
Cargo Insurance

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Cargo Insurance

Cargo insurance also known as Marine Insurance is a vital shield for businesses and individuals involved in shipping goods. It provides protection against unforeseen circumstances like damage, theft, or accidents that may occur while in transit, this is also where it gets its name of transit insurance. Think of it as your goods' safety net while they are on the move.

Imagine you're sending products across the country or even internationally. Along the way, accidents can happen - like a rough ride or unexpected weather. Cargo insurance steps in to cover the costs if something goes wrong. This insurance comes in different types, tailored to meet specific needs. Some policies cover all possible risks, while others focus on particular events. Choosing the right type is crucial based on what you're shipping and how far it's going.

Let’s understand why it’s essential for some businesses and also learn about its intricacies.

How Does a Cargo Insurance Policy Function?

Cargo insurance acts like a financial cushion for goods on the move. It provides a safety net against potential losses or damages that might occur during transportation. This coverage shields against a range of risks like accidents, theft, fire, and natural disasters.

Shippers have the flexibility to select from different types of marine insurance coverage, customising policies to match their specific cargo and needs. If a claim arises, the insured party submits necessary documents outlining the loss. Once approved, they receive compensation based on the insured value.

This process ensures that businesses can recover their investment in case of unexpected events. This promotes trust and reliability in the intricate world of logistics and shipping. Having cargo insurance is smart for anyone involved in moving goods from one place to another.

Why Do You Need Cargo Insurance?

There are several advantages of cargo insurance. It is crucial for several reasons:

Safeguarding Your Investment: Goods can be expensive, and any loss or damage during transit can hit your finances hard. Cargo insurance steps in to cover these costs, allowing you to recover swiftly.

Meeting Contractual Requirements: Many clients insist on cargo insurance as a safeguard in case of loss or damage during transit. Without it, you might risk losing customers or breaching contracts.

Preserving Your Reputation: When goods are lost or damaged in transit, it can harm your standing with customers and suppliers. Cargo insurance ensures that your customers are compensated for their losses, helping protect your reputation.

Now that you are aware of the benefits of cargo insurance, by having cargo insurance in place, you will be able to shield your finances, meet industry standards, and maintain a trustworthy reputation in the business world.

What are the Advantages of Cargo Insurance Plans

Cargo insurance is a smart choice for businesses shipping goods. It brings several advantages:

Financial Security: If your goods are lost or damaged during transit, cargo insurance steps in to cover the costs. This means you won't have to bear the entire financial burden.

Peace of Mind: You can concentrate on your main business operations without having to worry about possible losses because you know that your company is financially secure in the event of unforeseen circumstances. Meeting Agreements: Many customers and partners require suppliers to have cargo insurance. This ensures you meet your agreements and maintain strong business relationships.

Boosted Reputation: A cargo insurance policy shows your commitment to responsible business practices. It protects your reputation by ensuring customers are compensated for losses, fostering trust and satisfaction.

Regulatory Compliance: In certain places or industries, cargo insurance may be mandatory. Having a policy ensures you comply with regulations and avoid potential legal troubles.

Comprehensive Coverage: Cargo insurance can be tailored to cover various risks like physical loss, theft, delayed delivery, and extra expenses due to mishaps.

Protects Different Cargo and Transportation: It covers a wide range of goods, including hazardous materials, perishable items, and high-value products. It also extends to various transportation modes like ocean, air, and land transport.

Affordable Investment: The premiums for cargo insurance are often reasonable compared to the potential financial losses from cargo incidents. It's a cost-effective way to protect your business.

Businesses, particularly those engaged in international trade or the handling of valuable products, can protect themselves against unforeseen circumstances and guarantee their financial security by procuring cargo insurance. It's an important resource for companies of any size.

How Does Cargo Insurance Work?

Cargo insurance is like a safety net for businesses shipping goods. It protects against various risks. Here are some of the benefits of cargo insurance for businesses:

Loss or Damage: This covers accidents, natural disasters, or theft that might harm your goods.

Delays in Delivery: It compensates for lost profits if goods arrive late.

Extra Expenses****bold text: If goods are lost or damaged, it helps with costs like reshipping or finding new suppliers.

When you buy the policy, you'll pay a premium based on factors like cargo type, value, and how it's transported. The company can make a claim with the insurance provider if something is lost while being transported. The insurance provider will look into the claim to see if it falls within the policy's purview. The insurer will pay the company back for the cost of any lost or damaged cargo if/once the claim is accepted.

What are the Types of Cargo Insurance?

There are two main kinds of cargo insurance:

All-Risk Cargo Coverage: This provides broad protection, covering almost all risks except those specifically mentioned as exclusions. This includes things like loss, damage, theft, delays, and extra costs from cargo incidents.

Named Perils Coverage: This is more limited, only covering risks explicitly listed in the policy. This might include events like fire, shipwrecks, or theft.

Besides these, there are specialised cargo insurance options:

Marine Cargo Insurance: Covers goods shipped by sea, often for businesses dealing in international trade. Air Cargo Insurance: Protects goods sent by air, which is important for businesses shipping valuable or time-sensitive items.

Land Cargo Insurance****bold text: Shields goods transported over land, like by truck or train, typically for domestic shipments. Warehouse Cargo Insurance: Safeguards goods stored in warehouses before shipment, commonly used by businesses storing goods.

Cargo insurance can also be tailored for specific cargo types:

  • Hazardous Materials Insurance: For dangerous goods like chemicals or flammable materials.
  • Perishable Goods Insurance: Covers goods that can spoil, like food or flowers.
  • High-Value Goods Insurance: Designed for expensive items like electronics or jewellery.

These options help businesses choose the right coverage for their unique cargo and shipping needs.

Cargo Insurance Coverage Inclusions: What Does Cargo Insurance Cover?

Cargo insurance provides crucial protection for businesses when goods are on the move, whether by road, sea, or air. It safeguards against unexpected incidents that could lead to significant losses.

Here are the main coverages offered by cargo insurance:

  • Damage from Explosions, Fires, Stranding, or Sinking: This covers losses caused by these events.
  • Additional Expenses from Incidents like Overturning or Collision: It helps with extra costs from road-related mishaps.
  • Protection from Natural Disasters like Earthquakes, Floods, Tsunamis, or Volcanic Eruptions: This coverage shields against damages caused by these natural events.
  • Coverage for Packages Lost During Loading, Unloading, and Handling: It ensures you're compensated if goods are lost in these processes.
  • Safeguarding Against Seawater Entry into Ships and Vessels: This protects against damages caused by seawater entering.

Additionally, cargo insurance companies may offer different levels of security for shipments in other situations, and these offerings can vary between insurers. It's important to understand the specific protections provided by your chosen policy.

Cargo Insurance Exclusions: What Does Cargo Insurance Not Cover?

Cargo insurance policies usually do not cover the following:

  • Inherent Vices: This means issues with the goods themselves that make them likely to be damaged or lost. For example, cargo that isn't packed properly or is naturally perishable might not be covered.

  • Intentional Misconduct: This refers to purposeful actions by the policyholder or their employees that cause harm or loss to the cargo.

  • War, Terrorism, and Civil Unrest: Damage or loss due to war, terrorism, or civil unrest is typically not included in cargo insurance.

  • Nuclear Risks: Loss or damage from nuclear radiation is generally not covered by cargo insurance.

  • Certain Cargo Types: Some valuable items like precious metals, currency, and artwork may not be covered in certain cargo insurance policies.

To understand what your cargo insurance policy covers and excludes, it is imperative that you carefully examine it. Do not be afraid to ask your insurer for clarification if you have any questions

How Much Does Cargo Insurance Cost?

The business invoice indicates how much cargo insurance will usually cost, which is approximately 0.15% of the total value of the products. It's crucial to remember that this amount may change depending on the insurer and the specific coverage options they offer.

How is Cargo Insurance Calculated?

In India, cargo insurance uses a simple CIF+10% method. This means:

  • C (Commercial Invoice Value): This is the price on the invoice, which is what the goods are bought or sold for.
  • I (Insurance Premium): This is the cost of the insurance.
  • F (Freight and Related Charges): This covers things like shipping and customs fees.

The extra 10% is added to account for any increase in freight costs due to inflation. So, the CIF value includes three parts: the invoice value, insurance, and freight charges.

For example, if the invoice value is ₹4,50,000, insurance costs ₹2,500, and shipping charges are ₹8,500, then the CIF becomes ₹4,61,000.

Lastly, the total insurance payment is figured out based on the percentage set by the insurance company. This method helps calculate the right insurance coverage for shipments in a straightforward way.

Does Cargo Insurance Have Limitations or Risks?

Yes, cargo insurance has its own set of limitations and risks.

Here are a few examples:

  • Coverage Exclusions: Certain types of losses, like those caused by inherent flaws in the goods, intentional misconduct, war, terrorism, and civil unrest, are usually not covered by cargo insurance. It's crucial to carefully review your policy to know what it includes and excludes.

  • Sublimits: Some cargo insurance policies set limits for specific types of cargo. For instance, there might be a cap for hazardous materials or high-value goods. If your cargo's value exceeds this limit, you might not receive full reimbursement in case of a claim.

  • Deductibles: Cargo insurance policies generally come with certain deductibles. This is basically the price you must pay before the insurer starts covering your losses. A higher deductible leads to lower premiums, but it also means you will need to pay more out of your own pocket if you make a claim. Consider this when choosing your policy.


nforeseen risks. With a proven track record and a robust CIF+10% formula, we ensure your shipments are shielded from inception to delivery. Don't leave your cargo's safety to chance. Invest in Tata AIG Cargo Insurance policy today and embark on a journey of worry-free logistics. Secure your shipments, secure your success. Get a quote now.

Disclaimer / TnC

Your policy is subjected to terms and conditions & inclusions and exclusions mentioned in your policy wording. Please go through the documents carefully.

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Is cargo insurance mandatory for all shipments?

Is cargo insurance mandatory for all shipments?


A cargo insurance policy is not legally required, but it is highly recommended. Without it, businesses bear the full financial risk of potential losses or damages during transit.

Are there specific types of cargo that cargo insurance doesn't cover?


Certain high-risk or hazardous goods may require specialised coverage. It's crucial to discuss your cargo's nature with your insurance provider to ensure proper protection.

What steps should be taken in the event of a cargo loss or damage?


In case of a loss or damage, promptly notify Tata AIG and provide detailed documentation. This typically includes the commercial invoice, proof of shipment, and evidence of the loss or damage. Our claim experts will guide you through the process.

Freight insurance vs cargo insurance – what is the difference?


The primary obligation of the carrier for cargo loss or damage sustained during transit is covered by freight insurance. On the contrary, cargo insurance coverage is far more comprehensive and guards against a greater variety of hazards, such as theft and natural disasters. It provides complete peace of mind during the shipping procedure by protecting the shipper as well as the recipient.
