Annual Medical Check-ups in Health Insurance

  • Author :
  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :
  • 04/10/2023

A health insurance policy is meant to offer financial cover to you and your family during medical emergencies. However, when it comes to doctor’s visits and consultations, you may spend money for these medical tests from your own pocket. And this sort of expenditure, apart from your health insurance coverage, can also strain your overall savings and finances over time, especially if you need to visit the doctor for ongoing health issues regularly.

But the good news is that many medical insurance plans comprise annual medical check-ups, also known as preventive healthcare check-ups. Therefore, apart from using your health insurance policy coverage during a medical treatment or procedure, you can avail of these annual health check-up packages to prioritise preventive healthcare and detect potential health issues early.

What Are Annual Health Check-ups in Health Insurance?

Annual health check-ups in health insurance in India refer to a specific benefit provided by many health insurance plans. These check-ups are intended to encourage preventive healthcare and early detection of any potential health issues. The insurance policy typically covers the cost of an annual health check-up for the policyholder.

Investing in a medical insurance plan that offers annual check-ups allows you to proactively manage your health, identify potential health concerns early on, and potentially mitigate the risk of future complications.

Medical Tests Covered under the Annual Health Check-up List

An annual medical check-up can be part of your health insurance policy and will include a number of standard medical tests. Each year, you can opt for these tests under your health screening package to ensure that you are maintaining optimal physical health.

Complete Blood Count (CBC): This test provides information about various components of your blood, such as red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. It helps detect conditions like anaemia, infections, and blood disorders.

Fasting blood sugar: This test measures your blood sugar levels after a period of fasting. It helps diagnose diabetes or monitor glucose control in those with diabetes.

Blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate: These vital signs are often checked during a routine medical examination. They provide information about your cardiovascular and respiratory health.

ECG (Electrocardiogram): An ECG (Electrocardiogram) is a non-invasive test that records the electrical impulses of the heart, enabling the identification of irregular heart rhythms, detecting heart diseases such as arrhythmias and heart attacks, and evaluating overall cardiac health.

Urinalysis: This test examines your urine sample to detect any abnormalities or signs of urinary tract infections, kidney diseases, or other conditions.

Lipid profile: A lipid profile measures your cholesterol levels, including total cholesterol, HDL (good) cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, and triglycerides. It helps assess your risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Serology/blood serum test: Serology tests involve examining blood serum to detect the presence of antibodies against specific infections or diseases. These tests are used to diagnose various infectious diseases, such as hepatitis, HIV, or certain types of autoimmune disorders.

Benefits of Health Insurance with Annual Check-ups

Early Disease Diagnosis: Annual check-ups facilitate early detection of diseases or medical conditions. Regular screenings and tests can identify health issues early, allowing for timely intervention and treatment. Early diagnosis often leads to better treatment outcomes and improves the chances of successful recovery.

Regular Health Tracking: Annual check-ups as part of health insurance allow you to keep track of your health status. By undergoing these check-ups, one can monitor their vital signs, blood test results, and overall health, which enables them to stay informed about any changes or potential health risks.

Saves Money in the Long Run: Annual check-ups can help save money in the long run. By detecting potential health problems early, you can address them before they become more severe and costly to treat. Timely intervention may prevent the need for expensive medical procedures or long-term treatments, thus reducing healthcare expenses.

Promotes a Healthy Lifestyle: Health insurance with annual check-ups encourages you to prioritise your health and take proactive steps towards leading a healthy life. Regularly monitoring your health status also motivates you to make lifestyle modifications, take preventive measures, and adopt healthier habits for your overall well-being.

Prevents Claim Denials: Undergoing pre-policy check-ups and disclosing the results to the insurance company reduces the risk of claim denials. Insurers can accurately assess the risk and set appropriate premiums by providing comprehensive information about your health status, including pre-existing conditions.

This reduces the likelihood of claim denial based on non-disclosure of relevant medical information.

Lower Premium for Greater Coverage: Your life insurance company may offer certain benefits on premiums if you clear specific tests during your annual check-ups. Additionally, being aware of pre-existing conditions through pre-policy check-ups allows for better coverage options.

Your insurance provider can provide coverage for pre-existing conditions or offer exclusions on waiting periods, ensuring policyholders have adequate protection when needed.

Tax Benefits on Your Health Insurance Policy

You can claim tax benefits on preventive health check-ups under your health insurance policy in India. The tax benefits are governed by the Income Tax Act of 1961.

According to Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, the following tax deductions can be claimed for health insurance premiums and preventive health check-ups:

Health Insurance Premium

Claim a tax deduction for the premium paid towards their health insurance policy. The maximum deduction allowed depends on the insured person's age and the policy type:

If you are below 60 years of age: The maximum deduction is up to ₹25,000 per year.

If you are above 60 years of age (senior citizens): The maximum deduction is up to ₹50,000 per year.

Preventive Health Check-ups

In addition to the premium deduction, you can also claim a tax deduction for the expenses incurred on preventive health check-ups. The maximum deduction allowed is up to ₹5,000 per year. This deduction is available for payments made towards preventive health check-ups for self, spouse, dependent children, and parents.

To claim the tax benefits, ensure that the health insurance policy is in your name and the premium is paid through a mode other than cash. Additionally, retain the receipts and documents related to health insurance premiums and preventive health check-ups, as they may be required as proof during the tax filing process.

Do All Health Insurance Plans Offer Annual Medical Check-ups?

No, not all health insurance plans in India offer a complete health check-up package as a standard feature. Including annual medical check-ups as a benefit depends on the specific health insurance plan.

Some health insurance plans may include annual medical check-ups as a medical check-up package or as part of a specific policy variant, while others may not provide this benefit at all.

Factors to Consider Before Buying Health Insurance with Check-ups

When considering health insurance plans with check-ups, there are several factors to consider. These factors include:

Frequency of health check-ups: Check whether the policy offers annual check-ups or more frequent intervals. Some plans may provide check-ups every two years or offer additional check-ups for specific age groups. Consider your healthcare needs and preferences to ensure the frequency meets your requirements.

Waiting period applicable: Understand the waiting period associated with the health insurance plan. Waiting periods are durations during which specific conditions or treatments may not be covered. Check if there are waiting periods for pre-existing conditions, specific illnesses, or surgeries, and evaluate whether the waiting periods align with your needs.

Cashless claims under the policy: Determine if the health insurance plan offers cashless claims. Cashless claims allow policyholders to receive medical treatment at network hospitals without paying out-of-pocket expenses. Ensure that the plan has a wide network of hospitals and healthcare providers to ensure convenient access to quality medical services.

List of tests covered under the plan: Review the comprehensive list of tests covered under the health insurance plan. Ensure that the plan covers a broad range of tests, including routine blood tests, imaging scans, specialist consultations, and preventive screenings. Consider your healthcare requirements and any specific tests that may be relevant to your medical history or family health risks.

Tests covered in proportion to the sum insured: Check if the tests covered under the plan are proportional to the sum insured. Some plans may limit the coverage amount for tests, which may not adequately align with the overall policy coverage. Evaluate if the coverage for tests is sufficient based on your healthcare needs and the sum insured in the policy.

Why Do You Need Health Insurance?

As you can see, a health insurance policy is a financial safety net that secures your family and you during medical emergencies. Your health insurance coverage extends to various specialities and treatments, providing you with comprehensive protection for various healthcare needs.

With a Tata AIG health insurance plan, you can ensure comprehensive coverage for all your family members and also avail of preventive health care check-ups under your policy. Moreover, if you are seeking a policy that falls within your budget, we enable you to compare health insurance plans so that you can pay the premiums you can afford for the coverage you need!


Annual healthcare check-ups are vital in health insurance. You can maintain and monitor your overall health and well-being with these routine examinations. And in case you are diagnosed with any health condition, you can plan and receive timely and appropriate medical treatment, which your health insurance policy can cover.

Disclaimer / TnC

Your policy is subjected to terms and conditions & inclusions and exclusions mentioned in your policy wording. Please go through the documents carefully.

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