Traffic Fines in Bihar

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Traffic Fines in Bihar

Traffic fines and penalties in Bihar are imposed by the traffic management authorities to enhance road safety and to make sure that everyone follows traffic regulations.

Traffic rule violations such as not wearing a seatbelt, not carrying car/bike insurance, overspeeding, etc., can attract heavy fines along with some other legal actions. It is crucial for every driver, as well as non-driver, to obey the traffic laws to avoid fines and maintain a higher level of road safety.

Let's discuss more about traffic fines in Bihar.

New RTO Rules in Bihar

Traffic rules and regulations in Bihar are revised after the introduction of the Motor Vehicles Act of 2019. Not only the fines have increased, but some new rules have also been added to the list. These include unnecessary honking, spitting tobacco on roads, no parking fines in Bihar, and so on.

New Four-Wheeler Traffic Rules in Bihar

No Drinking and Driving: Driving in an intoxicated state is a serious traffic offence in Bihar, which was declared a dry state in 2016. It can result in fines and imprisonment of up to 2 years. Thus, avoid driving after consuming alcohol or any other kind of intoxicating substance if you do not want to attract drink-and-drive fine in Bihar.

Avoid Parking in the "No Parking" Zone: Random parking leads to overcrowding and unnecessary traffic. To put an end to this, no parking fine in Bihar is introduced. Besides issuing fines of up to ₹500, your vehicle can also be towed by the traffic authorities if it is unattended.

Carry Necessary Documents: Not carrying important documents, such as a driver's licence, four-wheeler insurance, vehicle registration certificate, etc., is another traffic violation, which can result in heavy fines. For example, driving without a licence fine in Bihar can be as high as ₹2,000. Check out the list of other document-related traffic fines in Bihar below.

Blocking Path of Emergency Vehicles: If you are found blocking the way of emergency vehicles such as an ambulance or a fire fighting truck, you will be levied with fines of up to ₹10,000 and may also end up in prison depending on the seriousness of the situation.

No Overloading: Recently, traffic authorities of Bihar have introduced fines for overloading transport and non-transport vehicles. So, if you don't want to get penalised, avoid overloading your vehicle.

New Two-Wheeler Traffic Rules in Bihar

No Triple Riding: Triple riding can lead to life-threatening road accidents. This is the reason why it has been listed as a traffic violation all across the country, not just in Bihar. Only one pillion passenger per bike is allowed.

No Mobile Phones When Riding: An increasing number of road accidents are caused by the use of distracting devices like mobile phones when driving/riding. So, if you want to save yourself from traffic fines and have a safe riding experience, then avoid using mobile phones or any other hands-free devices at the time of riding.

No Unnecessary Honking: Honking is a major constituent of noise pollution. To curb this issue, traffic fines of up to ₹500 are levied on those who blow horns without any need.

Always Wear Helmet: Motorists who are found without a helmet are instantly issued challans by the traffic police in Bihar. It can even lead to the temporary seizure of the vehicle. Refer to the below list to check the fine for not wearing a helmet in Bihar.

Carry Necessary Documents: Similar to four-wheeler drivers, two-wheeler riders are also required to carry important documents, including a vehicle registration certificate, valid driving licence, two-wheeler third-party insurance, pollution under control (PUC) certificate, and so on. You can check the fines for not carrying these documents in the below list.

Updated Bihar Traffic Fines List

Traffic Violation  Fine for First Offence (in ₹) Fine for Subsequent Offences (in ₹)
Driving in the absence of valid driving licence ₹2,000 ₹2,000
Traffic offences by juvenile  ₹25,000 and/or imprisonment up to three years ₹25,000 and/or imprisonment up to three years
Absence of four/two wheeler insurance  ₹2,000 ₹4,000
Physically/mentally unfit driver ₹1,000 ₹2,000
Overspeeding  ₹1,000 - ₹2,000 ₹1,000 - ₹2,00
Not wearing helmet ₹1,000 ₹1,000
Not wearing seatbelt  ₹1,000 ₹1,000
No parking ₹500 ₹1,500
Violation of traffic lights  ₹5,000 ₹10,000
Triple riding ₹1,000 ₹1,000
Vehicle overloading ₹2,000 ₹2,000
Not obeying traffic authorities  ₹2,000 ₹2,000
Not having PUC, fitness certificate  ₹5,000 ₹10,000
Use of mobile phone when riding / driving  ₹5,000 ₹10,000
Giving vehicle to unauthorised driver ₹10,000 ₹10,000
Drinking and driving ₹10,000 ₹10,000
Honking unnecessarily  ₹500 ₹500
Blocking path of ambulance and other emergency vehicles  ₹10,000 ₹10,000
Speed trials/racing ₹5,000 ₹10,000

Imposing E-Challan in Bihar

A few years back, traffic fines were imposed manually in the form of paper-based challans by the traffic authorities in Bihar. But today, the fines are issued automatically in the form of e-challans.

These are digital challans that are issued via email or SMS to traffic violators who are identified using CCTV cameras installed on the public roads and highways of Bihar.

These e-challans outline the complete details of the traffic violation along with the payable fine. It also specifies the deadline within which the fine must be paid by the violators.

Note that an e-challan must be paid within 60 days of its issuance; otherwise, it will incur late payment penalties.

How to Pay Traffic Fines in Bihar?

Online Method: Using the Parivahan Portal**

Step 1: First and foremost, open the Parivahan website on your mobile or desktop.

Step 2: Select "Online Services" and then "eChallan" from the menu located at the top of your screen.

Step 3: Enter your unique eChallan ID, along with other requested information. If you don't remember your challan number, you can use your DL number instead.

Step 4: Fill up the verification code and click "Get Details."

Step 5: Select the challan you want to make a payment for.

Step 6: Pay the traffic fine using your desired payment method and download the receipt for future reference.

Paying E-Challan Through Offline Mode

E-challan fines can also be paid offline by visiting the RTO or a nearby traffic police station. To do this, visit either of the above-mentioned locations with your e-challan and documents, such as your DL, Adhaar Card, etc. and make the fine payment in cash or via any digital payment method of your choice.

If you are issued a challan on the road, then you can make the payment in cash on the spot.

Importance of Having Valid Motor Insurance for Adhering to Traffic Rules in Bihar

As you can see in the above traffic fine list, not having insurance can result in fines as high as ₹4,000.

But this is not the only reason to purchase an insurance policy for your bike or car. The right insurance offers much more than helping you adhere to the legal regulations.

For starters, a valid car or bike insurance plan helps you deal with the aftermath of road tragedies, such as repairs, replacement and other resulting expenses, in a hassle-free manner.

Further, four-wheeler or two-wheeler third-party insurance also helps you deal with the legal consequences of third-party damages and losses.

These are the reasons why having motor insurance is crucial for every vehicle owner.

So, don't waste any more time and purchase a suitable insurance policy from Tata AIG today.

Already have an insurance plan but looking for car or bike insurance renewal? Check out four / two wheeler insurance renewal online on our website!

Disclaimer / TnC

Your policy is subjected to terms and conditions & inclusions and exclusions mentioned in your policy wording. Please go through the documents carefully.

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Are traffic fines in Bihar higher than in other states?

Are traffic fines in Bihar higher than in other states?


The central government decides the traffic fines in Bihar on the basis of the Motor Vehicles Act. While the fines for specific traffic violations can vary, they follow the same structure all across the country. In short, there is not much difference in the traffic fines of fines in Bihar and other states.

What is the late payment fine for not paying e-challans on time?


The late payment charges for e-challans vary depending on the type and seriousness of the traffic offence you have committed. You can check with the e challan helpline for accurate information.

Is it true that not carrying insurance and other legal documents can result in the capture of my vehicle?


Yes, if you are caught multiple times without the same document, the traffic authorities might capture your vehicle and even your driving licence.
