Traffic Fines in Chandigarh

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Traffic Fines in Chandigarh

Located at the foothills of the Shivalik ranges of the Himalayas, Chandigarh is an absolute heaven for its residents and a perfect getaway for tourists. Chandigarh is also known as “the city beautiful.” The city is the joint capital of sister states Punjab and Haryana; this makes its culture unique with the amalgamation of both of the state’s cultures.

Chandigarh is also known for having beautiful tourist attractions like the Sukhna Lake, Rock garden, and lush greenery. But these are not the only attractions of Chandigarh; the city is also known for being the first architectural wonder of the country. Planned by Swiss-French architect Le Corbusier, the city has beautiful architecture, and just like everything, the roads of the city are planned well, too.

The roads of Chandigarh are comprehensive and perfect for smooth driving, but it’s the proper implementation of traffic rules in Chandigarh that makes travelling on the city roads safe. The RTO department of the city is strict about maintaining traffic rules and road safety and imposes necessary traffic fines in Chandigarh on the violators, about which you’ll know here.

New Traffic Rules in Chandigarh

With the changing times and rise in the number of vehicles in the city, the Chandigarh traffic police department has taken the initiative to renew the RTO rules in Chandigarh.

These renewed traffic rules will encourage people to stay safe on roads, and imposing heavy fines like without licence fines in Chandigarh will discourage violators from breaking traffic rules. So, let’s have a look at the new traffic rules in Chandigarh.

New Four-Wheeler Traffic Rules in Chandigarh

Every vehicle has its own set of rules and regulations to follow; here are the traffic rules made for four-wheelers running on Chandigarh roads.

Secure Seatbelts: Every four-wheeler driver must wear seat belts while driving the vehicle. Even the passengers, whether they are sitting at the front with the driver or in the backseats, need to wear seatbelts in a moving vehicle. If you fail to follow this rule, heavy penalties will be imposed on you.

Drive with Driving Licence: If you are driving a car or any other four-wheeler vehicle, it is understandable that you must have a driving licence. However, carrying proof of your driving skill, aka your driving licence, is crucial. If you do not carry your driving licence while driving, you will be imposed with a heavy without licence fine in Chandigarh.

Drive Under Speed Limit: The roads of Chandigarh are smooth and give a great driving experience. But you can only have safe driving when you drive within the set speed limits for your four-wheeler type. The Chandigarh RTO considers over-speeding an offence; thus, it is advised to drive at the speed limit.

Phones are Prohibited: It is common knowledge that one should not use mobile phones while driving. However, several cases of accidents have been seen because of this negligence; Chandigarh RTO has made new rules for such offences and takes strict actions against people who use phones while driving a car or any four-wheeler.

No Drink and Drive: The drink and drive fine in Chandigarh is relatively high, and in some cases, the offender can also be punished severely. All this is done to make people aware that driving under the influence of any intoxicating substance like drugs or alcohol is a punishable offence.

Use Indicators: Every four-wheeler has indicators in them. Using them while making U-turns, merging in traffic, changing lanes, etc., is essential to notify other drivers of your actions. If you do not use these indicators or drive a vehicle without working indicators, penalties will be levied on you.

New Two-Wheeler Traffic Rules in Chandigarh

Two-wheelers and four-wheelers are both different from one another; thus, for regulating the two-wheeler vehicle offences, the Chandigarh RTO has created these traffic rules:

Always Wear Helmet: Two-wheeler vehicles do not have protective gears like airbags or seat belts. That is why, to protect yourself and the passengers sitting behind you on the bike, you should wear quality helmets. If you fail to follow this traffic safety rule, then the RTO officer will levy you with a fine for not wearing a helmet in Chandigarh.

Over-speeding in Two Wheeler: Similar to four-wheelers, there is a set speed limit for two-wheelers too. Driving above that speed limit can cause road accidents and sometimes fatalities, too. Thus, you must drive within the driving limit wearing a helmet on the two-wheeler.

Do not Overload: Two-wheeler vehicles are made for two riders only (including the driver). Driving a bike with more than two riders sitting on it is not a punishable offence but can also lead to accidents. Overloading is one of the central reasons for two-wheeler accidents. Thus, to control this RTO, Chandigarh made this rule.

Do not Use Phone: Using a phone while driving a two-wheeler can distract you while driving, resulting in accidents. Thus, it is advisable to keep your phone on silent/vibration while driving, and if you have an emergency, you can stop and then talk. Failing to follow this rule can lead to penalties.

Carry Your Documents: Always carry your important documents like driving licence, registration documents, and bike insurance papers with you. RTO officers can demand you to show your documents at any checkpoint.

Traffic Fines in Chandigarh: Updated List

Breaking traffic rules is a punishable offence, and each type of offence has its set penalty amount. Here is the updated Chandigarh traffic fines list:

" "
Traffic Violations Penalty Amount (in ₹)
Driving/Riding Without Valid Driving Licence ₹5000 
Over speedingLMV- First-time offence: ₹1000 Second-time offence: ₹2000 HPV- First-time offence: ₹2000 Second-time offence: ₹4000
Driving/Riding Under the Influence of an Intoxicating Substance ₹10000 and 6 months of imprisonment
Smoking While Driving  First-time offence: ₹500 Second-time offence: ₹1000
Driving Without a Seat Belt ₹1000
Speeding and Racing First-time offence: ₹5000 Second-time offence: ₹10000
Driving/Riding Without Insurance First-time offence: ₹2000 Second-time offence: ₹4000
Violating Traffic Signal First-time offence: ₹500 Second-time offence: ₹1000
Driving/Riding While on Mobile First-time offence: ₹2000 Second-time offence: ₹10000
Driving/Riding Despite Disqualification ₹10000
Violating Road Safety Standards, i.e., Air and Noise Pollution First-time offence: ₹2000 Second-time offence: ₹5000
Riding Without Helmet (Rider and Pillion Rider) ₹1000
Not Clearing Paths for Emergency Vehicles like Ambulances, Fire Engines, etc. ₹10000
Overloading ₹20000
Over boarding Passengers ₹200(Per extra Passenger)
Allowing an Unauthorised Person to Drive ₹5000
Vehicles Without Permit ₹10000
Driving/Riding Without/Expired Registration Certificate Two-wheelers: First-time offence: ₹3000 Second-time offence: ₹5000 Other Vehicles: First-time offence: ₹5000 Second-time offence: ₹10000
Not Lowering HeadLight Beam Within City Road First-time offence: ₹500 Second-time offence: ₹1000
Refusing to Share Information Under Traffic Authority/Disobeying Orders First-time offence: ₹1000 Second-time offence: ₹1500
Supplying False Information First-time offence: ₹1500 Second-time offence: ₹2000
Driving/Riding Without/Expired Fitness Certificate First-time offence: ₹5000 Second-time offence: ₹10000
Parking in No Parking Fine in Chandigarh First-time offence: ₹500 Second-time offence: ₹1000
Triple Riding on Two-wheeler ₹1000
Violation of Mandatory Road Signs First-time offence: ₹500 Second-time offence: ₹1000
Using Horn Needlessly First-time offence: ₹1000 Second-time offence: ₹2000
Road Tax Not Paid First-time offence: ₹500 Second-time offence: ₹1000

Imposing E-Challan in Chandigarh

E-challan is a tremendous technological advancement that the Chandigarh Traffic Police Department adopted. Using the e-challan system, Chandigarh RTO can identify the traffic rules offenders quickly and issue challans immediately.
The e-challan system uses CCTV cameras to recognise any offenders, and based on the data present on the Chandigarh RTO portal, the traffic police can issue e-challan online.

After the e-challan is issued, the offender will get a notification message of their offence with its penalty amount. Using the e-challan number, the offender has to pay the penalty amount online on the Parivahan Sewa website.

This online system makes the issue and collection of e-challan fines much more straightforward for traffic police officers and offenders; it is a warning that they cannot escape from the law if they break any road safety rules.

How to Pay a Chandigarh Traffic Fine?

Now that you know how Chandigarh traffic police use e-challan to issue fines and penalties, let us know how you can pay your e-challan in Chandigarh. There are two ways to pay your e-challan in Chandigarh, these are online and offline. Let us know them in detail.

Online Method: Using Parivahan Sewa Portal

Here are the steps to follow to pay your e-challan via the Parivahan portal.

Step 1: Visit the official website of Parivahan Sewa.

Step 2: At the homepage, hover over the “Online Services” option. Then select the “E Challan” option.

Step 3: Once selected, a page will appear where you will be asked to fill in your Username and Password. Instead of selecting that, click on the “Get Challan Details” link given below.

Step 4: On the page displayed, enter your challan details, vehicle number or DL details. Then hit “Get Details”.

Step 5: Here, you will be redirected to the page displaying all your violation and challan details.

Step 6: Select the challan you want to make payment for and click “Pay”.

Step 7: Now select your payment mode and make the payment.

Step 8: Once payment is made, download the receipt of payment for future reference.

Online Method: Using Paytm

Another way to pay your e-challans in Chandigarh online is through Paytm; let us see the steps for it.

Step 1: Go to the Paytm application on your mobile phone.

Step 2: Now go to the “More” option and search for the “Challan” option.

Step 3: From here, you need to select your city’s traffic authority.

Step 4: Now, you need to fill in your details like challan number, driving licence and RC details.

Step 5: After filling in your details, click on “Proceed”. Now select the challan you want to make payment for.

Step 6: Check the challan amount and make payment.

Offline Payment Method for E-Challan Payment in Chandigarh

If, for any reason, you are unable to pay your e-challan online, then here are the offline methods to do so:

Visit Chandigarh Traffic Police Headquarters: You can visit the Chandigarh Traffic Police Headquarters, get your challan details and make payment there only.

Contact the RTO Officer with an E-Challan Machine: You can also get in touch with the on-duty traffic police officers at any checkpoints who have an e-challan machine with them. Check your challan details with them, make payments and collect receipts.

Send Cheque or Money Order: Another way to make an e-challan payment is by posting the penalty amount through a check or money order at the Chandigarh Traffic Police Headquarters address.

Importance of Having Valid Motor Insurance for Adhering to RTO Rules in Chandigarh

As mentioned earlier, driving on Chandigarh roads is a delight for any car or bike owner; however, what is more important is driving carefully and adhering to all the traffic rules. Chandigarh traffic police are pretty strict about following all the essential rules, like driving in the limit, wearing a helmet/seatbelt, and, most importantly, carrying all your documents.

You must have all the valid documents like a driving licence, registration document and insurance for bike/car documents with you while driving. Especially valid insurance car/bike insurance papers; without valid insurance, you might get penalised or worse you might not make any claim in case of damages, road accidents or fatalities.

That is why you must do four/ two wheeler insurance renewal online every year. However, suppose that’s too much effort, or you forget to do so. In that case, you can also buy long-term insurance like our Tata AIG long term two wheeler insurance that has features like insurance loss or damage by theft, riot, strike and liability to third parties.

Thus, it is recommended that you buy a comprehensive insurance policy that covers your damages and protects your interest in case of any mishappening.

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Your policy is subjected to terms and conditions & inclusions and exclusions mentioned in your policy wording. Please go through the documents carefully.

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