RJ-14 RTO Office Jaipur South
RJ-14 RTO Office Jaipur South
RJ-14 is which city RTO code? Many people ask this question. If you are also searching for an answer, then let us help you. RJ-14 is the code for RTO in Jaipur South in the state of Rajasthan. It performs many functions and offers multiple services to the city’s vehicle owners.
Jaipur South includes areas such as Bapu Nagar, Shankar Nagar, Malviya Nagar and Jawahar Nagar. Jaipur is the largest city in Rajasthan and is also highly populous. Therefore, the city has a huge movement of vehicles.
The RTO office in South Jaipur exists to assist vehicle owners with vehicle-related services. In this article, you will find information related to the RTO, including RJ-14 RTO address, phone number, services offered, functions performed, etc.
About Regional Transport Authority in Jaipur South?
The Regional Transport Authority or RTA is a government body which is formed under the Motor Vehicle Department. It is also called the Regional Transport Office or RTO and performs several duties and functions as specified in the Motor Vehicles Act.
The RTO ensures compliance with the provisions of the M.V. Act, looks after road safety and manages the transportation system within the city. It also maintains a record of all the vehicles and drivers in the city.
Drivers in Jaipur South require services such as RJ-14 RTO passing so they can legally drive in the city. Jaipur South has one RTO that provides many services to residents and vehicle owners. It also fulfils many other functions as a government organisation.
Details of RTO Office in Jaipur South
A driving licence, no-objection certificate and fitness certificate are some of the documents that a vehicle owner in South Jaipur must obtain from the RTO. For these purposes, one may have to visit the RTO and contact them to learn about RJ-14 passing or to receive any related information.
Following are the details of the South Jaipur RTO:
Parameter | Details |
RTO city name | Jaipur South |
RTO code | RJ-14 |
Address | Jaipur, Rajasthan, 302001 |
Office timings | 09:30 am to 06:30 pm |
Phone number | +91-44-26745959 |
Functions of RJ-14 RTO Office
Apart from issuing driving licences, the RTO in South Jaipur is responsible for many other functions. It performs these functions to fulfil the requirements of the Motor Vehicles Act.
Ensure Safety of the Environment
Ensuring the safety of the environment is a function that the RTO performs according to the provisions of the M.V. Act. The RTO lays down rules and regulations and ensures their enforcement to keep the environment safe. For instance, all vehicles must have a PUC certificate to keep their emissions under check.
Implement the Requirements of the M.V. Act
Another essential function of the South Jaipur RTO is to ensure the implementation of all the provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act, State Motor Vehicles and Central Motor Vehicles Rules in the city. It includes provisions related to the vehicles, traffic, environment, and so on.
Levy Road Tax and Collect Revenue
The Motor Vehicles Act imposes taxes on the vehicles, such as road tax, vehicle tax, etc. Vehicle owners pay these taxes to the RTO in South Jaipur. Therefore, the RTO performs an essential function of imposing and collecting these taxes on behalf of the government.
The RTO also collects fines and penalties from traffic violators on behalf of the government. The money collected in the form of taxes, penalties and fines assists in maintaining, improving and building new roads for vehicles.
Issue Badges for Public Services
The RTO issues badges to the individuals working in the public service vehicles. The badges are approved by the Commissioner and contain the name of the specific authority. This badge allows the holder to drive the public transport vehicle within the city.
Ensure Growth & Expansion of Road Transport
The RTO office in Jaipur South also implements various measures and issues licences and permits to the residents of the city. The licences and permits allow individuals to drive private and commercial vehicles within and outside the city, leading to the expansion of the transportation system.
Lay & Enforce Traffic Rules
The RTO is responsible for laying and enforcing the traffic rules as there are large numbers of vehicles moving within the city. The traffic rules and regulations ensure the safety of the motorists on the road.
The RTO in Jaipur South also conducts awareness programs to make motorists aware of the various rules. It also imposes fines and penalties for instances where a motorist does not follow the traffic rules. The RTO may also look into the causes of accidents and implement certain measures to reduce the incidents of accidents.
Look After Transport Operations
Ensuring smooth transportation operation is also a function of the RTO office in Jaipur South. It specifies the requirements of the vehicles that must be fulfilled to operate on the roads for everyone’s safety. For instance, the RTO requires all cars to meet specific safety standards to run on the streets.
Services Offered by RJ-14 RTO Code
While complying with the functions as per the M.V. Act, the RTO also offers multiple services to Jaipur South’s residents. These services help motorists fulfil their obligations and drive legally.
Vehicle Registration Services
Registering vehicles is the most popular service that an RTO offers. It maintains a database of all the vehicles in the city. All vehicle owners having a new or second-hand vehicle must register it with the RTO in the city.
The RTO issues a vehicle registration certificate or R.C., which contains crucial information about the vehicle. Two types of vehicle R.C. are issued by the RTO office in Jaipur South: temporary and permanent.
Temporary Registration Certificate
The RTO issues a temporary registration certificate to car dealers for new vehicles. It is valid for a maximum period of one month, after which one must apply for a permanent R.C.
Permanent Registration Certificate
All vehicle owners must have a permanent R.C. as per the provisions of the M.V. Act. Non-compliance with the rules of the Act attracts penalties. The RTO office in Jaipur South issues permanent R.C. to all vehicle owners upon application.
It is valid for 15 years from the date of issue, after which one must renew it. After renewal, it is valid for five years only.
Driving Licence Services
Issuing a driving licence is another famous service offered by the RTO. As per the rules of the M.V. Act, every driver must possess a valid driving licence to prove his ability to drive on the streets. In the absence of a driving licence, the driver is liable to pay a fine.
RJ-14 RTO issues four types of licences, enabling the drivers to drive different types of vehicles within and outside the city. The driving licence types include:
Learner’s licence
Permanent licence (D.L.)
Commercial driving licence
International Driving Licence Permit
Anyone who wants to apply for a driving licence must be at least 18 years of age (for geared vehicles). In the case of non-geared vehicles, one must be at least 16 years of age and the vehicle engine capacity must be less than 50 cc.
Under the driving licence category, the RTO offers the following services:
Issuing learner’s licence and permanent licence.
Conducting tests for permanent licence.
Offering renewal services for expired licence.
Issuance of duplicate licences in case the licence is lost, damaged or stolen.
Providing licence to driving schools and driving school instructors.
Conducting Vehicle Inspections
The RTO also conducts vehicle inspection to ensure there are no mechanical faults and that the vehicle is in good condition. Such inspection is required while issuing fitness certificates, PUC, or for giving clearance to accident vehicles before they operate on the road.
Issuing Permits to Vehicles
Commercial and passenger vehicles require permits from the RTO to operate within the state and outside. If the vehicles do not have a valid permit, they are liable to pay fines as per the M.V. Act. The RTO issues various permits, including the following.
National Permit
RJ-14 RTO issues national permits to those goods carrier vehicles that want to operate between different states. With a national permit, the goods vehicle can exit the state of Rajasthan or enter another state. A vehicle can obtain a permit from the RTO to enter four states.
Goods Carrier Permit
Goods carrier vehicles require this permit from the RTO if they want to run within the state to transport goods from one place to another.
Permit for Stage Carrier
The RTO office in Jaipur South provides permits to passenger buses that transport people from one place to another within the city.
All India Tourist Permit
Tourist buses are those which carry passengers within and outside the state for tourism purposes. The RTO issues them an All India Permit, allowing them to operate legally on the streets.
Issuing N.O.C.
An N.O.C. is also known as a no-objection certificate. It is a clearance given by the RTO when a vehicle owner decides to move to another state with his vehicle. A vehicle owner must submit an NOC from the RTO of the previous state to prove that all the taxes and dues against his vehicle are duly paid when registering the car in a new state.
Issuing Fitness Certificate
According to the regulations of the Motor Vehicles Act, every vehicle must have a fitness certificate to prove that it is fit and safe to run on the streets. The RTO issues a fitness certificate after inspecting the vehicle, giving it RJ-14 RTO passing.
The Necessity of Car Insurance Policy in Jaipur South
The M.V. Act aims to ensure the maximum safety of motorists on the road, for which it has mandated many requirements. One of the mandatory requirements is to have insurance for four-wheelers.
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An RTO holds a crucial place in a state’s transport system. It is a government body that looks after some of the most crucial aspects of a state’s transport operations, rules and regulations.
RJ-14 RTO is the RTO code for Jaipur South and it performs multiple functions to fulfil its duties according to the M.V. Act. It offers many services to the citizens, such as issuing DL, various certificates, permits, etc., that enable them to drive around the city rightfully.
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