the demand or the sale of modified silencers and pressure horns has not decreased at all. Most bikers are fully aware of the heavy fines and continue to use modified silencers without registering their bikes.

Moreover, the Delhi Traffic Police also does not currently have decibel meters to measure sound levels, which can help them identify loud noises from modified silencers and pressure horns. Generally, if the noise is above 80 decibels, they can issue a challan for the same.

These rules were implemented to curb noise pollution in large metropolitan cities where it is a serious concern. Using pressure horns when driving also tends to distract other drivers on the road and can prove fatal. Drivers can get startled due to the sudden use of a pressure horn. They may suddenly brake or swerve when they hear a sudden noise which can lead to collisions or accidents.

How Do The Traffic Police Plan To Implement This Rule More Effectively?

The Delhi Police plan to partner with the Center for Development Advance Computing to ramp up their strategies. With this technology, advanced cameras will be installed on roads, and challans will be deducted accordingly.
Although this is a new development, penalties will be difficult to avoid once the system starts functioning properly.

The state traffic police are currently working on tackling two issues - the challans and the efficient direction of traffic. Traffic police teams use motorcycles to monitor the streets and issue challans if they catch any motorists violating the pressure horn and modified silencers rule.

What To Do When You Are Caught Violating This Rule?

Suppose you are in any capacity caught violating this rule. In that case, the traffic police will have you pull over your vehicle and request to see your documents. First, here are the documents you'll be expected to have on your person, either as hard copies or digital copies.

  • Registration Certificate of your vehicle (RC).
  • Pollution Under Control certificate (PUCC).
  • Certificate of vehicle insurance (insurance for bike or car).
  • Driver's license.
  • Vehicle Fitness Certificate.
  • Aadhaar card and voter ID (Incase of long-distance drives).

Remember that you will be issued an additional challan or fines if you do not have these documents on you. Therefore, it's advised to keep these with you always while riding your bike.
After verifying these documents, the traffic police will issue a challan in your name that you need to pay within a specific time frame. Failure to do so can result in more penalties or even imprisonment.

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