Colon Cancer Insurance
Colon Cancer Insurance
Cancer is a diagnosis no one wants to hear. This is especially true for those types of cancer that are more difficult to treat than others. If a person has cancer in a place that can be operated on and removed completely, their chances of making a recovery are much better. However, removing the organ as a whole becomes very difficult in some cancers, like colon cancer, especially if cancer spreads and also forms into rectal cancer. Thus, colorectal cancer treatment is not easy, and many steps are involved before a person may or may not be able to think about remission.
And before a person can think about remission when it comes to colon cancer, they first need to consider the treatment process and the associated cost. As mentioned, colon cancer treatment can be a long process that can drain a person financially. However, this in no way must mean that a person does not get a chance to get cured. All a person needs to be able to get the treatment they require is a good health insurance plan. Medical insurance covering colon cancer can help you get the best treatment while not worrying about depleting your savings. All you then need to do is find the right health insurance plan for yourself.
If you are looking for colon cancer insurance coverage you can count on, and where your needs will always come first, you need not look beyond Tata AIG’s health insurance. Our comprehensive and cost-effective plans ensure you get the best plans without breaking the bank. You can also customise your plans per your requirements and create a plan that is the right fit for you. What's more, when you buy plans from us, you save a lot of money while getting health insurance tax benefits. So when you think of colon cancer insurance, always think of Tata AIG.
Now that we know more about health insurance for colon cancer let us get to know more about colon and rectal cancer and what it means to have the disease.
What is Colon Cancer?
The large intestine is where colon cancer manifests itself. The digestive system ends with the colon. People of any age can develop Colon cancer, but the tendency is higher in older people. Small, non-malignant cell clusters called polyps commonly grow on the interior of the colon as the first signs of the condition. Several of these polyps may eventually develop into colon cancer. Small polyps might exhibit minimal symptoms. Routine screenings, therefore, can help people protect themselves against colon cancer. Early screenings and tests can locate polyps before they develop into cancer, and treatment can eliminate them
What is Colorectal Cancer?
Colon cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the colon, whereas rectal cancer starts in the rectum. Colorectal cancer is a term used to describe cancers that involve any of these organs. While not always the case, the bulk of colorectal malignancies typically starts as adenomatous polyps and progresses over time. After a sequence of mutations occurs in their cell DNA, polyps might change and become cancer. Usually, when found in the earlier stages, these polyps can be removed, making the cancer easier to treat. However, as the case progresses, colorectal cancer treatment becomes more difficult.
Types of Colon Cancer? Types of Colon Cancer?
The fact that there are various types of colon cancer may surprise you. Numerous cell types can develop into cancer, and certain types of cells in various regions of the digestive system can result in colon cancer. Adenocarcinomas are the precursors to the most prevalent type of colon cancer. Adenocarcinomas can develop in the colon or rectum's mucus-producing cells.
With this in mind, let us look at some of the most common types of colon cancer.
Adenocarcinoma- Adenocarcinoma makes up the majority of cases of colon cancer. This malignancy affects the lining of the colon's internal surface.
Carcinoid Tumours- Hormone-producing particles in the bowels are the origin of carcinoid tumours.
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours- Although they are uncommon in the colon, gastrointestinal stromal tumours are a form of soft tissue cancer that can develop anywhere in the digestive system. These tumours may also be different sarcoma subtypes with vascular or connective tissue origins in the colon.
Lymphoma-Malignancy of your immunity system is called lymphoma. Although it can begin in the colon, the lymph nodes are where it usually begins.
Colon Cancer Stages
It is very important for a doctor to understand the stage of cancer their patient is suffering from. This is primarily because the mode of treatment changes drastically with the stage in which the cancer is diagnosed. If the cancer is caught in the early stages, a person has more chances of fully recovering after a certain amount of treatment or surgery. However, if the cancer is caught in the later stages, all the doctor can do is make the patient comfortable.
Stage 0: In stage 0 lesions, sometimes referred to as carcinoma in situ, the cancer is still contained to the rectum or colon wall. Polyps are not cancerous because they remain in the pre-cancerous phase. In light of this, treatment may only involve the excision of the polyp, either through polypectomy during colonoscopy or through surgical intervention if the polyp is too big.
Stage I: In this stage, colorectal tumours have penetrated the intestine's lining but have not migrated to the muscle surrounding it or to nearby lymph nodes. The first stage of colon cancer is typically treated with colon removal alone, which involves removing the cancerous portion of the colon and any nearby lymph nodes.
Stage II- Stage II is broken down into three more manageable components. Stage IIA sees cancer penetrate the colon wall. In stage IIB, the large intestine's epithelial layers have been invaded by colorectal cancer. The malignancy has even invaded nearby tissue at stage IIC. Nevertheless, cancer has still not spread to the lymphatic system in any stage II polyps. While chemotherapy may be administered after surgery, a surgical removal (ectomy) is typically the only colorectal cancer treatment at this stage.
Stage III- Stage III: Because the illness has reached the lymph nodes, stage III is regarded as an aggressive phase of cancer. Stage III has three lesser stages once more. Cancer that has progressed to between one and three lymphatic vessels or an extremely premature lesion in the wall of the colon that has expanded to between four and six lymphatic vessels is indicative of stage IIIA. Additional lymph nodes are damaged, or a more severe lesion exists in the colon's wall. In this stage, cancer also affects other abdominal organs.
- Stage IV: People with stage IV colon cancer have the disease that has progressed to other major organs like the liver, kidneys, or ovaries. There are three levels inside this stage as well. Cancer that has advanced to another organ and lymph glands that are distant from the colon are characteristics of stage IVA. Stage IVB refers to the spread of cancer to additional lymph nodes and/or distant organs. The tissues of the stomach have also been affected by stage IVC cancer, in addition to the distant areas of the body and lymph nodes. When cancer has progressed to this point, surgery is typically performed to relieve or minimise symptoms rather than opting for colon cancer treatment.
Causes of Colon Cancer
To maintain the body's health and appropriate operation, every body's components typically develop, divide, and eventually die out. This procedure occasionally gets out of hand. Even when they should be dying, cells continue to grow and divide. Colorectal cancer may eventually manifest when the cell walls of the colon and rectum proliferate unchecked. A tumour is created as the cells congregate. Over time, cancer cells may spread and destroy neighbouring healthy tissue. Additionally, malignant cells might go to other body regions and deposit themselves there (metastasis).
Thankfully, the majority of colorectal malignancies start as little precancerous polyps. Most of the time, these polyps develop slowly and may not show indications until they are big or malignant. This allows early diagnosis and excision of pre-cancerous tumours before they turn malignant.
While these are the things that research tells us about, there are several things about colon cancer that we do not know. The real reason behind cancer and its causes is unknown, even though doctors research this frequently. However, what we do know is that there are a few risk factors that may give rise to colon cancer. Knowing these risk factors can help you as you will know if you need to be conscious of colon cancer or may even need screening. If you have multiple risk factors, it may be helpful to go speak to your doctor at once.
- Age. Although colon cancer can be seen in people of any age, most cases occur in adults over 50. Doctors are unsure of the reason behind colon cancer incidence in those under 50 has been rising.
- History. You are more likely to get colon cancer if you have had noncancerous colon tumours or colorectal cancer earlier.
- Gastro-Inflammation- Colon cancer incidence can be increased by chronic inflammatory colon illnesses like Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.
- Heredity- If you have a close family member who has had colon cancer, you are more likely to get it yourself. If multiple family members are affected by colon cancer, your chances of contracting the disease increase.
- Inherited Illnesses- Inherited disorders raise the risk of colon cancer. Your chances of colon cancer can greatly increase if you have certain gene mutations passed down through your family.
- Diet. Some diets rich in cholesterol and carbohydrates and poor in fibre may be linked to colon and rectal cancer. According to several studies, people who consume diets heavy in packaged and red meat are at an elevated risk of developing colon cancer.
- Inactivity. People with a sedentary lifestyle are more prone to developing Colon cancer.
- Alcohol. Colon cancer incidence is increased by heavy alcohol usage.
- Diabetes. Colon cancer risk is higher in diabetic people.
- Obesity. When equated to persons who are regarded to be of normal weight, obese people have a higher risk of developing colon cancer and a higher risk of dying from the disease.
- Radiation. The possibility of colon cancer is increased by radiation therapy administered to the abdominal area to treat prior cancers.
- Smoking. Smokers may be more likely to develop colon cancer.
A person should clearly remember that having a few risk factors does not mean you will have the disease. What it does mean is that you need to be a little more careful where your health is concerned, and you are more prone to the disease. If you have several of these risk factors, you should speak to a doctor as soon as possible.
Symptoms of Colon Cancer
If a person can identify the symptoms of a disease they are suffering from, it can often help them get help in time. Since the symptoms of many diseases often clash, especially concerning stomach diseases, it may be difficult for a person to recognise what disease they are suffering from. But if you know what to look out for, you can go to the doctor and tell them exactly what is happening to you and what you think is wrong with you, helping them make a proper diagnosis.
The symptoms of colon cancer you need to be aware of are given below.
- A sudden and significant change in your bowel patterns.
- Blood in your stool.
- Increasing pain and tenderness in your stomach.
- Trouble digesting food.
- Bloating.
- Constipation.
- A prolonged feeling of fullness in your stomach.
- Extreme tiredness.
- Sudden weight loss.
- Anaemia.
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
If you notice these symptoms in yourself or your loved ones, you should get help immediately. Ask for a colon cancer screening test just to be sure that you are not in any danger.
Colon Cancer Diagnosis
Around the age of 45, doctors advise persons with a risk of colon cancer to think about getting screened. However, those at higher risk, like those with a familial history of colorectal cancer, must consider screening earlier. There are numerous screening options, each with advantages and disadvantages. After discussing your choices with your doctor, you can select which tests are right for you.
Your doctor may prescribe the following diagnosis options for you.
- Faecal Immunochemical Test- This test searches for bleeding in the faeces that cannot be physically seen. The stool can be collected in tubes and tested at home. A lab will examine the collected stool to see if any blood is present.
- gFOBT-The guaiac-based faecal occult blood test, like the FIT test, looks for undetected bleeding in the stool. This test also requires the collection of a sample (stool) at home, which is then taken to a lab. A chemical process is performed in this test to check for any undetected blood. But remember that the gFOBT cannot determine the location of the blood's origin.
- Faecal DNA Test- The faecal DNA test finds blood components and genetic alterations in the stool. Every cell in the body has genetic material known as DNA, such as the cell wall of the colon. Every day, healthy colon particles and the genetic code they contain are passed into the faeces. Abnormalities arise in the cell's genetic makeup when a big polyp or colon cancer grows, which can be found through this test.
- Colonoscopy- A colonoscopy is the best test for detecting colon or rectal cancer. A doctor performs a colonoscopy as an outpatient treatment to inspect the rectum and the whole colon using a lengthy, pliable tube. Polyps can be excised and examined for malignancy during the process.
- CT Colonoscopy- This technique, also called a CT colonoscopy or simulated colonoscopy, involves consuming a contrast material and pushing contrast and air inside the rectum before performing a CT scan of the stomach and pelvis. Anaesthesia is not a requirement for this test. The colon has to be wiped out before the inspection, just like a colonoscopy and chemical enema.
Colon Cancer Treatment
Your doctor may choose different paths with your colon cancer treatment or rectal cancer treatment. The paths they choose will depend heavily on the stage of cancer you have been diagnosed with and the severity of the symptoms you are facing. Knowing what your treatment choices are can help you feel a little at ease, as you will not be going in blind when starting your treatment.
Some colorectal cancer treatment alternatives your doctor may choose are given below.
Colostomy- If the colon cancer is detected in its early stages, it is possible to surgically remove malignant polyps. You should have a good prognosis if the polyp hasn't grown into the gut wall. Your surgeon might have to remove some of the lymph nodes close to the rectum or colon, even if your gut walls have been affected by cancer. The residual healthy section of the colon may be able to be reattached to the rectum by your surgeon. If this cannot be done, a colostomy may be done. To remove waste, an opening must be made in the abdominal wall. A colostomy can be either short-term or long-term.
Chemotherapy- Chemotherapy uses medication to eradicate cancer cells. Chemotherapy is frequently administered to colon cancer patients after surgery to eradicate any remaining malignant cells. The growth of cancers is also slowed down by chemotherapy.
Radiation Therapy- Your doctor may expose you to radiation therapy before and after surgery. In this process, rays comparable to that in X-rays identify and eliminate malignant cells. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are used together if surgery is not an option.
Immunotherapy- Sometimes, your doctor may inject you with a chemical that can boost your body's immunity system. What this does is that it allows your body to attack cancer from within and thus make it easier to treat.
Colon Cancer Prevention
Cancer is a disease people wish to keep at bay as far as possible. While there are no set ways in which a person may be able to keep the disease away, there are some precautions a person can take. These precautions include;
- A combination of fruits, vegetables, and healthy grains should be consumed. Nutrients, minerals, fibre, and antioxidants in fruits, vegetables, and healthy grains may help prevent cancer. Choose a selection of fruits and vegetables to acquire a wide range of vitamins and nutrients.
- If you do consume alcohol, use it in moderation— preferably, not more than a single drink for women and a couple for men per day.
- Give up smoking. Discuss quitting strategies that may be effective for you with your doctor.
- Try to work out regularly. Exercise for at least thirty minutes most weekdays. If you haven't exercised lately, start lightly and work up to 30 minutes. Additionally, before beginning any workout regimen, see your doctor.
- If you have a healthy weight, make an effort to keep it that way by incorporating regular exercise into your diet. Consult your physician for advice on healthy weight loss methods if you are required to shed some pounds.
Why Use Colon Cancer Insurance?
You may wonder why you need to buy colon cancer insurance and how it can help you. As we have already mentioned, treating cancer can be long and financially draining. Many people may not be able to afford treatment without health insurance for colon cancer. But having colon cancer insurance coverage makes treatment possible for all and gives more people the chance to fight the disease.
Some reasons why having a health insurance plan is a good idea are given below.
Cashless Hospitalisation: Access to cashless hospitalisation is among the main benefits of getting medical insurance. When you receive cashless hospitalisation, you won't need to stress about clearing hospital bills and awaiting reimbursement because the insurance carrier will take care of payments without you becoming involved.
Emergencies: It is impossible to predict when a person's condition will worsen and require immediate medical care. A person may also require hospitalisation in certain circumstances. It may be difficult to arrange for money in these circumstances. However, with a health insurance plan, individuals can concentrate on giving the patient the best care possible rather than on finances. It makes the process of getting treatment easier and more accessible.
Peace: Having a health insurance plan gives you the confidence that you are ready to handle any medical crisis. Any health issue that might arise won't be a concern for you as you will be ready to face and tackle any health condition.
Range- When you purchase medical insurance, you are covered for a wide range of illnesses rather than just one, like colon cancer. Regardless of your health, you know that you will be able to get yourself the best possible care wherever you are.
How to Purchase Tata AIG’s Health Insurance Plan
Tata AIG constantly tries to formulate ways in which processes will become easier for customers. Thus, you should not be surprised to hear that buying colon cancer insurance online and offline from Tata AIG is very simple. All you need to do is follow the steps below, and you will have your health insurance for colon cancer in no time.
**Online- To buy your policy online, you need to follow these given steps. **
- Go to Tata AIG’s website to find the right plan.
- Specify if you wish to buy the insurance for yourself, your children, your spouse or your parents.
- After deciding, you will have to click on ‘Get Plan’.
- At this point, you will be asked to fill in your information or the information of the person you are buying the insurance for.
- Now, you will be shown a few plans the algorithm thinks best suits your needs.
- You will now need to zero in on the sum insured.
- Now go through the plans offered to you to find the one you like best.
- After making a decision, click on ‘Buy Now’.
- Finally, you will receive a call from someone from the official team to ask if you require any assistance.
If everything goes well and the information provided by you pans out, you will receive your policy in a few minutes.
**Offline- To buy your plan offline; **
- Find an AIG office that you can go to and apply for insurance.
- Go to the office and approach the reception desk.
- State that you are in the office to purchase health insurance.
- An insurance officer will approach you to explain the different options you have.
- Once you have decided on the best option, ask for the application form.
- Fill in the application form accurately and attach the necessary documents.
- Submit your form and papers.
- Pay the fee.
This concludes your side of things. Now all you need to do is wait for the policy to reach you in a few days.
Required Documents to Buy Medical Insurance from Tata AIG
If you wish to purchase health insurance from Tata AIG the papers you need to submit include;
- Age proof.
- ID proof.
- Income proof.
- Residence proof.
- Recent photographs.
- Details about your health history.
Disclaimer / TnC
Your policy is subjected to terms and conditions & inclusions and exclusions mentioned in your policy wording. Please go through the documents carefully.
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